Fang Qin looked at the starry sky, and a slight inexplicable light surged in his eyes, directly using Allah’s omniscient power.


A cloud above the Divine Sea churned, the power of faith was constantly consumed, and an inexplicable message directly emerged.

A fleet of flying saucers, slightly shimmering with silver light, are rapidly advancing towards the interior of the solar system.

While passing by a planet, a sudden wave of inexplicable power emerged from that planet.

Although it only formed for a short moment and disappeared directly, it still caused an irresistible space storm.

A series of flying saucer fleets, directly crashing into the storm, were directly destroyed a small half of the flying saucers,

Most of the remaining difficult breakthroughs broke through the storm, but the damage was quite serious, and the speed of operation seemed to have suddenly decreased.

Fang Qin stopped the operation of the omniscient power, and his face was a little strange.

That should be the fleet of the Silver Light Civilization, which had taken their detectors before, but instead allowed them to directly detect some amazing changes in the blue star in advance and increase their travel speed.

At their previous speed, it would only be two or three months before they came to the Blue Star, but it was a bit unlucky. ’

Fang Qin’s power to stimulate the stars at that time was indeed just a test of strength, who knew that such a coincidence had spread to the fleet of the Silver Light Civilization, and it was also their bad luck.

However, Fang Qin had no interest in directly destroying this Silver Light Fleet, which was left to the Blue Star Civilization to fight against the trial.

It is also time to let the blue star go through something, after all, there may be countless salivating eyes staring at this blue star civilization, if they do not continue to grow stronger in resistance and pressure, they will only become more and more dangerous in the future.

You can’t rely on Fang Qin for shelter in everything.

Naturally, he passed on the martial arts not only because of the luck of the point, but also because of the vision of making this civilization stronger and stronger.

Moreover, the opposing fleet was seriously damaged, the speed was greatly reduced, and when it came to the Blue Star, it would be like Xiao Qin said, and it would not appear until three years later.

However, the strength has been weakened by more than half, and the Blue Star Civilization should be barely enough to deal with it.

Fang Qin scattered the power of faith, he already had his own way, his own cultivation was extremely deep, and naturally he would not indulge in these forces.

With his cultivation, it is estimated that he will become more and more powerful, and it is not impossible to achieve a power like a myth.

In fact, among the many beliefs above the Divine Sea, there are some weak gods who have the authority and power, which he himself can do, and it is even more terrifying.

Only a few levels of divine authority that had broken through the heavens were something he could not touch on now, and that was the true power.

But it didn’t matter, the path of cultivation, slowly groping forward, he also had the confidence to keep going.

As soon as the mind moves, the figure has disappeared.

Directly above a beach, surrounded by clarity and purity, there is a spiritual barrier that covers a wide area, making it difficult for everything to detect everything here.

Looking at a few girls who were happy to play, they laughed and walked over, causing a flower to bloom and laugh.


In the solar system, in the starry sky near Uranus,

There are many fleet flying saucer wreckage left in space, and far ahead, is the remaining fleet that escaped, and judging from some superficial damage, it is also quite serious.

In the main fleet, countless Silver Light Star people also had a lot of damage on their bodies, and their scales fell a lot, and the number of people was much less.

The captain of the fleet jumped like thunder, and a harsh voice came out.

“Damn damn it! What the hell is going on!? Why would our fleet crash directly into a space storm!?

How the work of detecting the starway is done! Why didn’t you change the route in advance!

Exactly ten ships! We lost ten ships! Do you know what a loss this is! How many resources have been spent on our parent star to have such a scale! Damn it! Damn it! Talk! ”

The Silver Light Star Man in charge of this piece trembled slightly, and there was some horror in his words:

“This storm came suddenly! Everything happened in a very short period of time, I don’t understand! Why is this happening!

Obviously, the formation of space storms is traceable, and it is impossible to take such a short time, not even a second! This storm formed in an instant! ”

The captain of the fleet heard this fish blush open, the scales slightly shiny up, and roared even more furiously:

“Drag him out!” Useless stuff! Let the people who know! ”

Immediately, several Silver Light Star people directly dragged the person in charge of this piece away.

“No! It has nothing to do with me! It’s not my fault! Is nearby that planet has eccentrics! It’s none of my business! ”

The voice quickly disappeared into the main control room, and the captain forcibly calmed down a little, scanning the surroundings, and all the silence did not dare to speak.

“Wow! You explain! What the hell is going on! And our specific losses!! ”

When it came to the loss, the captain only felt that his heart was dripping blood, and their civilized space fleet had been happening continuously except for the hundred years when interstellar exploration had just begun.

Since then, the technology has been continuously improved, and now since he has been in service, He has had such a huge loss, and the huge loss will even make him lose a position as captain of the fleet, how not to make him angry!

One had to stand up and say:

“In this space storm, our fleet directly lost ten spacecraft.

The remaining twenty ships also suffered varying degrees of damage, ten of which were damaged by more than 40 percent.

Five ships were damaged by about twenty-nine percent, three by ten percent, and only the primary and secondary ships suffered the least, less than eight percent. ”


A piercing sound resounded throughout the main control room, and the captain was already on the verge of losing his mind.

Such a huge loss, do not need to think about it, after returning to the house will definitely be severely punished, the execution is small, and continuous torture is the most painful.

The captain of the fleet on the edge of the fury suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and quickly looked at the silver star people collected by the system resources and roared:

“Profile! The previously collected information about the Blue Star Civilization has not been damaged! ”

The previous information is extremely important, and only this amazing knowledge may be able to offset it, or even go further.


In response to him, there was a silence, and the captain’s heart continued to sink, trying to calm his emotions and asked:

“What the hell is going on?” Say it! ”

The Silver Stars looked at each other, and the eldest stepped forward and said:

“This, the loss of ten percent of the scientific and technological data, the loss of thirty percent of the spiritual and cultural information,

There is also those mysterious knowledge, more than half of which has been lost, and it is basically impossible to continue the transcription work…”

Speaking of the last dare not look at the captain, such an important information lost so much, it is unimaginable.


The piercing roar of anger echoed through the main control room for a long time.

No one dared to speak, and it took a while to dissipate, and the captain trembled with anger in his hands, looked at all his men and said:

“The tinkering work is on the road, full speed towards the Blue Star!”

As long as the Blue Star is occupied, then all losses can be compensated, and there will be a great achievement!

“Captain, you can’t use the Ultra Sail Mode anymore…”

“Shut up!! That’s the fastest speed in Pudu mode! ”



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