
The sudden sound made Qingyang and Chongguang both shocked,

You must know that although the two of them are old, their Yang life will be over,

However, the Realm Cultivation was the only remaining fruit among the entire Qionghua current generation, and it could be called the two strongest ones.

As the head of the Yao Yao talent is relatively low, although the daily diligent cultivation is not embellishment, but compared to them, there is still less fire, the difference is very far,

The only one who could possibly overcome them was Xuan Xiao, who was extremely talented, who had been practicing day and night for nineteen years, and who held the sword of Xi He in his hand.

And the two of them cultivated in such a realm, not to mention the fact that it was impossible to ascend to immortality,

But as far as the human world is concerned, there are indeed few who can help them, basically belonging to the invincible,

But who can approach the two people silently, so that the two people are unaware,

If the other party is hostile, then…

I was really shocked!


Thinking about what Fang Cai had said, it seemed that he knew Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying, who were they?

Qingyang and Heavy Light were both shocked, their minds turned, and they quickly turned back to look at it, and they were suddenly stunned.

There is a man dressed in white standing quietly in the distance, with a temperament like a fairy, and the world is independent, which makes people feel a sense of worship.

Fang Qin squinted his eyes at the two of them, thinking in his heart.

These two people are Qingyang and Chongguang, are you here looking for one of the three cold weapons? Oh, interesting. ’

In the original work, the three pieces of yin and cold utensils were found by several people in Yun Tianhe,

But I didn’t expect that now it became these two people who came to look for it.

Moreover, Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying actually went to Mount Buzhou…

Originally, it was necessary to go to Nabu Zhou Mountain to enter the ghost realm in order to find the shadow branch, so as to pass through the enchantment of the illusion demon realm.

Now Liu Mengli is still traveling with him, but he didn’t expect that the two Yun Tianhe people actually ran to that place, but it was strange,

Fang Qin thought about it for a moment, and he roughly knew that the boy of Dingran Tianhe had proposed it.

It was just that he wanted to meet his father, and he had discovered Tianhe’s idea before, but he didn’t say much.

‘This man is no ordinary man!’ ’

Elder Qingyang thought about this, his face was solemn, and he asked:

“I am waiting for the Kunlun Qionghua Sect, Old Dao Qingyang, this is the Heavy Light, I don’t know who Your Excellency is?”

The heavy light on the side has never liked worldly etiquette, but in the face of this person who does not know the depth in front of him, he does not show a proud side, and bows his hand to the ritual:

“Qionghua re-illumination.”

Neither of them was a fool, and although the man in front of him looked at nothing to do, he didn’t have the slightest mana exposed.

But that fairy-like body and temperament made people feel infinite awe at the sight, and it was absolutely extraordinary!

Moreover, the two of them did not feel each other’s closeness at all, and the other party’s cultivation behavior was evident, and it must be extremely not weak.

It’s just that……

Why did such a realm of cultivation become unimaginable in the human world?

“My name is Fang Qin.”

Fang Qin replied plainly, just in this short period of time, he had already understood the Dao Fa Mind Method contained in the two of them.

The mana aura contained in the cultivation of the two people, with Fang Qin’s realm cultivation being roughly swept away, can almost be reproduced and deduced;

Everything was invisible in front of Fang Qin’s vast [God].

So in a short period of time, the Dao Fa Mind Method on the two of them had already let Fang Qin learn most of it.

It was the profound Qionghua Dao Fa that Murong Ziying had not been able to touch.

‘…… This Qionghua Sect is now in charge, and indeed there is some jealousy and jealousy,

This kind of cultivation method is much more mysterious than the method that Ziying had previously cultivated.

With Ziying’s foundation, it should have been able to contact these things earlier, but it didn’t matter…’

Fang Qin also found these methods quite interesting, and thought that they could be referenced.

‘Fang Qin…’

Elder Qingyang heard and thought about it, but he had never heard of it, and when he glanced at Chongguang, he shook his head slightly.

I don’t know the origin of this person, and I am about to speak,

Fang Qin was not in the mood to talk to them more, and before they could ask any more questions, he said:

“Don’t ask, I’m a nameless person, I don’t have any reputation, and you don’t have to guess.”

And I ask you, how long have Tianhe and Ziying been going to Nabuzhou Mountain? ”

Shigemitsu was shocked to hear this, and with a sense of being seen through, he took a deep breath and said:

“I wonder what your excellency has to do with my disciple Murong Ziying, as well as the Yun Tianhe?”

Why did Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying, two juniors, have anything to do with such figures?

Elder Qingyang beside him was also puzzled.

Fang Qin did not respond, in the moment when the words were asked, what the other party thought, everything was already invisible,

He already knew what he wanted to know, so he had no interest in talking to these two people more.

Sweeping the two of them, their eyes narrowed slightly.

Qingyang and Zhongguang suddenly tensed their hearts, their hearts jumped, and an unimaginable sense of terror enveloped them.

The previously profound mana in his body did not have the slightest sense of security, and his body was like falling into an ice cave, and even his thinking seemed to be unable to function, a blank.

Fang Qin only glanced at it and then looked away, to tell the truth, for these two people, he was a little unhappy in his heart.

In the plot, the two clearly know the problem of Han Lingsha’s body,

It can be seen that it is the new Wangshu host, if it does not make any changes, it will continue to be sucked into the life force of the Wangshu Sword and consume the Yuan God.

And every time he used the Sword of Wangshu, it would greatly consume Han Lingsha’s physical spiritual power, and constantly exhaust his life until Xiang Yu died.

The two knew this, but they did not say a word to remind them.

He only felt guilty about Xuan Xiao, but he built the act of making up for it on the lives of others.

Nowadays, the relationship between Fang Qin and Han Lingsha is naturally not cold to the two people.

If it weren’t for the two mentioning Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying, he wouldn’t even bother to communicate with them.

But now that everyone who should know is also known, and after a little punishment, he is also ready to leave.

“Needless to say… I already know. ”

A little bit of body shape, it is gone.


Qingyang and Chongguang recovered from that unimaginable feeling, their pupils shrank sharply, and their hearts shook violently.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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