

The infinite blue kamikaze swept through the entire Fengshen Tomb with the power of destruction.

There are countless divine texts emerging above the Fengshen Tomb, and they remain immortal in such a place of destruction!

A Daoist tornado-like storm surrounded the entire Fengshen Tomb, locking in the figure in the center.


The roar is loud and the sound is extremely far!

A silhouette of cyan divine power surged, wind blades, tornadoes, miasma, corrosive drizzle, all kinds of magic constantly unleashed, the divine power is amazing!!

However, no matter how hard they are used, these powerful spells have not had the effect they should have.

Like a mud cow entering the sea, it has eliminated countless things.

With the passage of time, the face of the god general Jurman’s face became more and more solemn, and the display of immortal magic could not be stopped, and the infinite aura flickered, instantly attacking the figure.



“Ding, comprehend [Shadowless Blade], get qi luck points…”

“Ding, comprehend [Spring Rain Condensity], get the luck point…”

“Ding, comprehend [Shenmu Qingfeng], get qi luck points…”

Countless system prompts sounded, and Fang Qin’s face was expressionless, ignoring the endless terrifying blue kamikaze and various divine immortals, some thoughtful.

It turned out that in the plot, these gods were indeed releasing the sea, and if they really used some of their powers, I am afraid that they would have destroyed several of the protagonists long ago. ’

‘Also… Is it true that it is a god who has survived for endless years?

The number of all kinds of magic and immortal arts is really amazing, just one god will have such a foundation, and other more powerful gods are not even more powerful?

There was also the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor, one of the Three Emperors and Great Gods, who could rule the Divine Realm and dominate everything, and his divine powers and authority could not be underestimated! ’

Although this so-called god except for a very few births,

None of them are the types that are born with endless authority or supreme powers.

But thanks to the innate spiritual power, coupled with the practice of many years,

The number of countless immortal magic powers was not much different from the immortal magic contained in the Great Immortal Sect in the human world, and it was much more powerful.

Fang Qin didn’t care about those immortals who had come to comprehend, these spells that belonged to the forbidden law level in the human world,

For his strength, there is no improvement, just to enhance and enrich his own heritage,

However, in my heart, I was also quite looking forward to it, and there should be many gods in the Divine Realm.

If he could grasp the divine magic skills in his body one by one, and the foundation was constantly accumulating, it would also be of great benefit to think of his own strength.

Seeing that the various spells of the god Shu Mang have not increased much, and his strength cultivation has been fully understood,

Fang Qin didn’t care much about it and waved it casually.


There was no such astonishing vision, but as if erasing the blankness, the terrifying cyan kamikaze that swept through the entire Fengshen Tomb was instantly dissipated.

A blue aura blessed it retreated backwards like a meteor, full of divine power, and it was difficult to resist the power that came from it, but in an instant, it had retreated to two thousand feet away.

The cyan aura dimmed, revealing a figure with wings on its back, and the god said that Jurman’s face was extremely weak, and his eyes were shocked.

“!!! How…… Possible!? Why do mortals have such powers… Burst! ”

A mouthful of divine blood could not be stopped, and it directly spewed out and fell towards the ground.

Jurman’s face changed drastically, and he hurriedly cast the Immortal Rejuvenation Immortal Dew, and there was an infinite surge of wood spiritual power around him, recovering his own injuries.

Fortunately, as a god with the personality of the Spring God, the type of immortal art associated with it is extremely powerful.

Reluctantly, the blue kamikaze that Fang Cai had cast had been completely wiped out in an instant,

Looking at the figure in the far distance, his eyes were already filled with disbelief, and his heart was extremely jealous.

All his current attacks could not hurt the people in front of him!

And what was most difficult for him to accept was that even though he had done his best, he still couldn’t detect the fluctuation of his mana!

He didn’t even know how the other party had broken his magic and seriously injured himself in an instant.

Jurman knew that such a situation would only arise when the gap between the two was extremely large.

I am not the opponent of the other party at all!!

Fang Qin didn’t care about that god general, since everything he wanted to know was already known,

He was not in the mood to continue, and he was no longer in charge of the punishment.

Looking in the direction of the Fengshen Tomb, there were actually many treasures stored inside, and there were even some magic doors left by the gods.

However, those things, the former, Fang Qin could not see, the latter was somewhat interested.

Walking slowly among the gods and goddesses,

When the god saw this, his face changed, and even though he knew that he was far from being invincible, he still spread his broken wings and transported the only remaining divine power, waved the kamikaze, and swept in.

What was easy in the past was now in severe pain, and he could only use his divine power to barely ease the pain, and his face was ugly.

Looking at Fang Qin, he said in a heavy tone:

“…… Unknown Terrans, this god will recognize your strength!

The strength of this god is indeed far inferior to yours, but! However, no matter what, you will not be allowed to be so arrogant!! ”

The other party’s cultivation strength has been recognized in the heart of the sentence!

Incredibly powerful! In his impression, very few beings could give him such a sense of powerlessness!

Only a few of the top gods in the Divine Realm had felt such a similar feeling.

But I didn’t expect that now, I actually felt it in a human being, it was really unbelievable!

However, although he knew that the gap was huge, he could not be an opponent, but the fate of the Heavenly Emperor could not be said!

Fang Qin glanced at him and said somewhat strangely:

“Could Fu Xi be able to send you to death?” Self-aware of the gap, still here to speak out? ”

Fang Qin’s [god] is extremely vast, and has the ability to perceive the thoughts of all living beings,

Therefore, he was not disgusted with the god in front of him, so he did not kill him, but only punished him.

Otherwise, even if the other party is a god, in theory, he is immortal and immortal, but for Fang Qin, it is no different from mortals, and it is easy to kill him.


God froze when he heard the words, his eyes widened slightly, and he was stunned for a moment!

Who in the world would dare to be disrespectful to the Emperor of Heaven?

The Heavenly Emperor was incarnated by the Great God of Heaven and Heaven, Pangu, as one of the Ancient Three Emperors, and his status was the most noble god in heaven and earth!

Rule over everything in the world and dominate all gods!

Among the six realms, who does not fear the extreme!

Even the demonic beings who were competing with the Divine Realm needed to maintain reverence in the face of the Heavenly Emperor!

However, the person in front of him had such a verbal attitude and called the name of the Heavenly Emperor directly! How rude! How bold! How disrespectful!!!

Reacting, Jurman’s face changed and he said angrily:

“You! Daring! How dare he be disrespectful to the Heavenly Emperor! ”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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