The next day, the sun shines and the sky is clear!

Above the black stone platform, Fang Qin opened his eyes and swept it casually, thinking that it was almost over.

Gently dispersing the spiritual power to reveal his body, he said, “The sermon begins now.” ”

After a day and a night of waiting, except for some people with profound skills, they were all a little tired, only to feel a gentle voice ringing in their ears, and their spirits were shocked, and they immediately woke up and looked at the figure of the Immortal on the edge of a black stone.

My heart was excited, and I shouted loudly.

“I’m waiting to see the immortals!”

Almost everyone bowed down and prostrated their heads.

On this side of the platform peak, I don’t know how many people gathered, shouting in unison, the sound is extremely far, and the sound echoes between the peaks, and the sound is amazing.

Wu Xingyun looked at the figure on the black stone platform, some couldn’t help but be a little angry, but also happy, goodbye to the fanatical piety of the people around him, he couldn’t help but secretly stammer, but he also prayed, no matter how the grace of preaching, it was kind to everyone.

Wang Yuyan and Aju Abi also looked at each other brightly and bowed down together.

“Get up.”

A faint voice sounded, and with no doubt, countless people subconsciously obeyed the action, and looked at the immortal sitting on the black stone with a look of reverence.

Fang Qin also ignored it and directly began to preach:

“Now that the time has come, let’s begin.” The way I preach today is actually a martial way! For me to sort out the world’s martial arts deduction and pioneering. The path of martial arts begins with the realm of the foundation of the heavens, and is divided into three paths: [Jing Qi Shen]. ”

There was a silence around them, and they heard the immortals say that what they had passed down was martial arts and not immortal ways, and everyone couldn’t help but be stunned, martial arts they had not learned ah, who can come here is not a martial arts master.

It turned out that the immortals did not want to preach the immortal way, but to teach the martial way.

There was some disappointment and doubt in his heart, but the immortals had already begun to preach, and no one began to dare to disturb them, and with the divine nature of the gods, nature was also extraordinary, and they all listened quietly.

“Start with refining qi, feel the sense of qi, refine the internal force, accumulate the internal force, and gradually open up the meridians around the body…”

What Fang Qin said was very simple and easy to understand, as long as he knew a little about this kind of martial knowledge.

And the voice seems to carry a strange ability, which makes people attracted when they hear it and makes it easy for people to understand.

It’s just that many people have doubts in their hearts, and the martial arts taught by the immortals seem to be quite simple.

Some players are also a little strange, even if they have studied for so long, basically understand the common sense of martial arts, listening to Fang Shen’s sermons, they can’t help but feel that this is not the most common internal skill trick.

It was only with the passage of time that what Fang Qin was talking about, for the more and more in-depth of martial arts, countless people’s eyes lit up, just like Daigo empowerment, and the incomprehensible aspects of martial arts in the past were instantly solved.

Some of the shallow martial arts are also of great benefit and have laid a solid foundation.

It turned out that the gods and immortals were slowly preaching in a simple way, starting from the most basic place.

In my heart, I sighed that listening to the immortals preaching, but winning my own decades of work, it was really profound and wonderful.

So he didn’t dare to distract himself and listened carefully to the sermon, until when it came to the Hundred Pulses, everyone raised their spirits, this place was already the highest realm, and I didn’t know how the Tao preached by the immortals would change.

“A hundred pulses are connected, with internal forces as the guide, and the line is Sunday… Return to the innate nature in order to reach the innate realm…”

When he heard that the foundation was built in the back and the Heavenly Breakthrough Innate Law was broken, he was even more shocked, and he did not expect that the martial arts could continue to practice and break through to this point.

This was not something that martial arts could have achieved in the past, and the thought of the method created by the Fang Cai Immortal couldn’t help but be horrified.

This is already a hard way to open up a new path on the way to the inadvertent martial arts, so that the martial arts will enter a more vast world. It’s shocking.

“It’s not a waste of this life… Martial arts can have such a realm…”

“It’s okay to die at the end of the day…”

Countless people burst into tears, feeling that they could listen to such a great avenue and die without regrets, and there was no trace of disappointment in Fang Cai, only full of excitement and awe.

“This is the refining of qi, followed by the refining of the body…”

For most of the hour, Fang Qin finished talking about the innate path of refining qi, and then he began to talk about refining the body again.

Countless people were stunned, only to react, the immortals said before is the “spirit of the spirit” three ways, can not help but be shocked,

Refining Qi has already opened up the way forward, and now there are even two other paths, and the martial arts have actually been created to this point, and the power of the Immortal God is really admirable.

