Cihang Pudu was furious and stared at Fang Qin tightly, all the power was locked on Fang Qin, and the atmosphere condensed.

A loud roar sounded, echoing all around.

“You, indeed, the Divine Passage Method is so powerful that even the Black Mountain Old Demon of the Silent Mountains can be destroyed, and this seat was not as good as you before, but now that this seat has successfully metamorphosed and cultivated to the sixth day pass, what other beings in the world are my opponents?”

Even if you are far inferior, you know how I will torture you to solve the hatred in my heart! ”

Speaking of the end, a vast killing intent locked on Fang Qin, and the killing intent of such a terrifying demon was like substance, countless beings complained and groaned and were bloodthirsty, and the terrible scene of the corpse mountain and the blood sea seemed to appear.

Even the powerful cultivators of the Divine Realm may be affected by this terrible killing intent, or even confused, and fall into the illusion of killing intent.

It’s just a pity that each of Fang Qin’s three exercises has the characteristics of being inviolable to evil, and the recently realized characteristics of “Spirit Purity and No Scale” are also difficult to be affected by these spiritual illusions.

Fang Qin’s eyes swept slightly, slightly heavy, and his mood was a little bad, such a scene also showed that this demon had killed and devoured millions of flesh and blood beings before it could be so disgusting just because of the manifestation of killing intent.

Looking at Cihang Pudu’s eyes coldly, he said lightly: “Do you dare to call the world invincible?” Now it is just a change from a centipede to a snake, and if there is any ability, it will come, and do not say these futile jokes. ”


Cihang Pudu’s huge eyeballs suddenly turned blood-colored, and a terrifying momentum shook violently! The whole earth realm was like an earth dragon turning over, cracking and shattering.

There was a terrible pressure condensed in the space, and although Fang Qin’s face was flat and seemed to be confused, he already had the spirit of twelve points in his heart.


The True Yuan Blood Qi spiritual power in the body surged forward, the yin and yang qi around the body were filled, the pale golden blood qi rose, and a delicate sword of red color in his hand also had a mighty rise, which was particularly terrifying.

“Fight as you want to fight!” I’d like to see how powerful the rumored youkai of the Metamorphosis Realm are! ”

Raising his sword slightly, the sword sounded Qingyue and pointed at Cihang Pudu.

Cihang Pudu’s eyes froze slightly, looking at the long sword that had caused him great harm, the demon in his heart that was surging with vast power seemed to be faintly painful, and the chill was shrouded, and he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous in his heart.

Before he could act, he heard Fang Qin’s words spread again.

“Oh, after your youkai demon was cut off by me, I don’t know how much strength is left, and it shouldn’t be considered a full transformation realm….”

Cihang Pudu’s mind that had just calmed down was once again furious, and he did not stop and made a sensation!

Fang Qin’s body was boiling with strength, and his body shape went up a little.


The two exchanged hands in an instant, and for a moment the sound shook like thunder, and the entire imperial capital could not even preserve the last trace of its silhouette, turning into a desolate place, and countless boulders swept up in the wind.

The two formations above the entire earth boundary also maintained to be directly swept away by the terrifying aftershocks, and could not withstand the direct collapse.

And Fang Qin didn’t have time to take care of these two formations now, and there was no need for them, the other party’s posture looked like he wouldn’t give up without killing himself, and this confinement formation was useless.

Just don’t expend any other strength and focus on the battle at hand.

Fang Qin’s face was calm, and in an instant, he cast the Getaway Technique in an instant, flying through the void and flashing like thunder.

Dodge the terrible bites and the poisonous corrosion that swept in countless black and red filths.

Countless refining sword rays in his hand swept in, leaving Dao Dao marks on the body of that Cihang Pudu, but unfortunately the other party had completely transformed, and the scales on his body were more than twice as hard as when they were just born, and it was difficult to break through for a while.

The strength, speed, defense, and demon power were all much stronger, more terrifying than the terrifying mountain of the Black Mountain Old Demon, and the other side was not known for this, and the most important demon power was more dangerous than before. ’

Thinking about the change of the other party in his heart, he couldn’t help but be a little solemn, this change was still the other party’s forced breakthrough, plus his last move to cut the sword to cut the other party’s demon,

There is such a terrible ascension in the case of not being in its heyday, which is amazing.

If you really let the other party run before, go back and slowly refine the qi luck, devour the dragon qi, and achieve the transformation realm, without saying anything, only the most ordinary promotion may be much more tricky than the current one.

It is really difficult to predict the extent to which the strength of the other side will climb.

Fang Qin’s heart was solemn on this side, and Cihang Pudu’s mind was also shocked and moved.

This person must have some great origin, otherwise the strength could not be so terrible, and this seat has been successfully promoted to the realm of transformation,

Although there are great flaws and defects, it is still a real realm of transformation, and I don’t know how much stronger than before, how can the other party still be able to compete with me for such a long time! ’

Cihang Pudu remembered that when there was no breakthrough before, it was already unbelievable for the other party to crush him, and now that his strength had increased greatly, he thought that it would be easy to kill and devour the other party.

The result was unexpected, although his current strength and even speed were much stronger and faster than his, but there was always a feeling of powerlessness to vent and empty everywhere.

The other party seems to have some kind of perception that is extremely amazing, and before he has moved, he often seems to have known the next killing move, instantly dodging or counterattacking obstacles.

And the other party’s attack power is also extremely terrifying, and what makes Cihang Pudu most jealous is that Xuanhong Sword, which has always been his key defensive object.

Although he felt in his heart that with his own strength and the newly born scale armor defense power on his body, he should not be unable to defend himself.

However, the experience of being seriously injured twice in the previous instant, or involuntarily the heart was slightly tight.

Why is the world so unfair! The human race’s enlightenment is the highest among the beings in the world, and this person not only has the same understanding in the world, but also crushes the beings in the world in all other aspects! ’

In an instant, countless attacks were exchanged, and it was difficult to help it for a short time, Cihang Pudu was secretly scolded in his heart, and he was very jealous.

It is more certain that the other party must have a special bloodline to be so terrible, perhaps it contains the ancient divine bloodline, coveting, if you really devour the other party, can you get the great benefits.

Thinking like this, the killing intent is even stronger, and the power sweeps!

From a distance, I saw a series of terrifying red lights destroying all directions, violently corroding the space, countless sword rays floating, and scorching flames bombarding each other.

A huge roar shook, the earth was mourning, and the entire Jingzhao Mansion could feel no small aftershocks.


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