
The world of martial arts.

The clouds are curled and the sun is shining.

Located on the top of a mountain, there is a figure like a fairy god, which is difficult to express the majesty of the mountain.

Fang Qin looked at the distant land, the perception spread, and the infinitely distant places were all included.

Nowadays, with the gradual improvement of cultivation, Fang Qin’s perceptual range has also been expanding, and the scope has reached an extremely vast point.

Within the range, everything emerges clearly and clearly with the perception.

However, in an instant, he already knew everything that had happened here in the nine months that he had gone to the Immortal Sword World.


With the gradual spread of the influence of Wu Zu’s second preaching, the entire land of Shenzhou could be said to be shrouded in an extremely fanatical atmosphere.

Originally, the first time he preached the Tao before, cultivated to the innate realm, and his life expectancy could increase by one hundred to five hundred years, it had already made everyone feel incredible and extremely shocked!

After all, this is not an ethereal myth, but as many martial arts elders have broken through to the innate realm, the vitality has emerged, and the Xuanqi of living another life,

In addition, breaking through the innate realm, between movement and static, the power that can be exerted is not too much to say that it is an enemy of ten thousand people, such an amazing fact has been well known to the world.

The cultivation methods given by such gods and immortals have already made the people of the world restless,

Who knew that nine months later, the second sermon under the crown of Wu Zu, the power displayed was even more sacred and indescribable!

In martial arts cultivation, there are six major realms, acquired heaven, innate nature, true dan, true meaning, implicit spirit, and divine power!

Even on the basis of the innate realm, four major realms were created!

Although no one knew how powerful the realm behind them was, in the face of the entire five thousand years of life that shocked the world, none of this mattered.

Even if there is no power behind it, it will make everyone shake and go crazy for it!

What’s more, this is the cultivation method handed down by this divine being under the crown of Wu Zu, who is like the sea and the divine power is like a prison!

Even the weakest innate realm so far had a powerful strength that seemed like a land god in the past.

It should be known that so far, all those who have broken through the innate realm are martial arts elders who are about to reach the end of their lives, and who are the innate beings with the worst foundation.

If the Spirit and Spirit are cultivating together, or even the three of them are cultivating together, with the difficulties in them, they will certainly be infinitely stronger than the ordinary innate who only cultivates one!

As for why it is so determined, it is because with the passage of time,

In the martial forest, there were also many disputes, and there were two fellow cultivators or even three fellow cultivators with great reputation, and under the same level, the advantage was extremely great!

It was like the first disciple of the new generation of Wudang Mountain, Zhang Wuji, earlier in the world, he had defeated the Elder of the Heavenly Realm with only the realm of the Afterlife.

After the second preaching, it was also at this time that the foundation of cultivation was deepened.

And the Zhang Zhenren in Wudang was even more unfathomable, although it still did not break through to the innate, but everyone did not dare to underestimate it at all.

Not to mention Zhang Zhenren himself, he was already a world-shaking martial arts master.

Just earlier, when Wuzu did not preach the other side, as a being who was qualified to exchange martial arts with the crown, it was obvious to all.

Although I know that the gap is bound to be extremely large, as long as I can slightly stick to the edge under the Wu Zu crown, it is extremely not simple.

It is also true that although Zhang Zhenren never made a move, he often exchanged martial arts with him, Hong Qigong and Huangdao Lord,

The two were also as the Latter Heaven Realm, and had shot several times, and the strength displayed at that time was amazing!

Several innately strong people were defeated in an instant, shocking many people, which showed the huge gap among them!

In this way, there are so many doorways just for the acquired and innate realms, it is difficult to imagine the horror of the realm after that!

What kind of mysteries will there be in the True Dan Realm above the heavens, and then what will be the more profound and obscure True Meaning, Spiritual Essence, and Divine Realm above this?

No one knows, but the only thing that is certain is that it is by no means simple.

It must contain endless divine might!

