Jinhua Province, the land of Guobei County, the mixture of dragons and snakes, can be regarded as the most chaotic place in the whole of Jinhua.

In previous years, many officials came here, but after the death of several officials for no reason, the imperial court did not send people to investigate, so no one dared to come here.

Even some greedy and tyrannical people have come here, and they have not rectified but made a fortune.

Since then, the place has become more and more chaotic, and local officials have been arbitrarily oppressive and oppressive and squeeze the people, collecting money and money, but no one is in charge.

There are not many wicked people and strangers gathered here, and most of them have committed many things to take refuge here.

As a result, the people here were miserable, and many of them tried to move away from Guobei.

As a result, almost everyone in the entire Guobei County has a lot of skills in their own hands, and pure and good people can no longer live here.

Fang Qin inquired about the news all the way and came to this side.

“Sigh, looking at the faces of those people is like some kind of sword, mountain and fire, the notoriety of this Guobei County is really loud.”

Inquired about the news along the way, whenever he heard that he was going to go to Guobei County, he was like a ghost, and many kind-hearted people reminded him that Guobei County was in danger, and when he saw that he insisted on going, he shook his head and sighed.

Fang Qin naturally did not explain anything about this.

After walking for a hundred miles, when he saw the outline of the city gate, Fang Qin stared at the meeting, only to feel that the malice in front of him was several times more than that of other places, and a wave of angry negative emotions poured into the sky.

Some frowned, moving forward, the number of people gradually increased, those people had a smouldering face, seeing Fang Qin’s appearance, a grin seemed to be some vicious looks.

Fang Qin really didn’t know what to say about the people in this world, he had never seen such a strong malice in the two worlds, as if everyone had malice and everyone was angry.

There were no officers and men guarding the city gate to enter and exit at will, and when they entered the city, pedestrians on the road walked with knives and soldiers.

The shouts and noises were one after another, Fang Qin looked around, and his heart was amazed, this Guo Bei County was indeed worthy of notoriety.

Almost everyone has a lot of skills in their bodies, the most are people who practice martial arts, and the strength of the qi and blood is quite exuberant, and some people who are not practicing martial arts also have a lot of skills in their bodies and do business.

Come to a small stall selling characters, on which are placed some ghost characters, yellow paper vermilion characters.

I raised my hand and picked up a drawing note, and it was interesting to feel some of the subtle forces in it.

“Hey hey, the prince buy some characters, keep the peace, the evil outside the town, it’s very good!” An old man in the form of a Taoist priest had some eyes shining, and the secret passage finally came to the guest.

Fang Qin playfully waved the characters in his hand, “This thing is at most a hint effect, and I am afraid that it is impossible to ensure peace.” ”

When the old Daoist priest heard his face change, he looked up and down and hummed: “Don’t buy it, don’t move around, I tell you, this thing is precious, you….”

Between the words, I was inexplicably shocked, and I couldn’t say any more, and I was uncertain.

The old Daoist priest was a little sweaty, and secretly encountered a tall person, reluctantly changed his smiling face, and trembled:

“You, you are really good eye, the role of this character is not bad, hey hey, if you like this, these are sent to you, sent to you, huh huh …”

The old Daoist had blood dripping from his heart, but the sense of danger just now was not false, and compared with his life, these were some external things, and they could only make up for it as much as possible.

“What use do I want you to use this character?”

Fang Qin glanced at it, shook his head with a smile, put the character back, and turned away.

Looking at the departing figure, the old Daoist was relieved, wiped a cold sweat, and felt a shock in his heart, secretly saying:

“Where did such a powerful figure come from, huh, just almost died on the spot, fortunately I reacted quickly.”


Fang Qin came to an inn and ordered some tea and snacks, ready to inquire about the direction of Lan Ruo Temple, or whether there was Lan Ruo Temple.

Fang Qin was dressed in white, quite luxurious, and many guests present cast greedy eyes.

Suddenly outside the door came a young scholar who looked quite handsome and entered the inn with some restraint.

He came to the treasurer and said something, and took out some books to count the logs.

“The treasurer, in Xia Ning Caichen, is the collector of Qibaozhai, and this time he came to collect the accounts of the previous few months.”

Ning Caichen was a little nervous, since he had come into Guobei County, he had felt that the atmosphere here was strange, and the eyes of the others who looked over were quite strange, and they couldn’t help but be a little scared when they thought of some strange rumors.

A ten-year-old treasurer looked a little mean, Wen Yan raised his head and glanced at it, he was amazed, and the secret dodge treasure did not know where to find such a bold scholar who dared to come to Guobei County.

“You show me the ledger.”

“Oh, this, this, can the treasurer let me look at your accounts…” Ning Caichen sweated a little, this account book was originally good, but as a result, the road encountered heavy rain, and it was actually wet a lot, and the handwriting was pasted together, and the content could not be seen at all.

The treasurer seemed to see something, directly grabbed the account book, looked at it and laughed: “You are a good student, this account obviously has no business in my inn, even dare to come to collect the account, come man, drive this person out.” ”

Immediately, a few strong little two directly stepped forward to frame Ning Caichen and directly threw him out.

“Ah, let go!” Ning Caichen was thrown to the ground and bumped, extremely embarrassed.

“Come on! You poor and weak students have nothing to do to come to Guobei County, I really don’t want to live. ”

Ning Caichen’s heart was lost and he didn’t know how to be good, he struggled to stand up, patted his body dust, and could only think of a way first.

Moving his arm a little, he secretly said, “Strange, how it doesn’t hurt to fall down like this.” ’

I couldn’t think of a reason to come, so I could only look at the direction of the inn with some anger and hurry away.

Fang Qin looked around with interest, if the front was not yet certain, then now it was almost possible to know that there was indeed Lan Ruo Temple in this world, or there was a ghost of Qiannu.

Looking at the refreshed treasurer, he said, “Treasurer, I have some news to ask you.” ”

When the treasurer saw that the noble prince was immediately bright-eyed, he smiled and said, “Gongzi has something to ask, I know that I am going to talk to you, but this news, how about one or two questions?” ”

He had seen many people, and at a glance he could see that this person was not short of money, and he was thinking about how to slaughter him, which other party actually took the initiative to send him to the door, and where there was a reason not to slaughter.

Fang Qin didn’t seem to care, but he didn’t answer him and asked directly, “Does the shop know Lan Ruo Temple?” ”

Originally, there were many people concerned about this matter just now, plus there were many people paying attention to Fang Qin, as soon as this word came out, the inn was quiet for a while, the treasurer’s face changed a little, and he smiled and said reluctantly: “This, the prince asked why this?” That kind of pickled place…..”

“Oh? I heard that there are ghosts in the temple, is there such a statement? ”


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