Fang Qin didn’t care either, in the past he didn’t care about the problem of violence or not exposing.

He holds the key to moving around the two worlds at will, and naturally does not care what the consequences of exposure will be, and the worst thing is to settle in the martial arts world.

When he had just broken through to the Innate Realm, he even asked himself that as long as it was not a super high-standard weapon such as nuclear weapons, it would be difficult to hurt him.

And nuclear weapons, which are basically weapons that modern society will not use, only have a deterrent effect, but they will not be used so easily.

Even if all the impossibilities are abandoned, there are really people who are crazy and generally use it without effect, and he is not a fool, does not move in place to pick up nuclear weapons, and once he enters the martial arts world, he will not be able to help himself.

Now, after practicing for so long since breaking through the innate, I have also comprehended countless Daoist magic powers in the evil world, and have broken through to the realm of the [Dao Body].

The strength of a body can be described as countless more terrifying than before, and all kinds of super powerful means are not known, and they will not worry about it.

Now it can be said that the blue star in the real world is basically not a threat to him at all.

At this point, it doesn’t matter what kind of exposure is not exposed, how love is.

Fang Qin didn’t care about the people who were walking around the room in secret, and went directly to the computer and opened the search for what hadn’t happened to him during this time.

Looking all the way down, my eyes were quite surprised.

“Oh? Have you actually already developed a medicine to assist cultivation, Peiyuan liquid…”

The real world has changed a lot in the six months since he left.

Countless people are now greeting each other a little weird, from ‘Have you eaten?’ It became, ‘How have you practiced?’ Breaking through? ’

There have also been countless gifted geniuses.

Even if you have already joined the examination of martial arts cultivation, as long as you break through to the fourth level in the refining qi or refining body, there are basically countless famous schools rushing to get it.

As long as there is a talent to cultivate this path, there are basically countless welfare benefits, even worse than the two ways of refining the qi and refining the body.

This was because only the three spiritual realms of the Spirit Qi were the most mysterious and harsh and difficult to cultivate in this alchemy, and there was basically no great power to reveal in the early stages.

Many people with talents in this area hesitated, fearing that after they threw themselves into cultivation, the results might not be satisfactory.

And if you want to make quick achievements on this path, you have to work hard, so you have improved a lot of welfare, and attracted some talented people to practice the gods.

Most of them are also walking in the two paths of refining qi and refining the body, and some people have already begun to cultivate to the seventh level of the day after tomorrow, which is the data that is revealed on the surface.

Behind the scenes, there may already be many acquired eight-fold or even nine-fold people appearing.

As for the Innate Realm, in Fang Qin’s estimation, it would not appear so quickly, unless no matter the cost of not considering the potential problem after that, forcibly breaking through, but also accepting that after the breakthrough, the strength and Shouyuan did not increase much, so it was estimated that no one would be willing to break through so easily.

However, now with the blessing of Peiyuan Liquid, perhaps it will not be too far away from the birth of the first batch of innate strong people.

This is also the terrible thing about modern society, as long as there is a shared cultivation method, after the full popularization, there will be countless geniuses emerging, coupled with the tilt of resources, the growth rate of the overall strength has completely exploded the martial arts world.

“But it can only be done in the early stage, and the latter is not a resource problem, and talent and understanding are indispensable.”

Fang Qin looked at it with great interest, the acquired heaven realm went alone, perhaps the talent could generally be directly piled up with countless resources, but to break through the innate was not so simple answer, let alone the cultivation after the innate one.

The path after the innate realm will be more difficult, and every step forward in practicing the path of eternal life is to break through the current life level, and every step will become more and more difficult.

Of course, these are too illusory for people in the real world, and they need Fang Qin to continue to improve the cultivation method of martial arts.

His realm of “Tao Body” originated from “No Leakage. Only when the realm of innate realm breaks through can we have this supreme foundation to ascend to the stage of Shen Yun becoming self-contained and beginning to nurture one’s own Dao body.

Others practiced the Spirit Spirit Martial Path after he simplified a lot, not to mention that it was almost impossible for anyone to cultivate with the Spirit Spirit to the top.

Even if there really was such a supreme genius, it would be impossible for the Spirit Qi to reach its peak and cultivate to the level of divine perfection that gave birth to its own Dao body like Fang Qin.

And if Fang Qin did not continue to open up the back road, he could basically only be trapped here.

“With so many people practicing the martial arts I have passed down, the luck point has skyrocketed a lot.”

Fang Qin glanced at the Qi Luck Points that were increasing all the time, these people’s cultivation was constantly getting stronger, and the Qi Luck Points they could feedback were also increasing.

Keep looking, but you’ll know it in a moment.



After Fang Qin read all the thoughts of the existing information, his face suddenly turned stunned, his eyes lit up, and he looked into the distance.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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