Xiao Qin thought about this, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration,

“Wrong… There are still advantages, if you can cultivate to the strength of the Wu Ancestor Crown, with that kind of terrifying individual strength, perhaps…

The intelligent beings of those alien civilizations should only rely on terrifying technology to win the same as the Azure Star civilization, and the threat of life itself should not be large, can human beings try to break through from here…”

Although no one in the past life really saw what the wisdom of these civilizations themselves was, they still relied on some information to conclude that they should also be humanoid beings.

Xiao Qin’s mind turned, and she did not come to a conclusion, she was just an ordinary person, and it was difficult to figure out what loopholes could be drilled in this.

And this is considering the strength of Wu Zu’s level.

In the past few days, she has also learned about the martial arts cultivation method, and found that if she wants to cultivate to the level of the martial ancestor, it is basically equivalent to a fool’s dream.

Even practicing to the innate realm is extremely difficult, and it is not possible to do it in a short period of time.

And the strength of the Innate Realm, to be honest, in her opinion, except for the level of Wu Zu, the pioneer, did not help in dealing with it later.

I only felt that the odds were so small that it was almost impossible, and I could only give up after biting my teeth.

“Martial arts are just starting out, it is difficult to achieve results, and human technology is absolutely difficult to catch up with alien civilizations in a short period of time, the only thing that can make the other party scrupulous is the artifact that can cross the world… Nothing else…”

In the past life, it was precisely because of this mysterious thing that the alien civilization was coveted, but at the same time it was extremely jealous.

I was afraid that the Blue Star humans had mastered some incredible technology from it, so the behavior at the beginning was relatively restrained.

This also gave the initial Azure Star civilization some time to react, but the gap was too big, and the result was already doomed anyway.

After the alien civilization knew exactly that humans did not have any research results from this divine thing, they completely relaxed their minds and directly dealt a devastating blow to the Azure Star humans.

However, many scientists have reasoned that if human beings want to survive the difficulties, perhaps the only life is in this divine thing.

If you can replicate and develop some cutting-edge technology, or keep it secret for deterrence, you may be able to deal with it, although the hot hope is still slim, but it is much better than this.

It is also ironic that this mysterious artifact has brought a terrible crisis to the blue star, but if you want to survive the difficulties, you also need to rely on this artifact to make a fuss.

It’s no exaggeration to say it’s a Pandora’s box.

“The most important thing now is to tell yourself what you know and how to believe my words…”

On the first day of Xiao Qin’s rebirth and return, she did not think of hiding her identity, which was unrealistic.

Unless she does not take the crisis of human destruction at all and ignores it,

If you want to catch that glimmer of life, you must let everyone know the existence of the threat in advance, to gather strength to think about the back road after that, and even the global human beings to think about the back road after that.

How could she, as someone who had experienced such despair, be willing to watch the whole world face a terrible crisis of extinction and do nothing?

It was too desperate, life was completely in the hands of others, and she desperately wanted to avoid such things.

But her past life was just an ordinary person under countless despairs, her life was ordinary, and her experience was ordinary.

What is known is only some of the well-known levels, and the only useful thing is some of the experiences and information known in the next decade.

With her own small strength and knowledge, it is really difficult to think about how the road should be taken after that, and she cannot do anything like salvation.

It could only be left to everyone to decide, and Xiao Qin felt that this was the only thing she could do when she was reborn, saying that there was no possibility that this world could avoid the tragic consequences of endangering destruction in her previous life.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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