Asked some questions again, time passed, Fang Qin looked at the situation outside the door, and then looked at Xiao Qiandao, who was a little uncomfortable,

“In half an hour the sun will rise, Xiao Qian, you….”

Xiao Qian was stunned, only to react to the passage of time, biting her lip, overwhelmed.

Yan Chixia on the side squinted at her eyes, and some couldn’t help but say:

“Dao You, I just wanted to say that there may be something abnormal about this little girl’s soul.

If the general ghost is in the condensed soul realm, when the night is at its peak in the middle of the night, when it is ugly, it will begin to gradually sleep, she seems to be some kind of strange physique, and now it is close to dawn and can still act as before. ”

Fang Qin also nodded when he heard that, he had already discovered some strange things before, and asked Xiao Qian:

“What’s wrong with you?”

Xiao Qian reluctantly smiled and said, “I don’t feel anything, I’m just a little tired.” ”

Fang Qin put his hand on Xiao Qian’s body, a True Yuan transformed into the Yin Force running, Nie Xiaoqian only felt a vast force coming, his body was shocked, his body was much more relaxed, and his spirit was much better.

“Ah, thank you very much~”

“It’s just that this is a symptom but not a cure, Brother Yan, do you have any good ideas?”

Fang Qin asked Yan Chixia, these things are still the most clear to people in this world, although he has some ideas, it is naturally impossible to implement them indiscriminately.

“This has to ask this girl’s wishes, she was detained by the tree demon so that she could not enter the Nether Mansion to reincarnate, and now that the Tree Demon has been removed, is the little girl willing to go into the Nether to be reincarnated?”

Yan Chixia was also quite pitiful to Xiao Qian after learning about her past.

“Reincarnation… Netherland? Fang Qin’s eyes flickered, there are still such legendary places in this world.

Nie Xiaoqian’s face was dark, and she couldn’t help but glance at Fang Qin, she had a hard time encountering… Gritting his teeth, he said:

“Even if you enter the cycle of reincarnation and live a new life, it is only to increase your troubles in vain, and the little girl is already unwilling to do so,

I am grateful to Prince Fang for saving his life, and I am willing to serve Gongzi with a slight body, and I only hope that Gongzi will not abandon him…”

Speaking of this, the face is dizzy, the pale face is very shy, and the beauty is incomprehensible.

She had no such thoughts as reincarnating from a new one, and after experiencing this period of events and hearing the description of cultivation in Yan Chixia’s mouth, she had no memory of the things in the world.

The most important thing is the joy of love and joy for Fang Gongzi, who has long been happy in his heart, and naturally he is unwilling to leave.

“Xiao Qian, you don’t need this, that tree demon I had planned to get rid of, you…”

“Gongzi, that’s it, Gongzi is also like a bright light to Xiao Qian, the grace is as heavy as a mountain, Xiao Qian has nothing else to ask for, just willing to follow behind Gongzi.”

Fang Qin felt Xiao Qian’s heart and sighed darkly, but Nie Xiaoqian was a ghost after all, and could not move under the sun, how could he always follow him.

“Brother Yan, what can you do?”

Yan Chixia’s face was showing a hint of an aunt’s smile and scanning back and forth at the two people, the evil of others and demons, what he liked to see most was the sincere feelings of the human world, the real thing, heard that the god came back, and coughed dryly.

“Little Lady Qian has actually condensed her soul body, as long as it is not in the daytime, it will not happen anymore, and after that, she needs to reach the Soul Dan Realm before she can be active in the daytime.”

It’s just that although she seems to be quite talented, it is not a realm that can be reached in a moment and a half, and she needs to be able to close in a horcrux to block the damage to the soul body that isolates the breath of the sun and the sun. ”

Fang Qin raised an eyebrow and asked, “Oh? What does this Horcrux say? Brother Yan don’t want to sell Guanzi. ”

“This Horcrux needs to be made of materials that are biased towards the Yin attribute, which is quite simple, Fang Daoyou received the tree demon center wood, wood and water, just right, if you need me I can make it for you.”

