“That demon is so dangerous, Song Dao’s Changyuan Infant Realm is afraid that it will not be able to catch it?”

Fang Qin looked at this ordinary-looking Song Daochang, and he was a little surprised in his heart, this person did not say anything in some aspects, it can be said that he had great benevolence and courage.

“Cough, I’m just going to investigate, I won’t take the initiative to provoke it, it is even the fetal movement realm, the old way is proficient in the Five Elements Escape Technique, if you want to go, there should be no problem.”

Song Mo was extremely proud of his escape, and then his face turned pale, and it was really embarrassing to say that he had escaped.

It’s just that the old demon of Montenegro is famous for his fierceness, and the old nest has been operating for thousands of years, and there are countless demons and ghosts in it, although he is in the Yuan Infant Realm, he really has no chance of winning against this old demon of Montenegro.

“Song Daochang’s heart has already outperformed many people, and Fang Mou admires it.”

Fang Qin listened more than this Daoist monk and changed his mind a lot, so he also put aside his prejudices and talked to him.

During this period, Fang Qin asked some questions about cultivation and the world, the other party was a Yuan Infant Realm cultivator, who was more knowledgeable than Yan Chixia, and many of them could answer Fang Qin, but it benefited Fang Qin a lot.

“Song Daochang, I still have a question, are there any gods and immortals in this world?” A legend in a myth such as the Heavenly Court of the Underworld? ”

Fang Qin poured a cup of tea and asked with some caution, this matter has been pondered in his heart for a long time, and he has not found anything, and he has never seen such a kind of thing in many days, and he has doubts in his heart.

When Yan Chixia was asked before, the other party could not say why, and it was not very clear about this, only that there were records in ancient books, but he had never seen it.

Song Mo took a sip of tea and looked at Fang Qin, his heart was really strange, the other party was so cultivated, how it seemed that nothing was clear.

It’s just that the strength that is difficult to guess is not false, and I deliberated for a while:

“The kind of immortals that Daoist friends are talking about, the Heavenly Court doesn’t know, no one has ever seen it, maybe there is no such thing, the old Dao cultivation has been almost a thousand years old, and has never seen it.”

Of course, there are also some beings who have meritorious service before death, who have been canonized by the imperial dynasty after death, and who have been worshiped by the people, and who are lucky enough to be able to transform into a land god and the like, which is similar to the legendary land god.

However, in fact, it is similar to the Yin Soul Monk, but it is easier to break through by the worship of the people, but because of this, there are shackles, incense and incense, and poisonous obstacles, and they will be trapped here for a lifetime.

As for the Nether Mansion… It is true that there is, but it is not the legendary underworld, and there is no Yama ghost difference, just a reincarnation realm generated by heaven and earth,

After the death of a living being, it will subconsciously drift back to the underworld, and no one knows whether it is rebirth or not, but it is generally accepted that this is the case.

The changes in the underworld decades ago caused many souls to stay in the human world after death, and after a long time, they either dissipated or turned into powerful ghosts and evil spirits to disrupt the human world. ”

Song Mo said that here remembering the past few decades, the demons and demons he had encountered had added up to more than the hundreds of years before him, and he sighed and was a little bitter.

“In this way… Thanks for the explanation. ”

All Fang Qin had thought, such a thing as whether there was a heavenly court or a place to be studied.

The two of them practiced and talked for a long time, and seeing that the sky was almost dark, Song Mo stood up and performed a ritual: “It is a pleasure to see Daoist friends today, but I have important things to do, and I will see you again later.” ”

Fang Qin bowed his head, “Elder Dao, please be careful when you go to the lair of the old demon of the Black Mountain.” ”

Song Mo laughed and said, “Old Dao also goes.” ”

Saying that the resignation was gone, the people around him seemed to be unconcerned about it.


Fang Qin took a sip from the teacup, and the scene within a radius of several hundred meters appeared in his mind.

Looking at the distance and thinking about it, although this Song Mo had acted a little too much, he did not hide his moral heart in his heart, and he was a person who could be befriended.

He smiled, took out some silver money to settle the bill, and left.

The people around them were completely unconscious, and after a while, the member looked happy and hurried to this side, looking around and couldn’t find the two gods and immortals before, and he knelt down on the ground and thanked him.

“Thank you for saving your life!”

The others were startled, and in a trance they remembered what had just happened, and they were shocked and uncertain, and since then there have been some rumors and legends here.


Xinghua County, as a large county near Guangping Province in Jinhua Province, is located between the two provinces, quite prosperous, and recently there is a rumor that there is a bamboo house on the outskirts of the city, and there are gods and people living in seclusion here.

“Have you heard, recently there seems to be a tall man in the bamboo forest in the eastern suburbs, a personable immortal.”

“Che, who will live in the wild this year, isn’t this a long life, I don’t know where the rumors come from, it’s very fake.”

“You don’t know this, that’s the real Dao Immortal, someone has seen a five-colored light suddenly appear above the bamboo forest, and the clouds are shrouded in mist.”

“Yes, lately I have rarely heard of anyone encountering those dirty things, and there is a lot of peace everywhere, that must be the blessing of the gods.”

“It is also very strange to say this, after a friend of mine heard about the immortals, he wanted to visit and ask for a meeting, but he couldn’t get in the bamboo forest, so he could only come back.”

“Hey, is this a ghost hitting the wall?” It’s horrible. ”

“What ghost hits the wall, that’s because the immortals don’t want people to disturb them, are the immortals so good, and if your friend encounters ghosts, he can still have a life?”

Some of the people talked about it, but no one had seen it, so it was difficult to hide their curiosity, but most of them were sure that there must be a god in the bamboo forest.

All because since the immortal came, the nearby ghosts and monsters had disappeared directly, and it was because the immortals were here, and no other demons and ghosts dared to come close.

However, the gods they spoke of were sitting on a bluestone with the bamboo forest, and their bodies were full of dark colored qi.

Aura gathered from all directions, and multicolored aura flashed by, which was a phenomenon of extremely abundant aura.

In the far side of the small room, Nie Xiaoqian was dressed in white, looking at it with some concern, and after a while he returned to the room to start practicing, and because of Fang Gongzi’s cultivation in the vicinity, there was a thick aura everywhere, which was also very good for the cultivation of ghost spirits.

Fang Qin closed his eyes to sort out what he had gained during this period of time, and he also had thoughts about the cultivation after that, and the thick aura was constantly absorbed, constantly refined, and melted into the body to nourish the [Spirit of Essence].

There is no growth in the body’s true yuan, qi and blood, and spirit, but it seems that the flow is more satisfactory and thicker, and the foundation is thickened.

After a long time, Fang Qin withdrew from cultivation, his eyes fluorescent, his body was full of True Yuan, he exhaled, and took out the annotation of the Five Elements Technique given by Song Mo from the [Space] and opened it.


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