“Refining the body, the essence is actually to quench the body’s qi and blood, skin membrane, fascia, flesh and blood…”

Countless people listened to it and rushed back to God, sinking their hearts to listen carefully to the words of the immortals, such a vast martial art, if they missed it, it can be said that they regret it for life.

Everyone listened thoughtfully, this cultivation body was quite similar to some of the world’s external martial arts in the early stages, but it was completely incomparable with the martial arts taught by the immortals, and it was too shallow to compare.

When they heard that the body around them had been refined, they had broken through the innate, their whole body was mixed like King Kong, and their qi and blood had produced a mighty Qi Qi, countless people were thrilled, and they couldn’t help but feel concerned about the external refining kung fu that they had not seen in the past.

Some people who did not have the talent to refine qi could not help but be secretly excited, with these points passed down by the immortals, the path they had taken would definitely not be worse than that of refining qi.

Many of the people in the crowd had glowing eyes, especially the people of the army who came here, and they thought that if they could cultivate to the realm of the refining body that the gods and immortals said, they would be the only enemies in the world.

Rushing to kill the battlefield is only waiting for idleness!

A certain Liu Qing who was mixed in it was also intoxicated, he could be regarded as having comprehended some of the methods of qi and blood luck by chance, but he had not had a complete basic essential, and could only be trapped in the cultivation of the body.

Now that I have finally listened to this complete refining body, I have definitely gained a lot.

Of course, the others either listened to it roughly, or were trapped in the low realm and did not have much understanding, which was not as good as Zhang Sanfeng.

This person could be regarded as the first to come into contact with this way, and after experiencing Fang Qin’s first preaching, now after simplifying and perfecting the martial way, he had an amazing understanding and was confident that he would reach the peak of this path.

More than half an hour has passed,

“This is the innate one of the refining body, and finally the innate one of the refining gods…”

A group of people had not yet come back from the profound and mysterious refining body that had tapped their own potential, and they had to raise their spirits to listen to the words of the gods and immortals.

The refining body in front of it was so amazing, and this refining god didn’t know what kind of exquisite and exquisite it would be.

Gu Du looked forward to it and couldn’t help but yearn for it!

“Refining God together, majoring in God, [God] is the source of thought…”

At the beginning, there were still many people who could understand and frequently nodded their heads, but it wasn’t long before a crowd of people looked confused, thinking that they probably understood the words of the immortals, but they couldn’t understand the meaning of this at all, and only felt that it was difficult to distinguish in the clouds and fog.

There are only a few people with amazing understanding, thoughtful, mostly literati and inkers, as well as Taoist monks and monks who have read all the books and have high spiritual strength.

“So [Spirit Qi] Three Paths…”

The final alchemy was quite profound, and it took some more time, saying that now that two and a half hours had passed, the cultivation principles of the three ways of refining qi, refining the body, and refining the gods had all been spoken, and Fang Qin stopped.

Seeing the confused look on the faces of a large number of people, they knew that this [god] might be really rare, but it didn’t matter, now that the cultivation method of the Three Jewels of the Human Body in this world is complete, I don’t know what kind of achievements this world will have.

“Ding, get luck points…”

Listening to the system prompt tone that had never stopped in his ears, Fang Qin did not block it, and he also wanted to know how much luck would be paid for the act of preaching.

Now it seems that this decision is not a loss just from the number of qi luck points that are now being added.

The gentle voice in the ear stopped, countless people gradually woke up, a burst of lost souls, such a profound alchemy must have great power, but unfortunately they could not understand.

However, for the immortal props are all in their hearts a pious admiration, Zhang Sanfeng returned from the understanding, and sighed, this simplified one he finally understood, when it was really mysterious tight.

Seeing the figure of the immortal, he came out of the crowd and bowed down with a respectful face:

“I am waiting for Xie Wuzu to preach!”

The sweeping monks and Hong Qigong also returned to God to worship and pray:

“I am waiting to pray to the grace of Xie Wuzu’s preaching!”

As soon as these words came out, the others also returned to their senses, and they were stunned.

The way that the immortals are now preaching is martial arts, and the integration has created the three martial arts of the [Jingqi God], which can indeed be commensurate with the martial ancestors!

Wu Zu, the ancestor of martial arts, is indeed a tight fit.

All men bowed down and said:

“I am waiting to pray to the grace of Xie Wuzu’s preaching!!”


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