“That’s right…”

Fang Qin frowned, he didn’t expect things to be so serious, but he was also surprised by the changes in the change of imperial dynasty.

“If there really is a great chaos, I don’t know how the monks in the world will treat it?”

The Five Spirits True Humanity: “Ordinary cultivators will not be too close to human affairs, and it is difficult to make progress if they are too deeply entangled with the cause and effect of the Imperial Dynasty.”

However, in such a chaotic world, naturally you have to do your part to kill the demons with all your might. Only when the new imperial dynasty is re-established and the luck of the qi is condensed will it be closed.

Of course, there will also be some people who will choose from the dragon to choose a hidden dragon to assist, if it is really after the achievement, you can also mix a new imperial seal, and be blessed by luck.

However, this is generally a person with low talent, and it is difficult for people to improve themselves to do so, in the hope that after the end of their life, they can enjoy the worship of incense and then cultivate the body of the yin soul. ”

The four Five Spirit True Men all said some relevant things again, and told them all, which made Fang Qin know a lot about it.

Ling Wei frowned and thought carefully, and couldn’t help asking, “It’s also strange, although this Great Yan will run out of qi, it shouldn’t have declined so quickly. ”

Fang Qin nodded, and then he said what Zuo Feng and Yan Chixia had said that day, and finally said, “It should be the work of this Cihang Pudu, but I didn’t expect this demon to have such a skill.” ”

Hearing that a pillar of demons had actually mixed into the imperial capital, several people of the Five Spirits True People had changed their faces, and among them, the Baiyun Zen Master was the most angry.

“Amitabha! This demon is unforgivable for doing such evil deeds in the name of the Buddha! ”

Zen Master Baiyun was furious, like a Buddha angry at King Kong, and there was a glimmer of golden light flashing all over his body. Not only is this demon viciously causing trouble, but he deserves to go to hell with a nose! And if this matter is spread to the world’s view of Buddhism.

The Five Spirits True Man also had an ugly face: “Imperial Qi Luck still exists, and it can even blend into the Imperial Capital, and I don’t know what demon decreed the Imperial Qi Fortune to decline, is it possible that it is devouring Qi Luck?” Aren’t you afraid of regurgitation, this demon is by no means simple. ”

Thinking of a possibility in his heart, he couldn’t help but be shocked, if it was really devouring qi luck, then the strength of this demon could be described as amazing, and his face was somewhat solemn.

“Oh, it is a pity that when Yan Taizu was a hero, he swept through the world, and he actually produced such an unattractive descendant and was seduced by demons.”

“Alas, is this kind of imperial affair less than in thousands of years?”

Several people talked for a while, and then asked Fang Qin again, “I don’t know what Sir wants to do?” ”

Fang Qin smiled and said, “How to do it?” Isn’t that simple! Naturally, it was to go to the imperial capital and behead that Cihang Pudu. ”

The Five Spirits True People looked at each other, the Dark Dao was indeed so, worthy of being a high person, the Dao was unpredictable, everything in the world was difficult to move it, and he did not care about such a fierce and fierce demon.

Then Gu Du said with a serious face: “Since this is the case, I will wait and do my best to do some modest efforts.” ”

Fang Qin shook his head, “No, I can do it alone, but the luck of the world is like this, if it really wants to collapse… You can also protect the people around you a little and cause harm. ”

Now that such a level of battle had not been prepared in advance, it would have no effect, and it would have been better for him to go alone.

“This… That’s right. ”

The Five Spirits True People knew that with the strength of this Mr. Fang, they couldn’t help much, and if they were to suppress it directly, it wouldn’t matter to them. That would be even less helpful, and it would be better to protect the people.

“In this case, I have to say goodbye first!”

Fang Qin arched his hand and said, his figure flashed and disappeared.

The Five Spirits True Man only felt that the other person’s figure was gone in an instant, and it was difficult to trace, and he sighed: “Every time I see such a magic power, I feel that it is extremely mysterious, if there is this gentleman, things may take a turn for the better.” ”

“This is nature, Mr. Fang has great powers, and it should not be difficult to kill that youkai, but I also have to make some preparations earlier, the number of Great Yan Qi has been exhausted, this is a fixed number.”

“Well, folks, gather the people within the Sect Gate, you need to fight against the demons of this world.”

“Before you leave, seal this portal to the Netherworld.”

The Five Spirits True Man looked at the black portal, holding the seal in his hand one after another, an aura hit, the portal suddenly dissipated, and there was a Dao Dao aura flickering, hitting the vicinity, the last trace of breath was covered, and it took a long time before he breathed a sigh of relief.

A few people said a few more words, and the aura around them rose and disappeared.

In the depths of the entire Silent Mountains, where the Black Mountain Old Demon was located, there was a huge ruin, countless huge cracks crisscrossing each other, and the terrible awe-inspiring sword intent that remained between heaven and earth, which was terrifying.


The land of the Great Yan Imperial Capital.

On the outside, it looked as usual, but inside the entire capital city seemed to have turned into a demon domain, and the demon atmosphere was pervasive.

All the people’s faces were miserable, but they seemed to be pious and prostrating, but if you look closely, you can see that the eyes of all the people here are sluggish and godless, as if they are empty.

Countless voices of worship sounded like whispers, and a trace of white gas flew out from the heads of the people and passed in the direction of the palace.

In the middle of the palace, a huge array of formations, that Yan Emperor was imprisoned and imprisoned again, now there was no human appearance, like a monster-like hideous face, countless blood light flew over.

Cihang Pudu opened his eyes to see, and a smile swept up.

“Finally this moment has come…”

Ongwongung! The array of light is bright!

The vicious fangs emerged, and his hands turned into steel claws, and Emperor Yan had completely transformed into a vicious and terrifying youkai.

At the moment when Emperor Yan completely transformed into a demon, above the clouds in the sky, the Qi Luck Golden Dragon screamed bitterly, and all the blood light qi directly invaded it.

Countless resentment and black qi entangled, the whole body completely turned into a black and red color, countless blood light breathed out, there was no trace of the previous majesty, only a thick breath rushed into the sky.

Cihang Pudu’s eyes lit up when he saw this, and his face flashed a trace of excitement, and he said, “Be well!” That’s it! It’s finally here! ”

His heart moved, no longer in disguise, there was a golden red light around him, as if it was broken, and it rumbled into a huge centipede entangled in countless black qis, and it was impossible to see how huge it was.

Countless black mist filled the air, instantly enveloping the entire palace, spreading in all directions at great speed.

Cihang Pudu looked at Emperor Yan, who had no sign of humanity at the bottom, and couldn’t bear it any longer, and rushed straight to swallow it.


Countless red lights shone out from the blue-black steel-like carapace, and the red light in Cihang Pudu’s eyes burst out, and he looked at the black and red dragon in the sky that seemed to be moving, and directly rushed up and opened his mouth.


Countless black fog filled and rolled endlessly, already enveloping the entire imperial capital, as if there was a slight red light coming out, and vaguely, you could also see a huge body swimming.


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