Outside a small town, on the official road, many people, merchants, and various people of the three religions and nine streams came and went, and it seemed to be quite lively.

A figure walked slowly in it, and the people around them were surprised when they saw it, a good immortal-like figure, many people saw that he was dressed quite luxuriously, and greedy light appeared in his eyes.

Secretly wanting to follow, some people look at each other, and if they have nothing to do, they will follow behind.

Fang Qin pondered things in his heart, turning a blind eye to those peeping eyes, or not caring at all.

These people didn’t know what kind of person they were going to think about, and Fang Qin didn’t bother to pay attention to these things, and if he really made a move, he would send them directly to see Xi Tian.

When we reached the city gate, there were several officers and soldiers guarding the city.

“Roll on, moneyless, see you once and hit you once, huh!” An officer and soldier with a hooked nose seemed to be the leader here, with a arrogant and arrogant face, punching and kicking a middle-aged man.

The people around them all looked at each other coldly, and no one stopped them, and the other officers and soldiers were laughing and cursing like jokes.

The leader immediately ignored it, and then looked at the next one, as soon as he saw Fang Qin’s appearance, his eyes lit up, and he secretly said that this was a fat sheep, and he walked over with a brutal face.

He shouted, “Hey, where did you come from, you haven’t seen it, it can’t be an assassin from somewhere, so hand over your stuff and see.” ”

There is no logic in saying this, so it can be seen that they do not care about other people and are unscrupulous.

With a greedy look, the other officers and men also surrounded them when they saw it, those people did not have any oil and water, and now it was difficult to meet one, but they could not let the leader occupy it alone.

The other people saw a lot of schadenfreude expressions, and many frowned, but they didn’t say anything.

There is really nothing they can do about it.

There are also those who are disappointed with bad intentions, secretly saying that these hills are all eating alone, and all the benefits are taken over the body, which is really evil.

Fang Qin walked slowly with no expression on his face, ignoring these people, the malice was also extremely obvious, and he was really not interested.

When the leader saw that someone dared to ignore him, his face turned red, and he felt that he had been lost in front of a group of colleagues, and some of them said with a sly smile: “Good! It’s so good that there are people who don’t take me seriously! ”

“To Die!”

A knife was drawn, and the gesture was about to split, but the footsteps hurriedly took a few steps before suddenly stopping, the eyes were wide, the pupils were dilated, and the knife in his hand fell directly.

Light! The light of the sun! The endless light seemed to appear before his eyes, so hot that the officers and men only felt as if they were facing the sun.

In the vast sunlight, the skin was cracked, the body was scorched, and the pain was extreme, but he was still alive, and continued to be burned, as if the depths of the soul were ignited,

His body was in excruciating pain, and he couldn’t even speak.

My heart was in pain and fear, and I didn’t know how long it had been before I felt as if I had fallen into darkness and had no feelings.

Fang Qin crossed over and ignored it, leaving only a soft word.

“If you commit another crime, let you wait for eternity.”

Although the words were light, they made the people present fall into an ice cave, a heavenly spirit cover, and their scalps tingled.

In the eyes of a large number of people, the leading officer of Fang Cai took a few steps, as if he had lost his soul, and his face was sluggish, but after a few breaths, he fell straight down without a sound.

I don’t know where the man came from, frozen in place, completely afraid to speak, seeing him disappear into the distance, for a while before they talked about it.

“Oh my God, I didn’t see any movement from him, why that….. Straight to death. ”

“Wouldn’t it be some kind of monster?” Do I have to report to the authorities? ”

“Oh, you go, you see if the government is willing to accept this case, I’m afraid that you just don’t see it, where do they dare to provoke demons?”

“I don’t think it may be a demon, that person is so arrogant that he thinks he is a true man, that Qiu Ba is also self-inflicted, and it is also very good to oppress the people nearby and now that they are dead.”

“Yes, that iron rooster has killed many people at his hands, and he has injured all his conscience, and now it is really a great pleasure!”

It’s just a pity that I didn’t kill the rest of them by the way. ”

Those people talked about it a lot, and several people who had previously harbored ill intentions turned pale and trembled, and they ran away directly and did not dare to stay any longer.

And those officers and men together, with a frightened face and a miserable face, one of them was quite bold and trembling to check forward, and the leader was already stiff, staring at his eyes with a look of shock, and he didn’t know what he saw, and he didn’t see it when he died.


Everyone present felt that the harm was extremely frightening, took a breath of cool air, did not dare to stay here, and left in a hurry.


“There is still room for improvement in the Great Sun Illusion Method…”

Fang Qin was the main means of “God”, and with the use of “Qi”, people fell into an illusion, as if facing the sun, and were directly burned to death by their spiritual soul.

Of course, before that, it is possible to make the other party mistakenly think that they are dead, and the physical function directly fails and dies violently, and the dead officers and soldiers belong to this kind.

There were quite a few other [Jingqi] two means, and there was no method for this [god] to perform, so Fang Qin developed some useful masteries on his own, and now there are quite a few, and this Great Sun Illusion Realm Method is one of them.

Of course, everything is a sketch, just some generalities, and it needs to be continuously improved to have great power.

In the small town, between the inns, Fang Qin casually ate and drank some wine, quite tasteless, his eyes watching a group of people coming and going outside, extremely vigilant, his mind was unpredictable, and a wave of malice rose in the crowd and squinted his eyes.

This way, ten days have passed, the front has been marching in that forest, but it has always been able to encounter all kinds of evil spirits, many elves have also seen a lot, some of the anger and resentment have been directly extinguished, and some ignorant people who understand the purity of their minds do not care.

I thought that the forest was special and quite peculiar, and the outside would be better, but I didn’t expect it to be almost the same, or even more chaotic. ’

Fang Qin was a little speechless, seeing that there were demons in captivity before had already made him quite angry, even though he knew that there was also a chaos outside.

The imperial government was chaotic, the local officials were overbearing and arbitrary, the bandits were chaotic, and Fang Qin also encountered a lot, and Fang Cai was only one of them, naturally they were all cleaned up.

‘The imperial dynasty of this world is already the image of the end of the qi number…

Fang Qin thought in his heart, it is no wonder that today’s strange chaos may also have some of the reasons, whenever the last year of the imperial dynasty, there are many demons and iniquities, plus the people are not happy, there are rebellious soldiers everywhere, every chaos, there are more resentments.

Coupled with some strange changes from decades ago, it has spawned more strange evils.

In this way, Fang Qin felt that this was not like a human world, but like a nether hell, full of malicious anger everywhere, all kinds of negative emotions, which really made people feel bad.

“In such a comparison, the martial arts world is really much better, at least do not have to face these strange dirty things, as for the real world compared to it is even more different.”

Fang Qin sighed, the people of this world really live in the depths of the water.

“Little Two!”

“Hey, here, what do you command?” A sharp-billed monkey cheek Xiao Er hurriedly ran over and said with a flattering face.

Xiao Er secretly looked at it, and his heart was full of amazement, he had also seen a lot of people in the ten miles and eight townships around this town, but he had never seen such a magnificent person, which really made people dare not think badly.

Seeing his posture and temperament, I don’t know which rich man he is, and he knows that life is excellent and enviable.

“And you tell me about some things in the neighborhood, but I am not familiar with it when I first came here, can you tell me about it?”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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