Three days had passed since the end of the ministry, and many of the people present at that time had already written down the three exercises, remembering that the words of the immortals did not dare to disturb and leave, but many of them were still here.

And there are still many pilgrims behind them, bowing reverently to the black boulder left behind by the holy.

And the impact of preaching is also expanding, and the name of Wuzu has begun to spread!

The martial arts world is a frenzy, and the real world is also a sensation.

It is true that the information here is too amazing, if it were not for the fact that the preacher was Fang Qin, who had already revealed his terrifying power in the past, and was already an extraordinary saint, it is estimated that no one would believe it.

Countless people were shocked by the content of this preaching, not to mention that the power is not powerful, just that sentence to increase the life expectancy of five hundred years, almost let the whole world fall into a state of fanaticism, countless countries have increased their investment in research, want to study the mystery in it.

Unfortunately, these countries have cultural obstacles, not only to translate the language, but also to study the acupuncture map around the meridians.

The former is extremely easy to mistranslate and cause the meaning of the entire sentence to be different, and there are many words that can only be understood as ineffable, often encountering a confused face;

The latter’s vast meridian hole also made foreigners have a big head.

And there are many martial arts common sense that need to be remembered.

Naturally, the research progress is extremely slow.

Of course, even this has not stopped the enthusiasm of these people, and they are salivating over the power contained in it, not to mention that the most important thing is to prolong life.

Foreign countries have led to a wave of enthusiasm for learning Chinese, it is really not possible to learn, not to learn and even to read, translated themselves are not at ease.

The eyes of the Western countries are red, and at this time the Eastern side is already a carnival.

Countless official media reports, various chat messages on the network where countless people discussed, countless people excited.

“Crying, after so much time, finally don’t need to practice basic internal skills, and it is still a king explosion as soon as he comes!” I will bow down to the Fang God! Ah no! Bow down to Wuzu! ”

“I rely on, Wu Zu preaching,, break through the innate life expectancy for a hundred years, can’t stand it, go to cultivation now, no one can stop me.”

“It’s at least a hundred years! Five hundred years at most, Grandma’s, I must do it. ”

“Five hundred years, can it really be done?” It’s terrible, if I can live so long, it will be cool! ”

“For the sake of five hundred years of life!”

“No, how come you are all so confident, what Wu Zu said is that the three spiritual cultivators can only have a five-hundred-year life span if they break through to the peak, and these scum of your meridians have not been opened, are you sure you can do it?”

“Depend! If you can’t do it, you’re done! ”

“Dreams still have to be had, just in case.”

“It is said that the front of the refining qi, the refining body can understand a lot, but what is going on in the back, I can’t understand it at all, is there a big guy who understands it to explain it?”

“No, this is too difficult, or specialize in the first two courses.”

“Cultivating the gods, it should be spiritual power, this kind of big is too ethereal, it is not easy to understand.”

“You found that no, only when listening to the sermon on the spot is the best understanding, watching the video does not have such a good effect, you can only rely on yourself to slowly understand.” 」

“Catch the big guy!” Don’t say it, we all know it, it’s too heartfelt! Can go up to the South Mountain, it is estimated that they are all big guys in the future, please hug your thighs! ”

“Without further ado, I’m going to start cultivating, I love cultivation, cultivation makes me happy, and no one can disturb my cultivation!” Finally, worship Wuzu sincerely! ”

“Worship Wuzu sincerely!”


【Second World Study Group】

“Guys, we have collected the most complete videos and materials today, please be sure to study the useful results!”

“The Minister is assured that with such a complete martial essence, our study of the power system will greatly speed up the process, and it is really inconceivable that we can all live to be five or six hundred years old.”

“It’s really incredible, the martial arts are built in the day after tomorrow, and then to the innate realm, that Mr. Fang is really unbelievable, and it is really shocking that he directly created this kind of martial arts!”

“If you weren’t called a god, Wu Zu’s title would indeed be worthy of the name!”

“In other words, those who have been asking to communicate with us have always been asking to communicate with us….”

“Ignore them, just let them study slowly, it’s good to let them in.” There is no reason for us to study hard, and we have to tell them free of charge that these people are just arrogant and think that they were before. ”

“The notice came down from above and asked if the three innate exercises harvested this time could be directly popularized?”

“Or after a while in the beginning, anyway, even if we don’t say, our people are also very smart, directly began to practice, we will study it to see if we can continue to simplify the process, how to popularize the appropriate.”

“How is the development of No. 1 nutrient solution?” Is it ready for use? ”

“Not yet, but it has already achieved good results, and the speed of experimental cultivation has increased a lot.”

“Okay, keep going.”


Abroad, a secret room meeting.

“Oh, those hateful fellows, too selfish, the development of the Second World should be entrusted to our Lighthouse of Freedom.”

“That’s right, it’s disgusting, I still haven’t figured out what this second world is.”

“They stuck us for half a year to allow us in, and they also limited the number of places, so they really should protest to the end!” They can’t do that! ”

“Now is not the time to discuss this, that ancient and mysterious country has been fully popularized before, and now it has that magical power, and with the foundation of the past, we will be left behind without hurrying.”

“The ‘god’ in the second world, hehe, let’s call him a god, if we can bring modern technology inside, we must seize him to study and tap his ability, it is a pity.”

“Haha, if you strike with nuclear weapons, even the gods will fall.”

“Don’t say it’s useless, what happened to our request to the East?”

“Damn, they dismissed our sharing request, do they know what they’re doing?” This is the evolutionary hope of all mankind, daring to do so, oh, unbelievable, damn! ”

“Well, contact other countries for a meeting, maybe you have to put some more pressure on it.”


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