
Facing such a goddess as the Nine Heavenly Goddesses, Liu Mengli and Han Lingsha were shocked.

“Nine, Nine Heavenly Maidens!?”

“Even such beings…”

The Dragon of the Candle and the Demon Respect Lou are both immortal demons, although they are mighty gods, they are the first gradient of existence of many beings in the world.

However, the former has been poorly guarded for nearly ten thousand years, and there have not been many legends in the human world before, only a very small number of words have been recorded, and the latter is not known to weak beings.

Although the strength is extremely strong, neither Han Lingsha has ever heard of it.

But this is not the case with these Nine Heavenly Virgins, don’t look at her posture and immortality.

As a rare goddess in the Divine Realm and extremely powerful in the Divine Realm,

As a Valkyrie who stops the chaos and saves the world from danger, it is well known to the beings of the world.

In ancient times, the Terrans and the Orcs fought for the land, and her figure also appeared, and finally eliminated the war!

There are many myths and legends in the world, and many living beings worship and worship the Nine Heavenly Virgins.

The existence of such a familiar god had a huge impact on the two of them.

The Nine Heavenly Divine Daughters sighed and said, “This seat is the Nine Heavenly Divine Daughters of the Divine Realm, and on the orders of the Heavenly Emperor, the Nether Realm came to pass on the will of the Divine Realm.” ”

Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, “Oh? What happened to Fuxi? ”

The Dragon of the Candles did not say a word, only watching the good drama from the sidelines, and he also wanted to know what the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor really wanted to do.


The Nine Heavenly Goddess Gu Jingwubo’s eyes were slightly different, and it was really strange that the beings in this world dared to call the name of the Heavenly Emperor like this.

However, feeling the residual pressure in this great wilderness, and the amazing power hidden in the other party’s body, are also somewhat clear.

“The Heavenly Emperor has a destiny, the nether realm of Fang Qin, the realm is clear, the cultivation is vast, can ascend to the heavens and seal the gods, and rank in the position of the gods of the god realm!”


The Dragon of the Candle was a little silent and did not quite understand the Heavenly Emperor’s approach.

If the ordinary human race can get the things that the gods of the god realm can seal, they will naturally be grateful for it and be ecstatic.

But beings like Fang Qin are already at the apex of the world.

How could he go to the Divine Realm and be bound by the many heavenly prohibitions of that Divine Realm?

This, in addition, is not such a being that will dwell under others.

Fang Qin was also a little dumbfounded, looked at the two people who were slightly surprised and panicked, and whispered comfort.

Then he said to the Nine Heavenly Goddesses, “I am used to freedom, but I don’t like to be bound, and the matter of ascending to the gods will be over.” ”

The Nine Heavenly Virgins were silent for a while, slightly bowing their heads, but they did not feel surprised.

“The will has been passed down from this throne, and since you are not willing to ascend to the Divine Realm, this throne will return to the Divine Realm to worship the Emperor of Tomorrow.”

After saying that, he took a deep look at Fang Qin, and the brilliance emerged, turning into an illusion, which had dissipated and disappeared, and returned to the Divine Realm.

Seeing this, the Dragon of the Candle looked at Fang Qin and said, “Fang Qin, you rejected the will of the Heavenly Emperor today, but what are your plans?” ”

Fang Qin said casually, “In the future, let’s talk about it later, I really don’t have the heart to go to that Divine Realm now!” ”

Then he looked at the Pillar of Heaven and said:

“The Dragon of the Candlesticks, who had been invited to fight before, made the Buzhou Mountain shake unsteadily, but it was mine who was not.”

Whether you need my help, for this non-Zhou Mountain, a blessing, it is considered a gift. ”

“Oh? Are you going to shoot? …… Well, Buddha-figures also want to see what is so different about you breaking through here! ”

The Dragon of the Candle seemed to be very interested and directly agreed to come down.

Fang Qin smiled, reached out between the voids, and wrote a word at random.


However, within a few breaths, a “town” word appeared slightly, as if the color of glass and golden light appeared, and the entire space seemed to be affected by this and was thick and condensed.

A little bit!

The handwriting floated straight away, and the wind grew!

When it touched the mountain, it had already turned into a thousand feet in size, emitting a brilliant golden light!



Instantly engraved on the top of the Buzhou Mountain, the Dao Dao Golden Silk spread, and countless lines seemed to appear on it!

An inexplicable force blessed the mountain of Buzhou,

In an instant, it seemed to be much more stable, and the direction of the inscribed handwriting on the huge and vast mountain body flickered slightly, and the handwriting had disappeared!

Everything changed back to the way it was, and nothing seemed to have changed.

Just the Dragon of the Candle saw this, but it was a little amazed!

“This… The mysterious method of good life, Buzhou Shan has been more stable than before,

Fang Qin… How much has your strength increased? Feel free to do that…”

In the words, there was some shock!

Such a casual way has stabilized the Buzhou Mountain that he also needs to guard with his body, and the other party has made such a huge improvement when he first broke through?

Fang Qin shook his head and smiled, “No, I have also used a lot of strength.” ”

This method was a lot more mysterious than the previous law, and what he was exercising was the qi and blood power derived from the pure Dragon Elephant Town Prison Scripture, which was now his most powerful power.

And blessed with some of the power of the [Cang Hell Town Prison], the power is naturally not weak!

“Anyway, it’s amazing!”

After taking a look at the Buzhou Mountain, there was a faint hint of surprise between the dragon’s eyes, and he said:

“In this way, I only need to keep it for another hundred years to complete my merits, and…

The handwriting you carved on it… Ha ha! Thank you, Buddha-figures for your affection! ”

Seeing that the Dragon of the Candle understood the meaning, Fang Qin smiled and said:

“There is no need to thank you for the courtesy.”

The Dragon of the Candle laughed and said, “To be able to meet such a being as you is, the Buddha-figure is also a great comfort, Fang Qin, see you again in the future…”

After saying that, the divine dragon turned into an illusion and disappeared.

Fang Qin looked back at Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli and smiled, “Let’s go…”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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