“Reiki changes around here?”

Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli glanced at each other, the so-called aura was different, both of them had experienced that kind of aura gathering image, naturally they would not be strangers.

They already knew what the other party was saying, and it must have been Fang Qin’s cultivation.

Seeing the faces of the two people, Huai Shuo was overjoyed and said, “Do you two know?” Don’t know if you can tell me to wait? ”

Xuanjie on the side was also bright-eyed, and he didn’t say anything about leaving quickly, he looked over.

“Well… Well…”,

Han Lingsha thought for a moment, as if it was not something that could not be said.

Moreover, when she saw these two so-called immortal cultivators, she had a good look and feel.

And it seems that although she knows the magical art of the Royal Sword, she feels that her strength seems to be slightly better than the two of them.

So there was no need to worry, after looking at Liu Mengli, Gu Du nodded.

“I know roughly what happened to the Reiki changes you mentioned, but I don’t know if your uncle came here or not.”

“Oh? The things that Uncle Shi was exploring were related to this, and I thought it should be…,

But no matter what, Huai Shuo thanks you both! ”

Huai Shuo’s face was slightly happy and he responded.

“No, it’s not a big deal, things should have something to do with the mountain, if you really want to go, go to the mountain.”

Han Lingsha held out a finger and said.

Both Huai Shuo and Xuan Jie looked up at the mountain, their faces were happy, and it seemed that they had not found the wrong place.

“Thank you girl for informing!”

“Really? Brother Master, let’s hurry up and see if Uncle Shi is there! ”

Han Lingsha looked at this little girl, felt quite cute, and said with a smile:

“Little girl, your uncle must be fine.”

Xuan Jie puffed up and said, “Who is the little girl, where are the little ones…”

After looking at Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli a few times, he was suddenly a little discouraged and muttered slightly, but he still thanked him:

“Thank you, kind hearted man!”

Huai Shuo smiled and nodded, “Xuan Jie, wait a little longer,

As the two girls said before, if they want to go up the mountain, why should they also go there? I don’t know if I can go along? ”

Han Lingsha took a look at Liu Mengli and knew that she did not like the presence of outsiders, so she smiled and politely refused:

“No, we’ll just go up on our own, and I see that you can fly with your swords, and it’s not good to be disturbed if you’re in such a hurry.”

“This… That being the case, I am waiting for the farewell, thank you both! ”

“Goodbye, thank you very much~”

After Huai Shuo and Xuan Jie said that, they unleashed their flying swords, and the sword light flickered and went up the mountain.

Liu Mengli’s brow frowned slightly, covering Jie’s forehead, and at the center of her brow was a mysterious rune,

Flickering slightly, his mind seemed to flash a little blurry, and he murmured in his heart:

‘Kunlun Qionghua… It’s so strange why this is so…’,

Han Lingsha saw the two sword rays and said with some envy:

“Imperial Sword Flying Immortals, I don’t know when I can do what they do!”

Looking at Liu Mengli, his face was slightly stunned, and he said with concern:

“Dream glass? What happened to you? The face is a little bit unpleasant…”,

“No, it’s okay, I have a headache occasionally, don’t get in the way.”

Liu Mengli shook her head slightly, not wanting her to worry, showed a smile, and changed the subject:

“Flying with a sword is indeed like a sword fairy in myths and legends.”

Where Han Lingsha would be easily diverted from her attention, a little worried, said:

“Mengli, if there is anything uncomfortable, you must tell me, don’t force it.”

Thinking in his heart, this is really worrying, and when he got to the mountain, he found an opportunity to ask Brother Fang Qin to come and see if Mengli’s body was in serious trouble.

“Hmm… I know, Ryosha thank you for caring about me. Liu Mengli’s heart was slightly warm, and her face was soft.

Han Lingsha took Liu Mengli’s jade hand and said, “Don’t be so polite, let’s go, let’s go up.” ”



A quarter of an hour later, facing Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli, whose faces were a little confused,

Both Huai Shuo and Xuan Jie’s faces were rather embarrassed.

In the end, Huai Shuo stood up and explained:

“This mountain may be because of that huge aura change, the closer it is to the mountain, the greater the degree of agitation of the aura, and the more chaotic it is.”

My sister and I cultivated to a limited extent, the art of the imperial sword was not very proficient, I did not dare to go up to the sword, for fear of being affected by that aura, so..”…

Xuan Jie stood behind Huai Shuo, her face a little red, this kind of thing was really humiliating to her.

Huai Shuo relaxed for a moment, then he didn’t care anymore, and thought about it: “Two, meet again, why not go up the mountain together?” ”

Han Lingsha covered her mouth and smiled slightly, not expecting things to be like this.

However, she still looked at Liu Mengli, and she always felt that Fang Cai Mengli’s strangeness was because of these two people.

I don’t know if I want to or not, if I don’t want to, I can only refuse.

Liu Mengli saw Han Lingsha’s look, and gently bowed his head, indicating that it was okay.

“If that’s the case, let’s go up together!”

Since Liu Mengli didn’t care anymore, Han Lingsha naturally wouldn’t be different, so she agreed.

In fact, she still had a lot to know about the matter of cultivating immortals, so she would like to take this opportunity to learn about it.

“Thank you both!”

The next four of them walked together, and there were naturally some curious inquiries on the road.

Most of the time Han Lingsha asked about the cultivation of the Qionghua Sect,

Both Huai Shuo and Xuan Jie thanked her for telling them the information they had told the others, and they also said something that could be said.

“Oh, it turns out that this Kunlun really hides this kind of cultivation immortal sect, which is really powerful.”

If it weren’t for the fact that the road was too far away, I would have wanted to explore the legendary Kunlun Mountains and find the legendary Immortal Mountains.

Oh, maybe it can become your same door. ”

Han Lingsha thought about his previous experience of searching for immortals everywhere and couldn’t help but smile.

Xuan Jie muttered a little, “To cultivate immortals requires talent and qualifications, but it is not something that can be worshiped into Qionghua at will.” ”

“Xuanjie, don’t be rude!” Huai Shuo said with a frown,

Some apologetically said: “I’m sorry, my little master sister has been a little arrogant and indulgent since she was a child, less disciplined, and her speech is always annoying,..”

“Hee-hee, it doesn’t matter, the little girl is so cute, she must be very likable.”

Han Lingsha shook her head slightly to show that she didn’t care, she had seen a lot of arrogant people,

This little girl does have some little pride, but in general, she is still kind in her heart.

Seeing her rushing to ask them if they were lost, she knew it with a look of wanting help.

Xuan Jie was originally a little angry, and when he heard this, he immediately smiled and smiled.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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