“Miss, is that Fang Immortal just going to preach here?” Immortal, he’s so powerful. ”

Abi followed Wang Yuyan and couldn’t help but think of that handsome and extraordinary figure.

“Well, he’s a god, and he’s naturally very powerful.” Wang Yuyan was a little absent-minded, not thinking that the man he had seen in the Langya Jade Cave before had such a great magical ability.

At that time, she was confused by the other party for an instant, and afterwards she was angry for a while, and she wanted to treat him as an opponent, and wanted to beat him in martial arts.

After practicing diligently for a while, she wanted to find him to try again, but the result was that the bright top thing, the magnificent fire made her thoughts disappear, leaving only a shocking heart.

The rumors of this man are circulating in the world behind, as if they were gods! Naturally, she often heard about it, and her heart was quite complicated.

Arjun saw the appearance of the young lady more delicately, and roughly knew some of the thoughts of his own lady.

I couldn’t help but say, “Miss, do you think the immortals will like you?” ”

“Huh!? Ah, Arjun, what are you talking about! He was a god, how could he like a mortal woman like me. Wang Yuyan suddenly heard this sentence, and his face turned red and he retorted with some panic.

Somehow, however, there was no reason to feel a burst of joy at hearing this.

“How is it impossible, the young lady looks as good as the fairy in the sky, and the girls around the immortals are not spared, let alone let it be,

And didn’t the immortals also teach you a lot of martial arts, indicating that they also like the young lady. ”

Abi, who was on the side, listened to these men and women, and some of them blushed and did not dare to speak, and they were a little shy, but they couldn’t help but prick up their ears to listen.

“You, you don’t have to say it, let people hear jokes, I don’t deserve him.”

Wang Yuyan was a little shy, and she couldn’t stay any longer, so she picked up the light work, and her body moved faster and farther forward, and she fled as if she were leaving, disappearing into the forest.

“Eh? Miss! Miss! Wait for us ~ Sister Aju, let’s keep up with it quickly. Abi was a little anxious to see this, and said hurriedly.

“Mm-hmm, let’s keep up.” Arjun didn’t expect his lady to be so shy, and he was a little certain in his heart, but now he didn’t have time to think about it, so he hurried to keep up.

Wang Yuyan’s body moved like a fairy, but after walking for a short while, her mood gradually became less shy, her mood was stable, and she simply stopped.

Seeing that Aju Abi did not follow behind, he quickly tried to retreat.

“Little girl, where did you learn this [Ling Bo Microstep]?”

Suddenly, a soft and delicate voice sounded, Wang Yuyan was taken aback, and immediately became alert, knowing that her martial arts talent was high, and her skill at a young age was already not much worse than the top.

As a result, I don’t know who this person actually found out quietly, and her own skill for not being weak actually asked her to speak out herself, then doesn’t that mean that if the other party thinks, she will have to worry about her life.

Looking back at the sound that came from the sound, there was a twinkle in his eye, only to see in front of him was a beautiful girl of about two or eight years old, dressed in white and snow, her face seemed to have some childish color, standing at the edge of the edge, with a mighty awe, looking in the direction of the peak of the Zhongnan Mountain.

“I don’t know if you are…” Wang Yuyan saw this good-looking young man and gently gave a salute, and some of them asked unsurely.

The beautiful little girl seemed to have just looked back, and when she saw Wang Yuyan’s appearance, her eyes widened slightly, and she was a little puzzled, and then she looked at it again and revealed a smile:

“Are you Li Qiushui’s daughter?” Granddaughter? ”

Wang Yuyan was a little surprised and was trying to speak, when Aju Abi had already run over behind him.

“Miss, are you all right…”

“Miss, you’re running so fast, we can’t catch up, oh, she’s….”

Both of them found the woman standing in front of them, and they couldn’t help but shake their heads, secretly saying that the beautiful girl was not half a point worse than the missus, and even some of the imposing temperament was more attractive.

“No wonder you will take this Ling Bo micro-step, Li Qiushui how she is.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Li Qiushui, I don’t know this person, as for the light skill you are talking about, it is a… A place of admiration for the world. ”

Wang Yuyan bit her lip and said that she could roughly know that she was definitely not the opponent of the other party, and she couldn’t help but be a little discouraged, before she thought that her talent was good, but she could always meet someone who was younger than her.

“The people of the world admire…” The woman muttered a little.

“Hum, naturally, the other party is the rumored immortal, and it is the immortal who gave this light skill to our young lady.”

Arjun saw that something was wrong, and feared that the other party had evil intentions, so he hurriedly took out the immortal.

And this trick is really useful,

The beautiful woman listened to it in a bit of a trance, and the extremely annoying figure seemed to appear in front of her eyes, and she looked back at the peak of the Zhongnan Mountain, and couldn’t help but say, “You know how many things you know about him. ”


Three days later.

Fang Qin and Xiaolongnü and the others had actually returned to the ancient tomb of Zhongnan Mountain long ago, but the news had just come out not long ago, there was no need to rush for a while, and now it seemed that the timing was almost the same.

“Fang Lang ~” Xiaolongnü carefully sorted out this dress for Fang Qin, looking at Fang Qin’s gaze is also adored and admired, and her husband is a recognized immortal for the world.

Naturally, she was also happy for Fang Qin.

Huang Rong and Xiao Zhao on the side also looked at each other with affection and admiration.

Since this period of time, they had made remarkable progress with the help of Fang Qin, and the cultivation of the Nine Yin Ming Jade Gong had become quite proficient and profound, and Fang Qin’s newly deduced upgraded version of the Nine Yin True Scriptures had also been given to them from the new transmission.

Nowadays, it can be regarded as barely able to achieve the “essence” cultivation, as long as it has been accumulated, it is only a matter of time before the breakthrough realm is broken.

“Almost, let’s go.” Fang Qin smiled slightly.


Joining hands with Xiaolongnü and the others to a platform peak on Zhongnan Mountain, which was extremely wide, could accommodate many people, and the terrain was excellent, and Fang Qin’s figure gently fell on a dark boulder several inches high on the edge.

Xiaolongnü and the others also came to Fang Qin’s back.

Several people sat up cross-legged, and Fang Qin’s spiritual strength extended, feeling the wave of pious reverence coming from all over the place in the middle of this final South Mountain.

Fang Qin exhaled softly and said softly, “This preaching will begin in a day!” ”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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