Liu Mengli felt a touch of joy rise in his heart, and looking at Fang Qin, Fang Cai’s inexplicable sentimentality was much better, and he said slightly:

“I’m sorry to worry you.”

Han Lingsha held her jade hand and smiled, “Mengli don’t say that, it’s great that you’re okay.” ”

Fang Qin’s eyes were soft, his head was slightly bowed, and he immediately looked at Murong Ziying and others:

“When are you going to leave?”

Murong Ziying heard the words and thought in his heart:

“Senior, the head of the door, now waiting for me to go back to pray, I want to leave immediately.”

Fang Qin nodded, “Well, since you’ve already decided, so be it.” ”

Then he smiled at Yun Tianhe:

“Tianhe, the land of Kunlun is a long way away, so I will pass on another technique to you.”

After saying that, he stretched out his hand a little, and an aura disappeared at the center of Yun Tianhe’s brow.

The others all looked at Yun Tianhe with some curiosity, and they didn’t know what kind of Daoist techniques this person would preach to him.

The Daoist technique contained in the aura was not an extremely profound chapter, and Yun Tianhe had already returned to his senses in just a few moments, and his face was somewhat surprised:

“Is this the same Imperial Sword Technique as Ziying?” It’s awesome! ”

Fang Qin snorted softly and seriously instructed:

“This is actually just a trick, and now that you want to go down the mountain, I will pass on to you a simple one, and use it first.”

In the future, when there is time, it is still necessary to consult the basic methods contained in the martial arts.

Pass on to you the martial arts method, cultivate well, and I won’t take care of it later. ”

What was passed down to Tianhe was changed by the Qionghua Sect’s Imperial Sword Technique and the Law of the Martial Arts.

To make it more suitable for this world, it can also be like this worldly Dao Fa, which does not have high requirements for cultivation as a realm.

However, if Yun Tianhe wanted to practice the Imperial Sword Flying Heaven Technique, which truly had the same root and the same origin, and was in line with the martial arts method, he still needed to consult various methods in the martial arts.

After all, the former did not come for its own strength, but borrowed the power of heaven and earth, and had spiritual requirements for the surrounding environment;

And the latter is the extension of the power that truly belongs to itself.

Fang Qin’s hopes for Yun Tianhe were quite high, or he hoped that he could take a path where all the miraculous power was attributed to himself.

It is not that the realm of strength comes from the environment between heaven and earth, and is limited by this.

Yun Tianhe heard the words and nodded seriously, “Rest assured, big brother, what you taught me, I will definitely practice well!” ”

Even if the time together is not long, only about a month, but for this big brother like a master, he has great respect in his heart, not only taught him a lot of knowledge under the mountain, very common sense, but also passed on such a magical martial arts method to him.

Even if he is simple and ignorant, he knows the good and bad truths, and he has always been respected.

Fang Qin nodded with a smile, and with a stroke of his hand, the branches between the ancient trees on the side hung down.

Gently broken, the light in his hand flashed, and in an instant it turned into a simple wooden bow.

On its surface, there seems to be no magic, only the bow body has a lot of lines spreading, and the slightest fluorescence flashes and gradually disappears.

With a gentle send-off, the longbow made of the ancient wooden branches was sent to Yun Tianhe and said:

“Although this longbow is not very powerful, it is enough for you to use it, and it is a farewell gift for you to go down the mountain.”

That being said, this was only for Fang Qin, and for the human world, the power of this bow was not an ordinary thing.

Hindered by the idea of letting Yun Tianhe hone it, Fang Qin naturally would not give this longwood bow any power beyond his strength.

Its role is only to give him a longbow that can fully exert his strength.

But despite this, it is still extraordinary.

Yun Tianhe suddenly felt extremely happy, reached out and held it, and his eyes lit up.

He has been hunting for many years, and he still has some vision in the method of bows and arrows, although this bow is extremely simple, but all kinds of shapes are extremely impressive and very smooth.

“Thank you big brother! It just so happens that my wooden bow is not very smooth, this ancient wooden bow is much better than mine, huh. ”

With the improvement of Yun Tianhe’s strength, the wooden bow he made himself had actually been unable to keep up with his strength for a long time.

After fighting with Ziying, there has been irreversible damage.

Now this ancient wooden bow is just replaced.

Reaching out and trying, pulling gently, bending the bow perfectly, his face was slightly stunned, and he suddenly felt something strange.

“This is?”

The true qi in the body surged upwards, and above the ancient wooden bow, along the lines, a red light gradually lit up,

The power was like being condensed by inexplicable forces into a slender red aura arrow, which was quite mysterious.

Yun Tianhe’s face condensed slightly, and he shot into the air, and suddenly a red stream of light flashed and disappeared.

Murong Ziying’s eyes widened slightly, and his face was amazed.

In fact, from the experience of his refining tools, the ancient branches and trees are not materials that can make bows, and they are just an ancient tree with a considerable age.

There was nothing supernatural about it, and ordinary alchemists would never use this ancient wood for the purpose of refining tools.

Even human mortals are not expected to use this material to make bows and arrows.

However, in the hands of his predecessors, in an instant, he had cultivated a longbow that he could not see the depth, which really opened his eyes.

In just an instant, this miraculous longbow was directly made, and the bow body was as clear as heaven, and the lines on it seemed to have an incredible effect.

What exactly is the method of refining instruments, the end is incomparably wonderful, I did not expect that the refining tools of the predecessors were also unfathomable! ’

However, thinking about the supreme Excalibur that had suddenly appeared before, he vaguely felt that it was extremely normal.

Even such a god could act at will, and this longbow didn’t seem to be anything.

Xuan Jie and Huai Shuo were stunned the whole time, and looked at Fang Qin with some reverence.

Although they did not understand the alchemy, but the Qionghua faction was originally a great sect of sword casting, and the art of sword casting was the core of the door, as a disciple of Qionghua, they were also familiar with this and knew a thing or two.

Even if it is not clear how powerful this Ziying Master said that the predecessor is, but just by looking at this means, you can still know that the other party is unfathomable!

Such a refining method is unheard of, unseen! It’s incredible!

Han Lingsha closed slightly, and his eyes were full of surprise, and he only felt interesting.

“Sir is so powerful…”,

Liu Mengli on the side murmured slightly, staring at the ancient wooden longbow in Yun Tianhe’s hand,

He also secretly glanced at the five-colored ring that vaguely flashed at the wrist of the rhombus, and bit the thin lip lightly, and his heart was complicated.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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