“This is the cultivation method that Brother Qin pioneered?”

Inside the small room, listening to some of the methods that Fang Qin said, Xin Fourteenth Niang’s eyes shone brightly as Fang Qin looked, and a wave of worship arose in her heart.

Since she was a child, she had the heart to the Tao, and naturally learned many things about the practice.

It is necessary to know that the cultivation methods circulating in the world, whether it is Dao cultivation Buddhism cultivation or demon cultivation, all need to go through six days before they can finally reach the ultimate realm.

This has all been continued since ancient times, and it has never been heard that anyone can create another cultivation method, which is no longer something that the beings under the heavens can do.

At most, it can only create some deliberate methods, but on the whole, it is still within the scope of the six-day level of cultivation, and it is impossible to exceed this shackle.

And Fang Qin was able to directly create a completely new cultivation method, which would be appalling if it were passed on.

Of course, this is also because there is a path of cultivation in this world that can be followed to the end, and no one will waste precious energy to study and create a way of cultivation.

This is not an overnight achievement, it may take thousands of years to achieve something, so naturally it is not worth the loss.

However, Fang Qin’s ability to create such a method at such a young age was extremely frightening, and the horror of this method could be seen by looking at Fang Qin’s strength.

After that, the Fourteenth Niang asked some questions about cultivation, and Fang Qin answered them one by one, and the subtlety of them made the Fourteenth Niang marvel for a while, and Yu Cultivation also had a lot of inspiration, and the look in Fang Qin’s eyes was unconsciously with a hint of adoration.

The time came to the night unconsciously, Fang Qin took out the wooden heart Horcrux, and in a flash of light, a white-clad lady came to him.

Nie Xiaoqian said with some joy, “Gongzi, Fourteen Niang~”

Fang Qin had been practicing for the past few days, so she did not dare to run out on her own, for fear of disturbing Fang Qin’s cultivation.

“Sister Xiaoqian, have you reached the Yin Realm?” Fourteen Niang was also a little happy to see Xiao Qian, and after recently knowing her, she was quite distressed about this person’s encounter, and they got along very well.

Seeing that her soul body already seemed to be like an entity, she couldn’t help but say in surprise.

“Well, I’ve been practicing earnestly every day for a while, and with the help of Gongzi, that’s why I can break through so quickly.”

Xiao Qian was also happy to break through the realm, and quietly glanced at Fang Qin between words, and her face was soft.

Fang Qin sat on the side, watching the two of them talking about themselves, laughing and not speaking.


Suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly, looking outside the house, although Fourteen Niang and Xiao Qian had been talking, they were actually paying attention to Fang Qin, and when they saw his movements, they couldn’t help but stop talking.

“Brother Qin, is there anything going on outside?” The Fourteenth Lady Divine Consciousness swept away and found no abnormality, and couldn’t help but ask.

Fang Qin looked back and smiled, “It’s all right, I saw a deceased person, I’ll go see it first, just stay in the house.” ”

Saying that, the figure flashed and disappeared.

The remaining Fourteen Niang and Xiao Qian looked at each other.


Between a canyon, countless sword shadows floated and flew, constantly attacking the black figures with wings on their backs between the high skies, and there were also many flickering demonic monsters underground, heading towards a person with a sword.


Countless sword shadows were blocked out of a layer of blood light, and Yan Chixia frowned, scolding in her heart.

‘What bat monster is really difficult, and now it’s difficult!’ ’

Yu Guang looked at a rather difficult figure a little farther away, and couldn’t help but be secretly anxious, and he wanted a sword shadow to directly hit the little demon siege place, but before he could fly far, he was scattered by a layer of blood light.

“Hum, it’s useless, you’re all going to die!”

The bat demon was secretly proud, although he almost died some time ago, but he was also blessed by misfortune, absorbing the flesh and blood of countless youkai, and his strength had grown greatly.

If he had changed to before, he would not have been able to withstand this bearded sword cultivation.

Only now, he does not need to be afraid, and the other party still has a lagging leg, which is naturally more in his hands.


Seeing those floating sword lights, my mind couldn’t help but think of the terrifying figure some time ago, that terrifying Senran sword intention, and my heart was slightly frightened, that is, I felt frightened in retrospect.

‘It’s okay, just a normal sword cultivator…’

Thinking like this, a vicious color in his eyes directly surged with countless blood rays and attacked Yan Chixia.


The Hundred Sword Shadows swirled around, blocking the attack of the Blood Light.

“Oh, Brother Zuo, you’re holding on, I’ll cut this monster first!”

Yan Chixia shouted, casting sword skills in his hands one after another, and in the sword box on his back, a yin light flashed up.

“Heaven and earth are infinite, Hui Sword out of its sheath, kill!”

The Silver Hui Sword transformed into hundreds of sword shadows and roared towards the Bat Youkai.

The bat demon was frightened by the flickering sword shadow, and subconsciously wanted to escape, but after a moment’s hesitation, it reacted that this was not the sword cultivator, put his heart at ease, and then he became angry and ashamed, and the red light rose up and rushed towards Yan Chixia.

In an instant, hundreds of moves were right, and the battle on one side was fierce, and the other side was even more fierce.


Zuo Feng had a lot of scars around him, his face was resolute, even in the face of these blue-faced and fanged demons, he was not afraid, holding two battle knives in his hands, wielding into an iron curtain, slashing at the besieging little demon, countless blood light gushed out.

Some weak little demons were directly hacked to death, startling the other demons to retreat, all of them opened their mouths and spat out, countless mist gushed out, and for a while the scene was a little blurry, making Zuo Feng unable to see the direction of the youkai everywhere.

“Ahem! Such evil monsters, I will kill the demons today! ”

Zuo Feng directly threw the cloak behind him, and countless knives placed here flew out directly, and many small demons were directly hit.

Suddenly, a sharp pain struck, and several bite wounds appeared on the left shoulder, and a knife was subconsciously slashed obliquely.


Where there was originally nothing, a trail of blood gushed out, Zuo Feng’s face turned fierce, and he directly slashed down, and with a bang, a convulsive wolf body appeared on the ground.

There were constantly voices coming, Zuo Feng slashed in spite of his injuries, and two more demons died under the sword.

“Huh? This way! ”

Zuo Feng paused for a moment, listened carefully to the movement in his ear, and suddenly twisted his body violently, and killed a demon with a knife.

Gasping for breath, although some blood was lost, his body was a little boiling, and he burst out: “Come! ”

For a moment, the mere mortals were so frightened that the other demons did not dare to come closer.

“Brother Zuo is all right!”

In the distance, Yan Chixia had been paying attention, and when she saw this, she couldn’t help but cheer.


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