Seven days later, in a small county on the edge of Guangping Province, Yan Chixia and Zuo Feng entered from the city gate, both with solemn faces, the pedestrians on this road were extremely rare, and the people they had seen looked panicked, and the atmosphere was really tense and strange.

The two of them came to an inn and found a place to sit down, and Zuo Feng frowned first: “This road is really very strange, there are too few pedestrians on the road, and it feels like something is going on…”

Yan Chixia nodded, and her heart was also extremely strange, even if there were many more demons than before, the people would not be so cautious in their lives.

Since entering Guangping Province, this road has really been regarded as a wind and a crane.

Just as I was about to speak, I heard a discussion nearby.

“Alas, this is already the seventh day, and I don’t know when I will be able to go through the trade, and it is not a way for me to press this cargo here, do you think that monster will really run out?”

“Hey, this is also false, it is very far from the mountains, you don’t know how terrible it is!” I urge you not to lose your life for some money and goods. ”

Yan Chixia and the two listened for a while, looked at each other, and couldn’t help but turn back to the middle-aged man who looked like a businessman and asked, “This friend, what do you mean by what you just said?” I just came from Jinhua Province, and I don’t know the situation. ”

The merchant looked at the appearance of the two of them, and it was not easy to provoke at first glance, but he did not dare not say it, thinking about the rumors of the past few days, he sighed with some horror:

“It’s not the monsters in the depths of the Silent Mountains who are messing around…”

Yan Chixia was shocked to hear this, the Silent Mountains heard that it was the old lair of the Black Mountain Demon, it could be that the Black Mountain Old Demon had a strange movement, it was another extremely terrible Youkai, although he did not know the specific strength, but it had existed for a very long time, and it could not be underestimated in any case.

If a demon of such a realm were to cause trouble, it would be an extremely terrible disaster at will.

I couldn’t help but ask, “Could it be that there are youkai running out there?” Or are people killed? ”

“Well, this is not true, on the contrary, there seem to be a lot fewer monsters outside recently, and I have not heard of anyone being killed.”

Zuo Feng, who was beside him, was glad that the demon was less, but he said strangely, “If this is the case, it should be a good thing, why…”

The other people at the inn listened to it and were also attracted to the topic, and recently everyone was talking about this, so they couldn’t help but join, and one of the guests knew it more clearly and said:

“You don’t know this, but the depths of the mountain range are too frightening, and a few days ago, somehow there was an extremely terrible noise coming from that place, and I have heard that it can be heard in several small towns closer to the mountains.

You must know that the evil gate of the Silent Mountains has long been known to people, even the nearest small town is also extremely far away, and many people have been hurt, which is really terrible.

Behind the mountain range you can see a black mist shrouded in mist. Even now, there are still countless black fog in the depths of the mountains, obedient, and can be seen from a long distance, and just looking at it feels maddening. ”

“Hey, I’ve heard a lot of loud noises there, and it’s terrible.”

Someone took the lead and said that the people in the inn were all talking about it.

It is said that there are strange sounds inside, and when you see the black clouds occasionally rising red and silver flashing, anyway, the colors are painted and colorful, and they are extremely frightening, and they all look scared.

For a while, the inn was a little noisy.

‘There is such a big movement… Could it be that the old demon of Montenegro is fighting with people? ’

Yan Chixia was silent instead, listening to the frown of the frown, thinking in his heart, this old black mountain demon Black Mountain became a spirit, this kind of demon is more difficult to transform than the average youkai, but the strength is also much stronger than the yokai of the same realm.

Who could fight with one, I’m afraid it would be difficult for the cultivators of the same realm to compete, and I don’t know what the situation is here.

“Brother Yan, what are your guesses?”

Zuo Feng saw that Yan Chixia’s face was different, knowing that this person who was a cultivator after all, knew a lot of things, and couldn’t help but ask.

Yan Chixia sighed for a moment and deliberated for a moment:

“There have long been rumors in this silent mountain range that there is a pillar of the Great Demon of the World, a rare mountain spirit, which has existed for at least two thousand years or more, which is extremely frightening, and now I guess that it may be caused by someone fighting with it.”

“Two thousand years!?” Zuo Feng was stunned, such things were really unbelievable.

Yan Chixia couldn’t help but smile when she saw this Zuo Feng, who had been stretching his face, “That’s nothing, the mountain could have existed for a long time, but it is only difficult to become a jing, but once it becomes a jing, it is also more powerful than many youkai.” ”

Zuo Feng was still a little distracted, and then he said incredulously, “Such a long-term youkai, don’t think about it, it is also extremely terrible, how can someone fight with it?” ”

“I’m just guessing about it, can’t be sure, etc….”

Yan Chixia suddenly had a flash of inspiration, remembering the Daoist Sword Technique of that Japanese Fang Daoyou, and couldn’t help but blurt out:

“Ah, by the way, I also talked about this demon with that Fang Daoyou, and his Dao Dao is extremely deep, I can’t guess, but the Dao Fa Sword Technique used is similar to the description of those people just now, and this matter may be related to him.”

For a moment, there was also some uncertainty, that Black Mountain Old Demon was said to be extremely terrible, and the cultivators of the ordinary Yuan Infant Realm absolutely did not dare to provoke it, but just listening to the horror of their words, the demon thought that it was even more terrible than the rumors.

Can Fang Daoyou be so powerful? Even this kind of monster can be resisted?

“Really? That Mr. Fang is so powerful, so why don’t I wait to look for it? ”

Zuo Feng listened to Mr. Youfang’s clues, and the other party may be able to fight with this extremely terrifying youkai, and it is also possible to deal with the demon monk, and he can’t help but be a little happy.

“You can go and see it, but you can’t get too close.”

The two looked at each other and nodded.


The outskirts of the Silent Mountains.

There was a constant amount of aura being absorbed between Song Mo’s breaths, and his pale face was slightly blood-colored, and he had already made a lot of runes in his hands, which was considered to be in case of emergency.


In the distance, a loud noise came from the place where the black air was swirling, as if it was roaring in the ears! The black mist instigated the explosion as if it had been attacked by some terrible attack.

“It’s been so long since we even decided to win or lose, and the old demon of Montenegro has a favorable location, but Fang Daoyou’s mana is inevitably too abundant.”

Song Mo fixed his mind, his face was amazed, he had seen the loud noise that frequently came out of it in the past few days, he had become somewhat accustomed to it, but every time he couldn’t help but be shocked.

When I got so far away, I felt an extremely terrible pressure coming, how terrible it was in it.

Song Mo sighed a little, “My Yuan Infant Realm can’t even get close, the strength of these two is really too terrifying.” ”


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