
The endless Heavenly Fire Thunder, like a flood falling, was engulfed by a huge five-colored ring.


In an instant, the heavenly punishment that fell above the Heavenly Dome seemed to have stopped.

But the entire Heavenly Dome had already turned into a black curtain, and unimaginable coercion enveloped the land in all directions.

It makes all living beings feel frightened and depressed.

When the Ninth Heavenly Lady saw this, she sighed slightly, and her beautiful eyes looked into the distance, as if she didn’t know who to say and who to listen to, and whispered:

“It is somewhat inappropriate for you to meddle in the affairs of the Divine Realm in vain.”

The other party had previously rejected the will of the Divine Realm, which had already caused the dissatisfaction of the Heavenly Emperor.

It’s just that because of its deep cultivation, it didn’t take much care of it, and at this time…

Do you really want to offend the Heavenly Emperor and become an enemy of the Divine Realm?

Although his cultivation strength is indeed unimaginable.

“This place is not a divine realm, so where can it be counted as a divine realm?”

A gentle and indifferent voice came from afar.

As soon as the words fell, Fang Qin’s figure had already come to the top of the Qionghua Cirrus Cloud Platform, walking in the void, standing opposite the Nine Heavenly Goddesses.

“Besides… The Divine Realm has gone too far, and I do not like it. ”

Fang Qin said lightly, and there seemed to be dissatisfaction in his tone.

Whether it was from what he had seen and heard before, or the behavior of the Divine Realm now, Fang Qin was not pleased.

That Fuxi was too high up and defied the world.

The Nine Heavenly Divine Daughter was slightly silent when she heard the words, and she was also dissatisfied with the decision of the Heavenly Emperor in her heart, otherwise she would not have acted with her divine position.


Xuan Xiao was captured by Fang Cai’s astonishing sight for a moment, and a thought flashed in his heart.

‘This… Is it the power of heaven and earth?

Is God really so powerful that it is unreasonable…’

With a slight slackening, the boundless spell shackles became tighter and tighter.

Zhi Ling was as proud as he was, and he couldn’t help but scream out slightly, and he couldn’t hold on any longer.

The mana collapsed for it, and with the golden streamer, it flew into the endless vortex of the East Sea.

Xi He had already confessed the Lord, and it appeared slightly, but it also went away, turning into red light and disappearing.

The Law of the Two Swords collapsed at this point, and the vast sword pillar that held the Qionghua Land soared dissipated, and a roar was heard, and it began to fall downwards.

At this point, there was no other human being in the land of Qionghua, and Fang Qin saw that this was a gesture of his hand.

After taking the sword of Wangshu that had lost its mana and fallen, it was put back into the space.

With a single thought, the landing momentum of the entire Qionghua main peak was certain, and it was not shaking and falling.

As for Xuan Xiao’s departure, he did not intervene much.

To be honest, this Xuanxiao, what he did in the original plot, still made him quite unhappy,

However, his courage to clamor for the Divine Realm Heavenly Court was ignorant and ignorant, or arrogant, he was far from being an ordinary person.

But that’s all, Fang Qin didn’t want to take care of it, so he didn’t care.

Even Qionghua’s affairs, he himself was too lazy to pay attention to.

But if you let the endless heavenly fire and thunder fall, it will not be as simple as Qionghua dissipating it one place.

Instead, the entire Kunlun Mountains would be hit by severe destruction, which would be extremely seriously affected.

Under the power of heaven and earth, he did not know how many beings would be destroyed by it, and he naturally would not see death and not save.

In addition, in the land of Qionghua, there were two Xuanjie Huaishuo that he had seen, and the rest of the people who had not been contaminated with the earthly world, so they directly intervened to stop it.

The former, the Five Spirit Rings are naturally his means, as for the latter…

But he didn’t need to help.

Slightly glanced at the Immortal Nine Heavenly Virgins, but felt a little subtle,

Before, he also thought of stopping by and taking away some of them who were not contaminated with cause and effect.

Who knew that this Nine Heavenly Divine Daughter did not send such a being, like other Qionghua disciples, into the whirlpool of the East Sea, but only sent it out of the Kunlun Realm.

When the Heavenly Fire Thunder fell, seeing her divine power surging, I thought that I also wanted to strike.

It seems that the existence of gods such as the Dragon of the Candlestick, the Nine Heavenly Maidens, and the King of Yama will not all obey Fuxi’s orders.

Also…… Such innate gods are all beings born of the creation of heaven and earth, how can they not have their own thoughts and pride…’


A fierce roar sounded, a burst of thunder, and the power of destruction seemed to be in the process of being conceived,

Endless lights occasionally flashed above the Heavenly Dome, instantly reflecting the whole heaven and earth as bright as day!

When Fang Qin saw this, he was quite interested and said softly:

“Such strength is not bad, it seems that Nafuxi really has some dependence, worthy of being one of the three emperors.”

When the Ninth Heavenly Divine Lady heard this, Mei Yan took a deep look at Fang Qin, somewhat speechless, and then shook her head slightly:

“Now that the matter of Qionghua is over, this seat will no longer shoot, you… Shape up or ship out. ”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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