
All the sword qi instantly turned invisible, as if there was no reason, coming from nowhere, and not knowing where to go.

Murong Ziying’s heart tightened, he was uncertain, and his face was a little shocked.

‘How come… Just what was that… Could these not be ordinary monsters? ’,

Looking at the locust demon, everything seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary, just some weak demons, and it was impossible to be any kind of divine beast.

Suddenly, his gaze froze and landed on the little demon that had just jumped out.

Only to see a faint light enveloping the other party’s entire body, the light is not strong, even a little weak,

But when he looked into it, he suddenly heard an extremely inexplicable sense of threat, and for a moment he was a little frightened, and his heart was uneasy.

He didn’t even dare to probe with divine knowledge, and he vaguely felt in his heart that if he really probed with divine knowledge, he was afraid that it would alarm and lead to the inexplicable power contained in it.

Some complex swept towards a group of locust demons, and these locust demons obviously could not have such unfathomable power.

So where does this inexplicable force come from…


With her closed eyes slightly open, she found that all the terrible sword light had disappeared, and her body was shrouded in a faint light, an indescribable sense of security, and she couldn’t help but be in a daze.

“Meow? It’s the immortals…,

The other locust demons also returned to their senses, and the leader was overjoyed to see this, and had already guessed the source of this protective force, and shouted loudly:

“It must be the immortals who shelter me, ahem!” Who are you? Come here for no reason! You are not welcome here, leave quickly! ”

He knew in his heart that even if he had the protection of the gods, his side might not be able to hurt, but it was impossible to defeat the human being in front of him.

The gap between the two sides was too great, if it were not for the means of protection given by the Immortal Family, I was afraid that these locust demons would already be dead.

The other locust demons heard that they were looking in the direction of the locust rice, and many of them heard the leader’s meaning and shouted one after another:

“Get out! You are not welcome here! I have the protection of the immortals, you dare to be disrespectful to the immortals! ”

Locust heard the voice, also meowing, and said:

“Bad guys! Villain! Leave! ”

When Murong Ziying heard this, his pupils narrowed, and he remembered what he had heard from the man named Luo Er before, and the two corresponded, but they were also silent.

Originally, he thought that the so-called immortal was a person who cultivated immortals and asked, but now that he looked at it, it didn’t seem to be so simple.

Moreover, those locust demons do not look like demons with such magical powers, so it seems that indeed as these locust demons say, there is an unknown and unfathomable mysterious existence that has left a means of shelter.

It’s unbelievable to think of it.

Although his cultivation was inferior to that of the elders who had been practicing for decades and hundreds of years, he could not be compared to the existence of the Elders.

However, the Imperial Sword Technique could be described as not weak, and under the urging of Fang Cai, there was no full strength, but there was also six or seven points of strength.

In this way, the means used by oneself are silently dissipated and invisible in an instant.

And this is just a protective hand left by the other side.

‘Could it really be the work of the Immortals?’ But why? These are all ah, is it not hurtful or harmful to keep it…

Or is there any reason for this, and how deep is the power contained there…’,

Looking at the faint light of the locust rice, slightly condensed, or decided to take the risk of trying, the divine consciousness was slightly swept away, Fang Yi found that light, and suddenly froze, a touch of horror appeared in his eyes.

Suddenly, as if touching something, an extremely frightening sword intent emerged.


A melodious sword roar reverberated between the heavens and the earth around him, and an unimaginable chill enveloped Murong Ziying’s body.

There seemed to be an unimaginable sword light in front of his eyes, it was an unprecedented sense of crisis, and he knew that if he could not escape, he would die.

However, Murong Ziying did not hide, nor did he have the heart to hide, because he also knew that he could not avoid this terrifying sword intent no matter what.

It was like the most mysterious sword technique in the world, extremely simple, but it contained supreme power, no matter where he went, the sword light would always stab him and kill him, no doubt.

“Such a sword technique… Extremely mysterious! I’m far from it! ”

There is amazement in the eyes! Shake! There is also an indescribable and irrepressible feeling,

Such a realm of swords can be seen, for a person who loves swords like him, even if he dies, he has no regrets.

However, in addition to these, there are also thick doubts in my heart, and I don’t know why that unknown mysterious being would shelter the demon! Shouldn’t this be a demon that cultivators kill when they see it?

All kinds of threads are floating in the mind, just like a horse and a flower, but there is no fear, but there is only some regret, only to see this wonderful sword technique, and then he will die.

Watching the sword intent strike with his eyes open, it seemed that he wanted to see the last mystery of it.


In the next instant, at the moment of contact, the sense of crisis suddenly dissipated, and the sharp feeling that swept over the face turned into a breeze, and everything around seemed to return to normal.


Murong Ziying dropped the imperial sword and hurriedly took a few steps back, somewhat losing his mind and being silent.

Looking at the many locust demons, seeing that they were still saying words of repellency, as if they had ignored everything about Fang Cai, Murong Ziying’s heart was extremely complicated.

He said with a slight salute to the surroundings: “I don’t know which Immortal Ancestor is here again, but Murong Ziying sent Murong Ziying to meet the Elder in the Lower Qionghua.”

That feeling of Fang Cai, that invincible power, has let him know,

That was definitely not a mortal being, maybe it was really a legendary immortal, and even Qionghua and other immortal sects had never appeared before.

The many locust demons were shocked to see his movements, and when they heard the voice, they looked at each other and did not dare to speak.

For a moment the scene was somewhat silent, and after a while.

Murong Ziying looked at those locust demons and hesitated again, “Why do the seniors want to…”

He paused for a moment, speechless for a moment, and finally said:

Murong Ziying thanked his predecessors for forgiving the offense, and since the seniors sheltered these demons, Ziying would no longer have much trouble.


If these monsters are the last to hurt people, and they are also true….. That….. Zi Ying is dead, and she will also stop these monsters. ”

Although there is some trepidation in the words, it is also serious.

There was a moment of silence, and Murong Ziying maintained a posture of courtesy.

“Meow! Villain! We haven’t hurt anyone at all, and you ran over for no reason and took the sword and tried to kill us! Villain! Villain! Hum! ”

“Meow ~ just is! We have never hurt anyone at all, the immortals told us not to hurt people, we all listen to the teachings of the immortals! ”

The childish voice of the Dao Dao sounded, and a group of small locust demons were indignant and stared at each other with wide eyes.


Murong Ziying was somewhat silent, and although he still did not agree, he had no choice.

Some complicated glanced at the many locust demons, did not speak, knew that the immortal ancestor might not appear to see him, bowed respectfully to the surroundings, turned and left.

A sword light appeared and disappeared.

A group of locust demons were greatly relieved to see this, and when the leader of the locust demons ran to the side of the locust rice, the faint aura on his body had disappeared and disappeared.

All the locust demons knelt down and thanked the immortals for their protection, grateful.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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