
Between the voids, there are bursts of spatial fluctuations.

The Illusion Realm is a small demon realm, which can also be counted as a blessed place!

Inside, the purple mist filled the air, and the Dao Dao brilliant crystal stones spread throughout the entire small demon world, giving birth to the Heaven and Earth Spirit Creature [Amethyst Stone], which contained huge spiritual power!

Since ancient times, the dream tapir clan discovered this demon realm and eventually entered it.

With the continuous cultivation of the power of “Amethyst”, it gradually became a powerful family.

However, the dream tapir clan does not like disputes, coupled with the illusion of the demon world of heaven and earth, wandering in the void,

Just like the trajectory of the sun, moon, and stars, it runs back and forth in the six realms, but it is also like a paradise, which is not well known to other beings.

It was only with the sudden net of nineteen years ago that the calm was finally broken.

At that time, under the desperate resistance of the Dream Tapir Clan, although they did not let the Qionghua people succeed, the clan also suffered heavy casualties.

There were only two remaining in the six battles of the town guarding the demon world, and the young lord of the demon world did not know whether he was alive or dead, and even Chan You, who was the lord of the demon world, was seriously injured and could not be healed.

In order to prevent such a tragic event from happening again, Chan You, relying on herself, laid a powerful demon realm in the entrance of the illusionary world, hoping to protect the peace of the demon world.

Unfortunately, the sky did not fulfill his wish, and this nineteen years of running to Qionghua again,

Even though the entire Illusion Demon Realm was waiting in full swing, it was worried that the Qionghua people would once again invade the Demon Realm, but it would still be another fiasco!

Among that Qionghua, there was a person who had cultivated to be a peerless person, which was much more terrifying than the Taiqing nineteen years ago.

With great mana, he instantly netted the demon realm and broke through the illusion boundary, and Chan Yu was seriously injured again.

Most of the amethyst stones in the Phantom Demon Realm were taken away, and the family’s internal foundation plummeted, which was a great loss of foundation!

The only thing that is somewhat comforting and strange is that, except when breaking through the boundary,

Therefore, in addition to the severely injured Lord of the Demon Realm, the Qionghua Sect did not kill much this time, and seemed to have some scruples and left directly.

The net of the demon world was also lifted and began to run away.

Although the dream tapir family did not know the reason, but thinking about the danger of nineteen years ago, they still waited in a strict line, and did not dare to have the slightest slackness.

The Lord of the Demon Realm, on the other hand, hid in the Palace of Illusion to meditate on his wounds.

In the Palace of Illusions, purple crystals were paved, and above an amethyst throne sat a woman.

Silver hair falls, the face is absolutely beautiful, the face is slightly pale, the lips are purple,

There are six or seven similarities with Liu Mengli, but there is more majesty and coldness in the look, and the eyes are slightly closed, containing the spirit and making up for the injury.

Standing next to the throne was a white-haired man with a respectful face and no words, guarding the Lord of the Demon Realm.

In the silence, a slight sound sounded, breaking the calm and appearing extremely abrupt and obvious.


The white-haired man’s face changed, and he immediately made the demon force march to the throne, looking cautiously at the several figures revealed in the distance.


After seven days and seven nights of ascension, the main peak of Kunlun had already reached an extremely high position under the support of that vast sword pillar.

Leaving the Earth Pulse Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi and Feng Shui Heavenly Image, the scene of the main peak of Qionghua in the four seasons of spring no longer existed, becoming an ice blue meaning, and the cold qi in the high sky ravaged the entire Qionghua Sect.

If it weren’t for the huge barrier that first enveloped the entire Qionghua and resisted most of the cold, it is estimated that half of the Qionghua disciples would have frozen to death under this extreme cold.

However, even if there was such a barrier to protect Qionghua, when Qionghua soared up, the earth vein collided with the spiritual power of the sword pillar,

Still let a large number of disciples suffer internal injuries, many cultivation is inferior or even seriously injured.

In this increasingly icy Qionghua land, life is in danger!

Above the Cirrus Platform, Su Yao’s face was a little pale, and looking up at the Cirrus Platform, there were already many disciples falling all over Qionghua who were gradually frozen, and such a tragic image made her a little overwhelmed.

“Xuan Xiao, the array of two swords is complete, I should wait to save…”

Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Xuan Xiao’s cross-eyed eyes:

“How? Su Yao, do people like you also have compassion? ”

Su Yao’s face changed and he drank:

“Xuan Xiao! What are you talking about? The Array of Two Swords was already stable, and the disciples in the door were so badly injured, wouldn’t you be able to save them if you saw death? ”

The ice and fire around Xuan Xiao turned frequently, and when he heard this, he seemed to have a disdainful color:

“Ahem! If cultivation is so low, what qualifications do they have to ascend to immortality? ”

“You! Crazy!! “Su Yao was a little incredulous.

Xuan Xiao narrowed his eyes, a fire appeared in his eyes, and said coldly:

“Crazy? Oh, yes! I’m crazy! But you are also driven crazy!

The feeling of being frozen in Xuan Ice for nineteen years, I now think about it, I can’t wait to directly slash you with a thousand knives!

If it weren’t for the fact that the Law of the Two Swords still needed the assistance of one person, do you think you would have survived until now? ”

A mighty force and killing intent shrouded Suo Yao’s body, and with Xuan Xiao’s current strength, it was much stronger than that of Su Yao.

In addition, the blessing of the Xihe Sword, and the two divine soldiers of the Wangshu Sword were actually held by him.

With just one deterrent, it had already made Yu Yao, who was the head of Qionghua, freeze!

“You!” Su Yao’s face was pale and she couldn’t speak.

“Don’t challenge my bottom line, the quiet luck of Wang Shu Sword is, the opportunity to become an immortal, may not be able to make you also wish, if it makes me unhappy… Hum! ”

After saying that, he no longer paid attention, and looking at the distance had already faintly revealed a faint golden light, Xuan Xiao smiled and said:

“Then, it is Kunlun Heavenly Light!” If the creation is infinite, separated by such a long distance, you can feel the amazing mysterious atmosphere!

It seems that the moment of my becoming an immortal is coming! ”

Just in time!


A golden light was projected down, revealing a breath of holy majesty!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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