Liu Mengli and Han Lingsha looked at each other, both a little worried,

“Brother Fang Qin…”

Liu Mengli lowered her eyebrows and pondered, and said seriously: “Ling Sha, sir, he is so powerful, he will definitely be fine.” ”

At first, the two were concerned about the chaos, but when they looked back and thought about it carefully, with the existence of Fang Qinna and the like, it seemed that nothing could happen, it should be a fork.

But they were all relieved, and only then did they have the heart to care about the battle in the field,

Huai Shuo and Xuan Jie were a little overwhelmed in the face of such a situation, and they were surprised to hear the previous conversation between the two.

In this way, these two girls knew the man who fought with Uncle Shi.

Huai Shuo immediately asked with some anxiety:

“Two, don’t you know the man who fought with my uncle?” How does he…..”

Han Lingsha was actually confused, shaking his head slightly, “His name is Yun Tianhe, he is a person who grew up in this mountain, as for them. 、… I was also confused.

Frowning and looking at it for a long time, his eyes were full of shock and strangeness,

First, being affected by such a fierce battle, although he had to teach the martial arts method, he really had never seen the battle scene of this level of strength, and he was greatly shocked.

And the strange thing is…

“Tianhe’s character is not like that kind of person who likes to fight with people, how can he fight with that person, and…

In just half a month, his strength was so strong, could it be that he had broken through the innate realm? ”

Although Han Lingsha had not yet reached the Ten Heavenly Realms, such a terrible strength,

In any case, it could not be the Acquired Heaven Realm, then it could only be that Yun Tianhe had already broken through to the Innate Realm.

How long has it been since we reached such a realm, and we can’t help but secretly marvel,

However, thinking about practicing around Elder Brother Fang Qin, the terrifying image of the gathering of aura did not seem to be incomprehensible.

Liu Mengli was calmer, looked at it carefully for a while, and said:

“It doesn’t look like there is a contradiction between the two of them, there should be no reason, maybe it’s just a fight?”

Xuan Jie and Huai Shuo heard this, and also carefully examined it, indeed as he said, so they were slightly relieved, but they still just stared at the changes in the field.



The roar of the Dao Dao sounded, and the momentum of the two people fighting became stronger and stronger, the sword light flew, and the red and blue aura followed each other, violently shaking.

Murong Ziying exhibited the Thousand Shadows Sword, and the Dao Dao Sword Qi dissipated the aura that Yun Tianhe had attacked.

His face was quite solemn, although he had guessed that Tianhe’s strength was not weaker than his own, but he thought that he should still be able to slightly beat him.

However, he did not expect that the strength of Tianhe had increased so greatly, although he could fight with it with various Qionghua Dao Sword Techniques.

But he knew in his heart that although the fighting method of tactics, the strength of the two seemed to be not much different, and even he slightly pressed his head.

But in fact, this is only in terms of strength or the power of the Fa, in other aspects, I have lost completely.

Judging from the general outline of the Innate Law and the Six Heavenly Pass Laws that have just been taught by their predecessors,

Even if the Dao Fa was slightly better than himself, Ben, throwing away the Mana Dao Fa, was still just a mortal flesh.

And Yun Tianhe practiced the martial arts method, broke through the innate realm, and the life layer began to rise.

The transformation of all aspects of the [Spirit of the Spirit], the corresponding physique, mana, and divine consciousness,

There are also strength, defense, birth, shouyuan, and so on, all of which are innumerable than themselves.

He is no longer a mortal in the common saying, and his life is not at all on the same level.

And no matter what, as far as light combat is concerned, I am also at an extreme disadvantage,

Don’t look at yourself pressing its head slightly, but in fact, even if some of the Dao Fa attacks fall on Tianhe’s body, with Tianhe’s already transformed body, it is not a big problem.

However, as long as the attack of the Heavenly River fell on him, it was a little shaky.

This shows the magnitude of the gap.

Is this the innate realm that the three spirits have cultivated together, and it is really eye-opening and yearning? ’

If we say that the previous method of martial arts and the law of the six days of guan were only at the general level of cognition,

Then, this time when I fought with Tianhe, I really saw the infinite mysteries and mysteries of this cultivation path that was different from all the methods in the world, and I was shocked by it!

The opposite Yun Tianhe didn’t have so many thoughts, but just felt that such a fight was quite enjoyable, and the strength of his body was boiling!


It was another rather violent sound, and the confrontation between the two became more and more intense, and the means were becoming more and more skilled.

Of course, after all, it is only a competition, and it is subconsciously not fully exerted.


After a little more than half an hour, the two men stopped and ceased the battle, and Murong Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the Yuntian River Dao with some amazement:

“Tianhe, your strength is almost like a rebirth compared to before, and I am far inferior to you.”

His mana was already running out now, but Yun Tianhe still had spare strength, and he couldn’t help but sigh a lot.

Yun Tianhe smiled and said, “No, I feel that Ziying’s strength is still stronger than mine, but it doesn’t take full strength.”

And after you practice the Fa that your eldest brother passed down to you, you will definitely become more powerful, and at that time, we will fight it again. ”

Murong Ziying shook his head slightly, he gathered his strength, and Tianhe was not it.

As they were talking, a crisp voice sounded.

“Uncle Ziying ~ Ziying Master ~”

Murong Ziying’s face was slightly shocked, and he looked back and said with some surprise:

“Xuanjie…” ·

Xuan Jie ran over, a little worried, “Uncle Master, are you all right, have you been injured somewhere?” ”

Then he stared at Yun Tianhe and said, “Hum! You must be the bad guy! ”

Yun Tianhe looked at it with some surprise, and some did not know how to answer.

Murong Ziying frowned slightly, “Xuanjie, you must not be rude.” ”

“Oh…” ·

Huai Shuo also hurriedly walked forward and saluted, “Uncle Ziying, it is very good to see you safe and sound.” ”

When Murong Ziying saw this, he said somewhat thoughtfully:

“I’m all right, you… Was it the boss who summoned you? Or did you come here yourself? ”

Xuan Jie immediately raised his small hand and said, “It was the boss who told us both to come, of course, we are all very concerned about Uncle Shi.” ”

Murong Ziying nodded slightly, and he also understood, after all, as soon as he left, it would be half a month.

Han Lingsha and the two stepped forward and greeted each other.

Yun Tianhe was a little surprised: “Ah, is it Lingsha and Mengli?” ”

Liu Mengli said slightly, “I have seen Yun Gongzi, Yun Gongzi, sir he….”

Han Lingsha also asked, “Tianhe, is Brother Fang Qin all right?” And you and their uncles… How did you get into a fight? ”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head, “Big brother, he’s very good, what can I do, as for me and Ziying, I’ve just been fighting, hehe.” ”

Seeing that several people were a little surprised, Murong Ziying nodded slightly in agreement with Yun Tianhe’s statement:

“Well, it’s true, the two of us are having a fight.”

When Huai Shuo heard this, he looked at the chaos around him, within a hundred meters radius, the Dao Dao sword marks were crisscrossed, and many places were covered with scorched black color and faint white frost, and he couldn’t help but be amazed.

With Uncle Shi’s strength, he could understand it, after all, he was the most gifted person among Qionghua, and he had to be taught by the Sect Elder Elder, and it was not incomprehensible to have such strength.

But it was a little strange that this man, dressed as a hunter and looking at his youth, had such a terrifying strength.

Is there so many hidden people out there? Or is it that there is a great sect of cultivators like Qionghua hidden here?

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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