In a small town inn at the foot of the mountain.

There are noisy people inside, merchants, high-rollers, hunters and all kinds of people, Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling sit in a quieter corner, both of them are beautiful, one is delicate and lovely, the other is cold and colorful, but it is quite eye-catching.

“Sister Mu, when do you think Brother Fang Qin will come here?” Did he really become a god? Now the rivers and lakes are spreading it, hee-hee, Brother Fang Qin is so powerful

Sister Rong’er didn’t know what was going on, she hadn’t seen them for a long time, and I missed them so much. ”

After speaking softly for half a day, I didn’t see Mu Wanqing respond, and when I looked up, I found that she was in a bit of a daze, not listening at all, bulging her mouth, and calling her again and again.

Mu Wanqing was a little confused, she was thinking about things, she heard Zhong Ling call several times before she came back to her senses, her face was complicated and she said softly: “I don’t know…”

For Fang Qin, she liked it very much, he saved his innocence, that is, saved his own life, and since then he has had feelings.

It’s just that Fang Qin already has Huang Rong by her side, and she has never known how to be good.

It was not until later that he heard that he was leaving, that he made up his mind, removed the veil in front of him, and let him be the first man to see his face, which meant that he had to do it in this life.

After he left, he could not see him, and the feelings became more and more intense, so he had been paying attention to his news, and whenever news came, it could make her happy for a long time.

Inside are all praise for his martial arts, overpowering the world, breaking the three major Shaolin formations, discussing martial arts with Wudang Zhang Zhenren, and various deeds have made his reputation continue to rise.

Until the peak of the light, the momentum reached its peak, and the world no longer regarded him as a mortal, but a heavenly immortal.

Now she can be described as extremely confused, hearing others revere Fang Qin as an immortal, she is both happy and wandering, if he is an immortal, will he still be able to look at himself? Is he worthy of him?

In this way, some of them were not in a daze, and when they heard her father say that he would visit Wudang and Shaolin, she came out of her ghost.

Although Zhong Ling was young, he still knew something, and he knew that his sister Mu also liked Fang Qin’s brother and wanted to be his wife, but when he saw that she looked a little bad and was depressed.

Grabbing Mu Wanqing’s tender jade hand, he comforted: “Sister Mu, I know, you must be very eager to see Brother Fang Qin, right, let’s wait here for a while and he will come, then won’t it be good for my sister to talk to him?” ”

“Well… I. Mu Wanqing blushed at her and hung down, not looking at her.

Zhong Ling saw this usually quite majestic sister, now a shy look, only to feel very interesting.

As he was talking, he heard a discussion nearby, which attracted attention.

“Eh, Xu Zhangcheng, how have you felt a lot more lately, there weren’t many people in the past.”

A local hunter ordered some drinks, saw people coming, and some of the innkeepers asked.

The treasurer’s surname Xu was a middle-aged man, full of red light: “Haha, I don’t know much about this, the gods are mysterious and secretive, and I don’t dare to inquire, just do my duty.” ”

The hunter took a sip of wine, sighed comfortably, saw him with a smile, and couldn’t help but say: “Sigh, there are many people, Xu has made a lot of money during this time.” ”

“Haha, it’s okay to be okay, barely living a life.”

As soon as the hunter heard it, he knew that this man must have made a lot of money, and some enviously said:

“Hey, you said you old fellow, how can you be so lucky, such a good location stall for you to go.”

That Liu Qing did not know what to think, the family property left to him by the hardships of his ancestors was enough for him to enjoy the blessings behind him, he was good, and he sold it when he changed hands, sigh! ”

Some hatred in his mouth is not made of steel, he is also a neighbor nearby, he has seen Liu Qing grow up from childhood, and he can’t help but nag a few words when he sees him so defeated.

That Xu treasurer listened to some pride, during this time the number of people suddenly increased, he made a lot of money, naturally for his own decision to be somewhat self-satisfied.

Suddenly remembering something, he also blurted out: “I don’t know, but it seems to be related to strange things some time ago.” You know, that’s very evil.

Yes! Of course, this kind of thing has long gone, you see I am not good now, nothing at all. ”

Speaking of strange things, he slammed down, coughed a few times, and skipped it out, as if something taboo and strange was also afraid of causing the guests to worry.

“….. Also! ”

The hunter seemed to think of something, his face changed slightly, he took a sip of wine, did not speak, and left in a hurry.

The nearby guests who could hear them were all a little curious, and several of them looked up.

Xu was a little embarrassed, wiped off the table, and was about to return to the front counter.

Zhong Ling, who was beside him, felt a little interesting, so he asked in a soft voice, “Treasurer, what did you just say?” Can you tell us about it? ”

“Ah, girl, no, nothing.” The treasurer seems to have some taboos and wants not to talk about this kind of thing,

As a result, I saw this rather noble little girl take out a small gold leaf directly from her sleeve, and her eyes immediately straightened out, and she was a little short of breath.

“Well, if I sound interesting, this thing will be for you.” Zhong Ling shook the golden leaf in his hand and giggled.

“Cough, ah, if the girl wants to listen, then I’ll just say it, and it’s not a big deal.”

Xu Zhangcheng’s eyes were a little greedy, and he was excited that if this golden leaf was obtained, he would top his income for a while, and it would be worth losing some customers.

Mu Wanqing looked at Zhong Ling with some disgust, and Zhong Ling spat out his tongue, and then he was curious: “What is the matter, let’s talk about it quickly.” ”

The people in the vicinity were a little hot-eyed, but seeing that these two girls were dressed quite expensively, they were afraid that they were not ordinary people, and no one dared to come forward to disturb them, and they were also quite curious about what Xu said to the treasurer.

“Yes, about a while ago, the treasurer here was not me, it was a young man Liu Qing who was the treasurer at that time.”

One day, a strange pair of guests came…”

“What strange guest?” Zhong Ling said curiously, and Mu Wanqing pulled her wrist to signal her to be quiet for a while.

“It was a pair of gods and immortals who were like a couple, the male handsome, the female handsome, all of them looked good, and at that time, the people present were a little dumbfounded, only thinking that the heavenly gods and immortals could not succeed in everything and were born so good-looking.”

As soon as these words came out, the voice of the whole inn seemed to suddenly become much quieter. _

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