
In the real world, in the building of a certain community, a fairy-like figure crosses the world.

“I haven’t been back in a while…”

Fang Qin looked at the house where this Chu Chu had crossed over and lived for three months, and sighed.

Inexplicably, it has been nearly three years since he came into this world.

And through and explore the world of martial arts, the world of evil, the world of the Immortal Sword, can be regarded as a lot of experience.

It is also from an ordinary mortal who continues to cultivate and quickly transforms into the vast realm of cultivation today!

Shaking his head slightly, his mind moved, his perception spread, everything appeared in his heart, and the corners of his mouth slightly smiled.

“The progress of the real world is not bad, much faster than the martial arts world.”

Compared with the martial arts world, the aura between heaven and earth is even more barren, almost nothing,

However, compared with ancient societies, the real world has great advantages in system and technology.

One is the popularity of knowledge, so that the number of people practicing martial arts is countless more than in the martial arts world.

The two are the various blessings brought by the scientific and technological level, various types of Peiyuan liquid and other newly developed auxiliary drugs, which provide a lot of help for cultivation.

The three are the popularity of the Internet, basically, countless netizens share their own cultivation experience and summarize gains and losses.

There are even officials who have come forward to sort out a set of the most universal [practice books],

It annotates various incurable diseases related to the practice of martial arts, and summarizes a set of current optimal solutions to the practice plan.

Under such a general trend, a large number of martial arts geniuses have emerged!

Not only have most of them entered the acquired realm, but even the innate realm has begun to appear a lot.

Of course, these are all hidden in the dark, but in front of Fang Qin, everything is just invisible.

On the surface, no one has yet broken through the innate realm.

“However, this batch of innate realms… Well, is it to deal with an alien crisis? ”

Fang Qin glanced at the distance, somewhat thoughtful.

If there is no external pressure, I am afraid that no one will be willing to sacrifice potential and directly break through the realm.

If a group of people can break through the innate realm first, then the study of the innate realm can also be put into progress as early as possible, so it is also a good move.


Fang Qin’s eyes lit up with a faint golden light, the power of faith above the Divine Sea surged slightly, and the omniscient power began to operate.

Countless messages come to mind.

A vague scene emerged, in the dark and silent starry sky, located in the solar system, the subtle silver light flashed by, and the Dao Dao spacecraft came towards the blue star at great speed.

Fang Qin did not pay attention to this scene, but continued to run the power of “omniscience”, constantly peeking into the scenes in the starry sky, most of which were dark and dead, only a slight starlight flickering.

With the gradual spread of the scope of the authority of the “omniscient”, the power of faith belonging to the Allah was rapidly depleted.

The final image shows a shuttle-shaped flying machine near the solar system, recording images of stars.

“Sure enough, in addition to the Silver Light Civilization, there are other alien civilizations, and…”

Fang Qin’s face was subtle, the information and images obtained by this [omniscient] energy, the aircraft had already collected the coordinates of the Azure Star, and the most important thing was that this coordinate information was still launched outward by the Azure Star itself.

“Is this self-inflicted trouble…”

Although everywhere in the real world, under the influence of the reborn, the machines that transmit signals to the outside world have all been shut down,

However, the signals that have been continuously emitted before are still spreading outwards in the universe, and it is only a matter of time before the coordinates are learned.

“The speed of the Silver Light Civilization fleet has increased a lot, and it has gradually recovered from its previous state of damage, and the time has been shortened a lot, and there should be a year to go.”

As for the flying machine in the back…

Although I knew that it would definitely attract peep in the future, I didn’t expect that the first incoming Silver Light Civilization had not been solved, and the second civilization had already appeared. ”

Fang Qin shook his head helplessly, now that the second civilization is estimated to have not reacted yet, if he is allowed to discover the “Second World” above the Azure Star, such a god that can travel through the world, I am afraid that it will be directly crazy!

However, the scientific and technological level of this civilization is obviously much stronger than that of the Silver Light Civilization.

Even the fleet of the Silver Light Civilization, Fang Qin felt that with the current strength of the Blue Star, he could only barely cope with it.

In this case, it was still the case that Fang Qin, when he used the power of the “Stars” before, inadvertently affected and destroyed more than half of his fleet.

If it was in its heyday, the Blue Star Civilization was estimated to be inevitable, just as the reborn Xiao Qin said, not far from destruction.

In this way, it is naturally even more impossible to deal with the civilization of that flying machine.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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