After Fang Qin and the two left, Xin Mu had some thoughts, listened to what the Fourteenth Lady had just said, and the pressure he felt in the distance, this Fang Qin’s strength was really unfathomable.

He had seen a lot of knowledge in his old age, but he knew that if this Junjun only had his own strength, he was not very strong in the same realm, and he was not good at fighting, and he was even a little weak.

However, if you absorb the power contained in this mountain and borrow the power of heaven and earth, that strength is that those extremely powerful cultivators of the same realm dare not say that they can win it, and the Junjun can be said to be invincible.

After all, the advantage of the Range Junjun here was too great, and this was also her dependence on ruling the surrounding area.

And this Mr. Fang Qin was able to defeat Junjun so casually, and even directly imprisoned him with a profound and mysterious Dao Method, which showed that his strength was extremely amazing.

Only when he saw that his breath was satisfactory, without a trace of mana leaking, he could know that the other party did not consume much, and he was extremely relaxed.

“At such an age, the talent is high, the end is terrible, I thought that the talent of the fourteenth lady is already rare, I did not expect that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people.” Yuan Baby… No! It can’t be said that it is the realm of the gods. ”

As soon as this idea came out, Xin Mu was shocked, how terrible this was, he had never seen such a realm, only some legendary monk monsters were such a realm.

And how old is the other party, so young is already at this level, the talent is unparalleled in the world.

Ordinary cultivators can still see their age, as long as they do not deliberately practice, they will generally remain at the time when the foundation is built, and there will generally be no aging phenomenon until the end of their lifespan.

Of course, this excludes the influence of mental images, if you are old and old, then the appearance is an old look.

Of course, these can only be used as reference speculations, Xin Mu is not able to see through Fang Qin at all, if he does not know beforehand, he will only feel that the other party is an ordinary young man with excellent temperament.

It’s just that when the other party calls himself, the old man who calls shows that the other party is much smaller than himself.

“To be incarnated as an immortal may not be in vain for him….”

Xin Mu was amazed, but then he sighed again.

This Mr. Fang Qin is so unfathomable, he can naturally see that he and the Fourteenth Lady are foxes, but there is no worldly general who will kill the monster when he sees it, but instead treats him with courtesy, and also rescues the Fourteenth Niang, which shows that he is a virtuous person who is clear about right and wrong.

It’s just that your side is a goblin after all, or don’t provoke the monk.

Thinking of this, I thought of my own daughters who had left, and sighed, I did not teach well, so that it was really my own fault.

Immediately glanced at the direction of the Junjun, shook his head and turned away, since this Junjun had done this to them, there was no need to respect them anymore.

Coupled with the fact that she has now been sealed with mana, she is still a county lord, and it is not necessary to say that there is no power or magic, and it is not necessary to provoke it.


On the mountain path, unlike the conversation that was quite enjoyable at the beginning, this time the two directly fell silent, and neither Fang Qin nor Xin Fourteenth Niang spoke.

Coming to the bottom of the nearby mountain, Fang Qin turned back to the fourteenth lady and smiled, “If the girl arrives here, there is no need to send it again.” ”

Fourteen Niang was originally a little distracted, but when she came back to her senses, her face was straight, she took a delicate pouch from the waist of her red coat, and handed it to Fang Qin with both hands:

“The fourteenth lady has nothing to repay for the kindness of the prince, and can only give these things to the prince as a thank you first, which may not be anything to the prince, but these are the best things that the fourteenth lady can come up with, and I hope that the prince will not abandon it.”

Fang Qin looked at her face seriously, there was a big expression that you don’t accept me, he reached out and took it, and when he touched her spirit, inside were some precious elixirs of great age and some items related to cultivation, he smiled and said, “Okay, I took it, you can rest assured.” ”

Fourteen Niang heard the words and breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and softly muttered.

“Son, go slowly.”

Fang Qin turned to leave, then paused again, and turned back and said, “Although I don’t like those bloody and cruel demons that feed on human blood and souls, I will not be able to do anything to the goblins of normal cultivation.” ”

Fourteen Niangniang was stunned, and immediately reacted, and could not help but be ashamed:

“I know that Fang Gongzi is definitely not the kind of person who randomly strikes at the goblin, and even I, a wild fox in the mountains, can get the help of the prince and uphold justice for me, so it can be seen that he is a good person who has a clear distinction between right and wrong in great benevolence and righteousness, but just…”

Fang Qin was a little speechless in his heart, inexplicably issued a good person card, seeing that her face was anxious to explain, and did not know how to say, sighed and said:

“It’s just that Xin Fox was killed by me after all, and you are a little afraid in your heart that I will be unfavorable to your family, right?”

Fourteen Niang’s face was stagnant, and her heart was a little incredulous, did the other party know about this? Yes, he has great powers, and there is nothing he can not know.

Fang Qin saw her slightly dazed look, but he didn’t have a kind of style, and said:

“That Xin Fox is somewhat similar to your father Xin Mu, and his feet are also similar, and you are all surnamed Xin, so you can guess it.” Do you resent me for this? ”

“No, it’s not…”

When the fourteenth lady heard this, she couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise.

“I know the reason for that incident, I have never resented you, although the Fourteenth Lady is a goblin, she also knows the reason, these things are extremely vicious, both hurtful to heaven and yin morality, if I had known it earlier, I would have stopped her from doing so.”

You didn’t do anything wrong about it, it’s just that I… I’m just scared, I’m sorry. ”

Speaking of this, I can’t help but have red eyes, tears, pear blossoms with rain.

Fang Qin saw her tearful and hazy look, and did not say anything about it, he naturally knew that there was absolutely no resentment in the other party’s emotions, but if this matter had not been said and there was a gap in his heart, it was better to say it directly.

“I know, it’s normal for you to be worried, I can understand it, don’t cry, it’s because I lost my word.”

“Well… I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t have anything to make up for, I can only send some things to those villagers. ”

Xin Fourteen Niang’s heart was sad, and her heart was very complicated.

Fang Qin sighed and said, “That’s what she did, what does it have to do with you, I know you’re kind, but don’t want everything to be done to yourself.” ”

A soft spiritual force pervaded, and Fourteen Niang only felt the slow calming in her heart and gradually recovered her emotions.


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