Even if you don’t know the gap between them, as long as you think about the divine and mighty scenes caused by the preaching of the Wu Ancestors,

Moving at will, the wind and clouds change for it, the fairy dew falls in all directions, and the essence of the sun is ingested…….

Such all kinds of miracles can be a little reverie, as long as they can cultivate the slightest bit, they are all unimaginable divine powers!

It’s something you couldn’t have imagined before!

Under the world’s reverence and fanaticism, the law of the six-fold realm of martial arts has also been spread far and wide.

In the martial forest, although there were many incidents, after the early stage of restlessness, it was settled, so that the supreme avenue was in front of him, and no one had time to take care of him, only concentrating on cultivation.

However, compared with the past, there are many fewer disputes and killings.

On the contrary, in Shenzhou, above the imperial court, the countries maintained the covenant of stopping the sword for nearly a year, which was broken by the Mongols and the Great Song Dynasty.

Invariably, they attacked the three kingdoms of Liaojin and Xia sandwiched between the two sides!

The Three Kingdoms suffered terribly and constantly lost territory.

The Mongol cavalry swept down and was difficult to resist, and the Song generals were also weak and attacked the city.

In fact, in this matter, the former is fine, the strength itself is successful, if there is no Fang Qin to intervene, I am afraid that there will already be a power to sweep the world.

The latter, on the other hand, is the past and cannot happen under any circumstances.

But as Fang Qin passed on the martial arts, the momentum changed completely.

Although the six-fold method of martial arts is widely spread in the land of Shenzhou, if it is said that the popularity of praise, the Song Dynasty with cultural background has the greatest advantage!

After all, as the cultivation method left behind by the crown, the words written and the various cultures contained in it are in the same line as the culture of Zhuxia.

The historical background is here, and the place of preaching is located in the Song Dynasty, so that hundreds of people around them are fortunate to listen to the avenue, which is a great opportunity in itself.

Compared with other Liao countries, Jin kingdoms, Western Xia, Mongolia…

All have to have a huge advantage!

Such a contrast made all the emperors of all countries look jealous, but helpless.

Coupled with the problem of Wu Zu’s attitude, everyone was cautious and did not dare to have the slightest disobedience.

At that time, Wuzu had come to Beijing and even gave the Famen to Zhao Xu, such a thing, there were many rumors, and many people thought that it was not interesting in it.

Therefore, the various scholars and doctors were different from usual, and did not dare to speak and pay their respects as before, but fully supported the decision of the officials to send troops.

Of course, there is also a large part of this, which is to see the protection of saints and immortal ancestors.

Their own advantages have been so large that they have no edge as a premise, and they are fully supported.

It already exists as an invincible position, and if it is still like in the past, no matter what the officials think, the people of the world will spurn it.

Moreover, if there are gods three feet above their heads, who does not want to behave better in front of the Immortal Ancestors, if they are too weak and incompetent, they will not be cut off from the world.

This is indeed the case after the troops.

When Liaojin fought against the forces of the Great Song Dynasty, it was also the most defensive, and even did not dare to attack back.

In addition, the number of Han people in the territory is extremely large, and no matter what they thought before, after Wuzu was born, they all wanted to return to the territory of the Song Dynasty.

As a result, countless people have long longed for it, not even to mention Hanmin, that is, others, who are eager to join in.

After all, the holy place of the Zhongnan Mountain Mission was located in the land of the Song Dynasty.

Wu Zu’s previous deeds can be seen, and he is also interested in this clan!

Since the other party has such a great divine protection as Wu Zu, how can he resist his own mortal flesh?

Can’t resist, then better to join!

Of course, in addition to the choice under this contrast, more is that with a sincere and reverent heart, I want to get closer to the immortal god without any resistance.

Therefore, under the change of people’s minds and the shackles of heavy shackles, it is natural to lose and retreat one after another, and even many things that are about to defect.

The speed of the strategy is much faster than that of Mongolia!

Countless unimaginable victories in the past have appeared frequently, which has made the people in the Song Dynasty excited and happy.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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