Su Yao’s words were not false, and even she herself knew in advance about the arrival of this Yun Tianhe, or the arrival of Wang Shujian, which Xuan Xiao had sensed first.

After practicing the Double Sword Method for many years, there would naturally be a kind of induction in the darkness, and Xuan Xiao was the first to sense the Wangshu Sword approaching, and it was also he who told Su Yao.

Yun Tianhe nodded slightly:

“That… Go now? ”

He was quite concerned about the so-called most hated father and mother in Fang Cai’s words, and wanted to know his thoughts.

I can’t wait to learn about my parents from other people’s mouths.

Su Yao sighed and looked at Yun Tianhe and said softly:

“Why do you have to do this, your parents’ affairs, the big mistake has been made, I am the leader of a faction, can I still make up lies and deceive with you at will?”

In her heart, she really did not think that there was anything wrong with her words, and if she did not care about the mysterious person on the other side, her words might have been even more severe.

Seeing that Yun Tianhe looked firm, Su Yao was not talking about these things without interest, but said:

Xuan Xiao was frozen by Xuan Ice, but Xi and Yang Yan still burned his Yuan God, and could only resist bitterly with the help of the Cold Ice Qi.

There is only a few hours in the day to be sober, so don’t bother him today, and things will be said tomorrow!

Ziying, you take him to pick a room to rest! ”

After saying that, he turned around and ignored it, not knowing what to think about again.

Murong Ziying heard the words and bowed his hand:

“Yes, sir!”

“Tianhe, let’s go out first.”

Yun Tianhe was in a bad mood, a rare silence, and nodded.

Before leaving, he looked back at Su Yao, wanted to say something and stopped, and finally did not say anything more.

Su Yao stood silently, her eyes thoughtful.


The two retreated to the outside of the Qionghua Palace, Huai Shuo and Xuan Jie had been waiting outside the palace for a long time, and they were quite surprised to see the two come out.

“Uncle Ziying, Tianhe, you have finally come out!” I stayed for a long time

What did the boss say to you? Tianhe, did you ask about your parents? ”

Yun Tianhe looked a little low and scratched his head, “I… It’s not clear yet. ”

Xuan Jie kept chattering, but Huai Shuo on the side saw what was going on and hurriedly stopped him:

“Xuanjie! Don’t say much! ”

Murong Ziying also shook his head slightly and said:

“Xuan Jie and Huai Shuo, today has also traveled a long way, so let’s go back to rest first.”

“Yes, Uncle Master!”

Huai Shuo said, seeing that Xuanjie still wanted to say something, he quickly pulled her away.

After that, Murong Ziying took Yun Tianhe with him to the Qianshan Sword Dance Ground, where many disciples rested, and found an empty room for him to rest.

Along the way, I also saw many Qionghua disciples, saluted Murong Ziying, and looked at Yun Tianhe’s eyes without exception, all of them were quite surprised.

However, he didn’t ask much, only thinking that he was a disciple who had just started.

Looking back at Yun Tianhe he said, “Tianhe, you don’t have to mind this, even if…

That’s the past, and the last generation, you don’t have to blame yourself,

Besides, what the boss said, I think about it carefully, it seems that there are a lot of unfinished words, maybe there is something unclear, things may not be like this…”

Yun Tianhe smiled, his face had disappeared from the low level just now, and said:

“I know, in fact, I wasn’t so unhappy, I just didn’t feel good at first.

And I also feel that the female boss just now, as if something has not been said, strange, I will not believe her words so easily!

Try to see if you can find the truth about Daddy’s past here, if it really doesn’t work, I’ll ask Brother Fang Qin!

Oh, although the eldest brother said that he did not know much about this matter, but I know that the eldest brother is so powerful,

I know everything, how can I not know this, I think it is to exercise me. ”

“…… Tianhe, you can think like this, it is the best! ”

Murong Ziying was a little surprised in his heart and sighed.

Although Tianhe is simple and simple, his mind is clear, and it is often easier to see through the essence of things.

There is a sense of great wisdom and foolishness, but I have been a little worried before.

Also! To be valued so much by the predecessors, all aspects of nature are excellent! ’

Yun Tianhe smiled and said, “Ziying, is there anything to eat near here?” Is there a mountain pig? ”



After an hour,

Qionghua Houshan Forbidden Place, Su Yao held the aura algae jade in his hand and passed through the gate of the forbidden land.

After walking alone for a while, I gradually came to a frozen place, and before I could go, a faint sound had already come.

“Su Yao… How, have you met? The man with the sword of Wangshu… Who is it? ”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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