Although Yan Chixia was not as good as a special refining instrument for this matter, it was only a simple soul gathering Horcrux, and naturally it was still difficult for him to be a Jindan monk.

“However, the central wood is the essence of the Soul Dan Demon, which is extremely valuable, and it is used to make Horcruxes like this…”

Fang Qin shook his head, took out the blue-black heart wood from the [space], and handed it to Yan Chixia,

“I don’t care about this, Brother Yan, I don’t know how long it will take?”

Yan Chixia laughed and said, “Fang Daoyou is really a man of temperament, rest assured that it will be good soon!” ”

In the course of cultivation, the essence of the body of such a demon demon, whether it is used to make Dan Yao or refining tools, other places are extremely valuable materials, but this Fang Qin Daoyou can take it out at will, and if he wants to use it for a ghost of the Soul Condensation Realm, he is really a person of temperament.

If you let other cultivators know about it, you will definitely feel that it is a violent and cruel thing.

Saying that, Nie Xiaoqian, who looked at Fang Qin with a look of emotion on his face, said:

“The girl will hold on a little longer, and I will be able to refine it soon.”

Nie Xiaoqian was soft and weak, and nodded her head lightly, “Thank you Yan Daxia, and thank you Gongzi for your pity on me.” ”

The weak body gently leaned on Fang Qin’s side, and seeing that Fang Qin was so good for him, he only felt a burst of warmth in his heart, and it was good to be happy.

Fang Qin protected Xiao Qian and sent some Yin Qi to her, which made Xiao Qian feel a lot more relaxed, and then she also watched Yan Chixia’s movements with some curiosity.

Yan Chixia urged the mana to wrap the entire heart wood, glowing with a faint fluorescence, and the copper sword pinned around his waist turned into a small sword the size of three inches in his hand, carving on the heart wood one after another, drawing a series of mysterious lines.

“Horcrux!” Yan Chixia’s hand method decided to have a wooden heart statue, the sculpture originally had a size of three or four inches, and the fluorescence of the upper grain flashed to an inch size.

However, in a few moments, a Horcrux had been made, a wooden carving like a hut, extremely small, but the marks on the top were extremely simple and rough.

Yan Chixia was a little embarrassed: “Cough, after all, I am not proficient in this way, I can only do it roughly, but you can rest assured, there is no shortage of abilities, absolutely no problem,

And the essence of this power has been gathered here by me, and I haven’t wasted much, little girl, you try it. ”

Fang Qin smiled, saw that his Fa Men basically understood a rough idea, took over the wood carving, small and light, like a small pendant, turned his head to look at Xiao Qian.

Xiao Qian nodded, gently put her hand on the wood carving, and disappeared with a flash, and the blue-black light on the wood carving hut flickered.

“Gongzi, Yan Daxia, it is very good inside, thank you very much.”

“Haha, here is not only able to accommodate the body, but also to cultivate, the essence of the Great Demon Realm, the Heart Tree, is enough for you to cultivate to the Yin Body Realm, and then it is up to you, only when you reach the Soul Dan Realm, then you don’t need this Horcrux.”

Yan Chixia was still quite proud of her craftsmanship, and secretly sighed that if she hadn’t taken the path of sword cultivation, I said that I couldn’t be a refining master.

Fang Qin picked up the small wooden carving and looked at it for a while, feeling quite magical in his heart.

“Xiao Qian, have a good rest inside.”

“Yes, I know, thank you very much for your pity.” A faint sound came from inside, and the blue-black wood carving shone slightly, and then it darkened again.

Fang Qin smiled and took it into his arms for safekeeping, and looked at the sky that had gradually lit up outside:

“Brother Yan, I am also quite curious about the Imperial Sword Method, can I ask for advice?”


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