With the passage of time, the entire Thirty-Six Provinces of Great Yan became more and more chaotic, and after the complete collapse of the imperial qi luck, the human qi luck in the human world was already in a state of disintegration.

Among the various local counties and towns, only the humane aura of the various qi and luck of human beings in this place has the effect of suppressing demons, but just like that, it is far worse than the previous blessing of a country’s qi and luck.

Countless hidden bloodthirsty demons began to break into the city, devouring the people and devouring flesh and blood souls to strengthen themselves.

At present, chaos has just begun in the human county, most of them are barely able to resist, of course, the loss of personnel is also quite painful.

Of course, there is desperate resistance, naturally there is also chaos, by the demons directly turned the loophole, broke through the city guards, countless demons and ghosts were attracted by the smell of blood, but also aggravated the situation, the city directly collapsed, a human tragedy,

Those who survived either fled or lost hope and were in a state of confusion.

There are too few cultivators in the world, and perhaps some powerful ones can shelter one side, but the entire Thirty-Six Provinces of the World are too vast to pray that they can shelter the world’s decisions.

We can only hope that the Terrans will begin to resist on their own, and I can also hope that a hero of the chaotic world will draw his sword and rise, just like hundreds of years ago, thousands of years ago, those heroes who came out of the chaotic world Haojie to lead the world to end the chaos and sweep away the Uchiha.


Jinhua Province, Pinghu County.

Ning Caichen sat on top of the Yamen High Hall, handling things during this time, careful and serious.

Liang Jiu was a little relieved, remembering the changes during this time, which was really unexpected and somewhat inexplicable.

On that day, the demon broke into the city and was killed by the character given by Mr. Fang, and all the demons in the city were killed by the town.

When the others saw this, they thought he was like a god, revered and revered him, and the servants who had taken him to prison even knelt down and wept bitterly to beg for his forgiveness.

It was not his doing, but he was bowed down and thanked by all.

With his personality, he naturally could not do such a thing, so after thinking about it for a while, he carefully informed him of the immortal strange things he had encountered at Lanruo Temple in Guobei County.

The others listened to it with amazement and envy, although they did not have the same reverence as at the beginning, but they also revered him, after all, a person who was protected by the gods and immortals was not simple, it was still a golden thigh, holding it.

The matter also spread out, causing the shock and amazement of the people, and even some local Hao clans did not dare to underestimate it.

Feeling that Ning Caichen was a reader, and that his neighbors had a very good reputation and filial piety, and that the county order with a very bad reputation died, they all elected him as the new Pinghu County Order.

In this way, he became a county order, which was naturally postponed one after another, but after being persuaded by several respected elders, he had no choice but to become a county order.

Dealing with things for the first time is still a bit busy. Later, it may be that there is a way of cultivation, but it is very quick to deal with a thing, and the prisoners in the prison are retried.

As a result, most of them were killed, and Ning Caichen was angry and angry, directly releasing these poor people, and treating the people favorably, which made the people more afraid and loved.

The sound of footsteps sounded, Ning Caichen looked over, and an old man slowly walked in.

Ning Caichen stood up and performed a salute, “Mr. Zhuge .” ”

This Mr. Zhuge was the old man in the prison who shared a room with him.

Zhuge Wolong even gave up and said, “What gentleman is not sir, what etiquette is still performed, it should be me to salute you.” ”

Looking at this handsome young man with a righteous face, Zhuge Wolong was quite wonderful in his heart, and he felt that this person had a good look and feel at first sight, and he did not want to have such an opportunity later, the most important thing was that he had seen the hermit immortal.

Ning Caichen shook his head, “Mr. Zhuge naturally respects the elders, and besides, Mr. Zhuge is a hundred times better than me, and he has benefited a lot from dealing with things before, and Xiaosheng feels that this county order needs Mr. Zhuge to do it.” ”

Zhuge Wolong shook his head continuously, “Eh, I don’t deserve any county order, you are really deserved, as for talent… Sigh, it is still the first time to such a clever young man, much better than I have before, Ning Shusheng should not be arrogant. ”

Looking at Ning Caichen’s eyes was also a little strange, and he admired his wisdom in his heart, but it was also a pity, originally he wanted to accept him as an apprentice at the beginning.

As a result, the people had already recognized the teacher, or the kind of immortals, the magic of killing demons that day, but he could see it clearly, and he naturally did not dare to have such thoughts as a mortal.

“I wonder what happened to Mr. Zhuge when he came here?”

Zhuge Wolong heard this and groaned for a moment and said, “I came to ask you, your future plans, the things I told you before, you should also know the current situation, but what do you think?” ”

After saying that, he just stared at Ning Caichen, trying to see something.

Ning Caichen was stunned for a moment, and then he also frowned and pondered, he already knew the great changes outside, the name of Great Yan was really dead, and the world had already begun to be in chaos, and this Mr. Zhuge naturally meant to ask him what he would do in this monstrous situation in the future.

After a while, Ning Caichen’s face turned straight and he said seriously: “Ning Mou has no great wish to study, he just wants to be a small official who can govern the party and make the people safe.” ”

Zhuge Wolong looked at it seriously, sighed slightly, and said, “Is it? Also, I have been with you for a while, and I also know you as a person, indeed…

Oh, don’t talk about this, by the way, I heard that the Guo Bei County next door is the temple Lan Ruo Temple, which you said you met the gods,

Now many people gathered there to take refuge, and when they heard that the demons and ghosts did not dare to come close, they became a shelter in the vicinity, and a group of people began to build houses in the vicinity, intending to live for a long time. ”

Speaking of some strange faces here, he felt that things were quite magical, the fierce name of Lan Ruo Temple in Guobei County he had heard of, and now it had become the shelter of that county capital, and the things in the world were really wonderful.

Ning Caichen thought about it and laughed:

“I’ve heard that some powerful strange people and strangers can have the ability to deter demons, so that ghosts and monsters dare not get close, let alone immortals.”

The handwriting given to me by the Immortal Master before had such mysterious power that it was enough to kill the demons in the city.

And that day, when he slayed demons and exorcised demons at Lan Ruo Temple, Guo Bei County could see the vision, and such a situation must have been the breath left by the Immortal Master, so that those demons and ghosts did not dare to come close. ”

Zhuge Wolong listened and nodded his head, and with some envy in his heart, he sighed with a face: “Such a god and man are really fascinating and revered, sorry!” Can’t meet it. ”


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