The old demon of Montenegro was stagnant, and the already clumsy mountain stone face directly shattered, and the cold sword intent was still as awe-inspiring as before, and even vaguely felt that it was more sharp than before.

The atmosphere is a bit stagnant, and there is a power brewing!

Although the Five Spirits True Man and the others did not know who had caused this sudden and powerful sword light, they also took this opportunity to cast a spell and retreat into the distance.

“Which Daoist friend saved each other, and this power is amazing…..”

There were some doubts in his heart, among which the Spirit Scattered Man was the most shocked, his main cultivation was kendo, naturally he was the most sensitive to this, and the awe-inspiring sword intent that appeared in a split second was that he was greatly inferior, especially terrible.

“Roar! Fang Qin!!! ”

In the next instant, a terrible noise came, with extreme anger and a certain meaning in the voice,


The terrifying sound shook the entire space as if it were shaken, countless mountains and rocks on the ground were shattered by sound waves, and the clouds in the sky were also impacted in an instant, and began to scatter directly in the middle!

The Five Spirits True Man and the others only felt a roar in their minds, their bodies were extremely uncomfortable, their internal organs were in a huge earthquake, and the seven tricks were bleeding out, if they didn’t have a lot of mana, they struggled to protect their bodies, but they were afraid that they would be seriously injured in an instant.

However, under this kind of power, the benefits of Buddhist cultivation favoring the practice of “essence” and “qi” also appeared, and the body of the Baiyun Zen Master was much better than that of the other three, and he was not much hurt in this terrible noise, but he was also full of pain and some dizziness.

In such a state, if the Black Mountain Old Demon attacked one attack, he was afraid that he would directly seriously injure and fall, but fortunately, the Black Mountain Old Demon would no longer pay attention to them.

The power of the underworld was absorbed, the face of the giant god gradually recovered, and an invincible power directly swept out, and then locked on to the figure standing in the void like a fairy in the distance.

The Black Mountain Old Demon’s eyes were glowing brightly, and the ghostly qi was surging all over his body, and those few cultivators were also directly out of control, and the body of the giant god of more than a thousand feet was directly attacking forward.


How terrible a giant god of the weight of a mountain was rushing up, countless fierce winds and winds roared, the clouds in the sky were completely scattered, the ground collapsed countless times, and the whole earth seemed to be caught in an extremely terrible earthquake, and huge cracks appeared in countless places.


And the icy underworld black flame burning in the nether realm swept around the old demon of Montenegro like a nest, converging on the fist.

In an instant, it struck Fang Qin not far away, and the strength of his body directly hit him with one punch!


Before it could be attacked, several small hills in the rear collapsed and shattered directly under the cover of the fist wind, and the ground that the old demon of Montenegro stepped on was also cracking like a spider’s web.

Such a terrifying power was extremely amazing, and the old demon of Montenegro had only one thought in his mind, that is, to kill this person directly.

Fang Qin’s body surged with True Yuan, Xuanyuan True Dan Yuan’s Yuan turned violently, the qi and blood in his body boiled, and a stream of Qi Qi Qi cooperated with True Yuan.


In an instant, a whole body of dark ink, the sword body was mixed with the blood gang true yuan sword with a trace of pale gold blood color spreading lines.

As soon as it appeared, the entire earth realm seemed to echo a melodious sword roar, and Fang Qin gently persisted and aimed at the Black Mountain Old Demon.

The old demon of Montenegro only felt an extremely dangerous feeling coming, the ghost light in his eyes jumped slightly, and his heart was frightened, remembering the previous power, subconsciously wanting to dodge,

It’s just that his mountain-heavy body can move flexibly, and it is already not easy to move with all his strength, and it is impossible to avoid action when he is in such a hurry.

Choke! The long sword in Fang Qin’s hand had disappeared.

Ten thousand swords to one holy sword!

The whole earth seemed to freeze for a moment, the light was dim, and a stream of light flashed away, as if it were an illusion.


In the next instant, countless roars sounded, all the substances in the sword light orbit instantly disappeared, and the countless mountains and stones around them directly shattered into powder.

The burning nether black inflammation in those realms separated directly from the middle, as if the instant collapse was about to be extinguished, and it was crumbling.

The Five Spirits True Man and others suddenly felt a sense of great crisis coming, and they were able to recover from the dizziness just now.

Before he could react, he was swept away by this terrifying wind that swept across the whole earth, and he couldn’t maintain it, so he hurriedly performed Daoist Dharma to stabilize his body.

“What’s going on! This momentum…”

Secretly shocked, completely did not understand the situation of the matter, only felt that the heart was beating, the heart was beating, and there was an inexplicable sense of crisis like a devil’s claw that tightened the heart, and the body was cold.

I don’t know how long it took, the life gradually stopped, the ash layer swept down slowly, the Five Spirits True People and others looked into the distance, the divine consciousness swept by, and suddenly their bodies froze, their pupils shrank, and they were drenched in cold sweat.


A huge sword mark spread to the far reaches of the sky and disappeared, it seemed that the entire earth was split in half by this sword, sweeping through the entire nether realm of several thousand zhang, as if it had somewhat collapsed, and countless nether black flames were silenced by Fang Cai’s sword.

Following the beginning, the body of the Black Mountain Old Demon was a little stiff, the right arm of the upper body to the shoulder to the entire upper body of two-fifths of the body directly disappeared, the edge arc seemed to be quite smooth, and there were many fine pieces of mountain stones in the cracks that continued to crack and fall.

There was a figure standing indifferently a hundred feet away in front of the old demon of Montenegro, surrounded by dark colors, as if there was a blood-colored streamer rising slightly.

“Sizzle! Could this be that Fang Qin Daoyou!? What a terrible Vaillant! Such a might… It is really hard to imagine that there are such hermit masters in the world! ”

The Five Spirits True Man was horrified by such a scene, his scalp was numb, and he trembled a little, although he was told some things by his master and disciple at the beginning, but where there was a real insight to be intuitive,

Looking at this terrible trace, I only felt that the decision of the master and disciple was low, and I was afraid that it was difficult for him to see the profundity of the other party’s Daoist deeds if his cultivation was insufficient.

Strange Dao can fight with that Black Mountain Old Demon for seven days and seven nights, but there are some doubts in his heart, although such a terrible power that Black Mountain Old Demon is powerful, but he thinks it will not be stronger than it, he should have been killed earlier, but why did the two sides draw at that time.

“This kind of power is really shocking, and I am an eye-opener.” Xuan Fang Zhenren looked around at the Nether Realm that had weakened a lot, and sighed.

“Amitabha, this man is so powerful that the poor monk has never met such a high person in thousands of years.”

The White Cloud Zen Master was extremely amazed, he and the others had been fighting with the Black Mountain Old Demon for a long time, and there was no real harm.

As soon as the other party appeared, he crushed the body of the old demon of Montenegro into a large mountain, and there was such a shocking aftermath, so miraculous was really impressive.

The spirit on the side of the scattered people’s eyes were burning, and some awe and shock looked at the huge sword mark that spread to the edge of the sky and did not know it, even if they did not sweep it with divine consciousness, they could feel an awe-inspiring and cold sword intent wrapped around.

“Is this the power that Sword Cultivation can possess… I could not have gone down the wrong path…..”

Ling Wei scattered people with a suspicious look of life, as a sword cultivator of the realm of the gods, there are very few in the world, asking himself that no one can understand the sword method and kendo to the right,

However, seeing such a terrible power, he already had no such thoughts in his heart, and even shook his long-standing kendo, thinking that he had taken the wrong path.


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