
In a small house in the real world, in front of the computer desk, Fang Qin browsed information at random.

His face was quite interested in watching, and the remarks of some of the online sand sculpture netizens made him a little stoic.

Although he can learn a lot of information from the “omniscience”, if it is not urgent, or it is difficult to obtain information from other levels, he is generally too lazy to use his powers, which is too boring.

In some places that are extremely far away, such as beyond the stars, information about alien civilizations needs to be transported to the power of “omniscient”.

In other words, only the power of “omniscience” can be used to learn the information in the distant starry sky most easily.

Thinking about this, Fang Qin had to sigh again, the power of the Way of Faith, to some extent, is really extremely useful!

Many of the forces that are currently difficult for him to reach, in the way of faith, can have access to the messenger early, and even in terms of the scope of authority, the distance limit will be much smaller.

For example, this [omniscient] authority, although it is not really condensed, the level that can be involved is not deep, but the distance that can be included and covered is extremely large.

If it was within the scope of Fang Qin’s own [god’s] perception, the power of this power was chicken ribs and useless.

Because the information that Fang Qin himself perceives is infinitely deeper than the power of this “omniscience”!

Just like the previous Great Desolation War and the Divine Realm War, Fang Qin’s own perception could gradually understand and comprehend his opponent’s Daofa, divine powers, and immortals.

In this way, we strengthen our own foundation, and this kind of thing [omniscient] power cannot do.

However, when it comes to scope, the omniscient power is as vast as Fang Qin’s own range of perception.

Simple information within the solar system can be known by consuming the power of faith.

Even the range outside the solar system can be slightly understood, but the consumption will become more and more terrifying as the distance increases.

Such a terrifying distance was difficult for Fang Qin to compare with his own perception at present.

And so is the authority of the [stars]!

If it was Fang Qin’s own strength, although it could also absorb starlight for its own use, but the premise was that it was within the range, as for the stars at an infinite distance, it was difficult to have the slightest impact.

However, the power of the “stars” can break through the limitation of distance, and at a very vast distance, they can exert influence on the stars.

The planets within the solar system can use this power to use the power of the stars to achieve incredible power!

The fleet of the Silver Light Civilization, at one end of the solar system, was unconsciously transported by him to the power of the stars, which affected and destroyed many spaceships, and the speed was greatly affected.

With Fang Qin’s own strength, although it was also destroyed at will, if he did it himself,

But it would take an extremely vast distance to strike at that fleet.

It is impossible to act at will like the power of the [stars], which belongs to the authority.

Not to mention, there are other, more obscure powers, such as the Allah Creator and the Creator, which are extremely incredible powers.

Of course, although Fang Qin had condensed the Sea of Faith at present, he had the power of faith that countless beings were constantly emitting, and he himself could also use the power of these powers to do many incredible things.

But after all, it was not like the Western Illusion God World, igniting the divine fire, condensing the divine personality, and achieving the supreme divine existence that truly held the authority!

Nowadays, it is only a slight amount of power.

He did not really condense his divine personality, and even his authority was not really in charge, so he made all kinds of powers and the power of faith consumed extremely terrifying.

If there were gods like the world, seeing such a terrible power of faith squandered by him so casually, I am afraid that I would be stunned, envious and jealous.

Unfortunately, in the several worlds I have experienced, there are no such conditions for believing in the gods. ’

Fang Qin’s heart was also quite delicate, if he could encounter a world that could become a god with this way of faith,

The vast and infinite power of faith he now possesses may be able to elevate him to a true god in an instant!

Unfortunately, the four worlds he could cross, reality and martial arts worlds, needless to say, all belonged to the world with extremely low degree of mystery, and even the method of transcendent sainthood and immortality was passed down by Fang Qin.

The latter two, whether it is the Evil World or the Immortal Sword World, do not have this condition.

The evil world can operate as a resource for cultivation, but it cannot use this as a source of strength, and condensing the divine personality is even more illusory;

In the world of the Immortal Sword, although there are deeds of canonization of gods in that god realm, they are completely two concepts with the belief in canonization of gods.

“However, if I really encountered such a world, I would not arbitrarily seal the gods…”

Fang Qin continued to browse the information on the computer and thought to himself.

Although the divine power possessed by the belief in the canonization of the gods was very powerful and tempting, Fang Qin’s foundation had always been martial arts cultivation!

Even if you know that you contain the power of the terrifying faith gathered by several worlds,

If you can seal the gods with this belief, you are all extremely powerful gods, even more powerful than your current self!

But Fang Qin’s thoughts never changed.

Only when all the power is attributed to himself is what he wants!

Instead of placing the source of power above the faith of sentient beings.

Besides, with the deeds of the Immortal Sword World, the power of faith that pervaded the Divine Sea was already extremely vast.

Although Fang Qin’s current realm cultivation was completely unafraid of the poisonous obstacles of the thoughts of sentient beings contained in it, it could be destroyed and purified at will.

However, if you condense your divine personality and achieve the true God, the power of faith will transform into divine power, and the poisonous obstacles thus gathered will be strengthened by leaps and bounds.

Today’s own realm cultivation is far from enough to maintain the purity of [God] and the perfection of its own essence under such circumstances.

At that time, if he could not give up his own martial arts, Fang Qin would naturally not self-destruct the foundation.

In any case, the path of faith can only be a minor, and it will never become his fundamental path.

So, such a thought, he just thinks.

Of course, if you can fully control and harmless yourself, it may not be impossible.

After all, the power of authority is really extremely powerful.


In Fang Qin’s eyes, the golden light appeared slightly, once again revealing the fleet picture of the Silver Light Civilization, and he glanced at the blue star again and groaned.

Look at the information in front of you thoughtfully.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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