
Previously, in the world of the Immortal Sword, he had communicated with the Demon Realm Yama King, and had also learned the mystery of life and death in the land of reincarnation!

The understanding of the way of life and death, the secret of the soul, has already begun to see the doorway.

At that time, he had a vague idea that with his own realm cultivation as a harmony Dao Fa, could he simulate the operation of the Second World.

In the “Second World”, in fact, the two most crucial points are the mysteries of crossing the world, that is, the method of login, and the mysterious method of projection of the real body and the resurrection of death.

As long as you can simulate the mysteries in it and reproduce the [second world], it is not impossible.

Nowadays, the method involving life and death, with Fang Qin’s strength, can already achieve the same effect.

As long as the rest of the world is solved, the effect of the “second world” can be achieved!

Of course, the secret of the world shuttle, even with Fang Qin’s realm cultivation, was difficult to get involved in.

However, he didn’t really have to be able to travel through the world, and there was a ready-made “second world” in front of him.

Moreover, his purpose now is not to reproduce the [second world], but to give the Azure Star civilization a test… Or the open and hung expansion pack update!

In fact, with Fang Qin’s cultivation strength, naturally there was no need for such trouble, and directly giving a faint breath could greatly increase the individual strength of the entire Blue Star Civilization!

However, in doing so, it is not as simple and direct as directly destroying the Silver Light Civilization.

Moreover, the consequences of this will also directly cause the upper limit of this civilization’s cultivation to be locked up!

Unless Fang Qin kept opening the hanging for them, they would not be able to continue to cultivate and improve on their own, and they would lose the most important potential of a cultivation civilization!

In this way, although in a short period of time, the strength of the Azure Star Civilization will increase greatly, and Fang Qin’s qi luck point will also skyrocket, but it is only that, and there is no growth in the follow-up.

Naturally, he wouldn’t do that.

If the Blue Star encounters an irresistible crisis of destruction, he will grant him protection.

If it was just some tribulation, he wouldn’t take care of it.

And now, although the situation is not as lifeless as ten deaths, there is not a trace of life, but it is not much different from nine deaths!

If you don’t care, even if the Azure Star survives, it will inevitably fall into a state of heavy casualties!

Such a tragic scene was not what Fang Qin wanted.

Therefore, giving them a chance, a chance to quickly become stronger, is Fang Qin’s current idea.

Of course, this is both an opportunity and a trial, and it depends on how they play out.

“In fact, you can also use the dream method, and you can get similar results.”

Fang Qin thought about it, thanks to the Dream Tapir Clan’s “Dream Realm Law”, after being deduced by his hands, it was already extremely mysterious and could do a lot of incredible things!

Moreover, the use of the “Dream Method” can also be used as a reference.

“Forget it, let’s go see it first and then say…”

Fang Qin groaned a little, and the figure disappeared a little.

Since you want to take the “Second World” as the starting point, you might as well directly explore the divine creature that travels through the world!



In an instant, Fang Qin had already arrived at a secret and strict underground chamber with a sense of science fiction.

The surrounding area is densely packed with the most advanced technology of various Azure Star civilizations to protect things here!

It can be said that it is the strongest protective force of the Azure Star civilization!

It’s just that all of this seems to be turning a blind eye to Fang Qin’s arrival.

Fang Qin slowly walked to the center, but it was a dark circular unknown object that was emitting a burst of ghostly light.

“This… Is it a god that can cross the world of martial arts…”

The True Element surged in his body, enveloping this divine creature.

“Ding, find the [Key of the World], is it included and incorporated?”

【Key to the World】:

Among the heavens, the world is like a constant sand particle, vast and boundless!

Between the worlds, separated by endless chaos, there could not have been the slightest contact,

However, there are countless mysteries in the heavens, and there are always a very small number of worlds that will have a subtle connection under the influence of inexplicable influences, and the two worlds are connected to each other, and a key made of mysteries is born!

With all kinds of incredible powers!

“The Key to the World…”

Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart should be.

“Ding, in the midst of…”

Inclusion Success! The host can use this to travel through the two worlds at will, obtain and open the function [game] template, and obtain qi luck points…



The unknown object, which was all black, suddenly emitted a burst of light, as if it had been activated, spreading along the subtle lines of the Daodao, and the fluctuations of the Daoist space emerged.


The black key-like thing, emitting a burst of amazing mystery, emerged, and the space around it was faintly blurred.

In the next instant, a simple and hazy picture scroll unfolded, incorporating this key into it, and the whole scroll emitted a burst of ghostly light, and then disappeared.

When Fang Qin saw this, he had some hidden understanding in his heart, and his mind moved, calming the spatial force that began to surge around him.

“The scroll, the key, so it is…

However, this function of traveling through the world overlaps and is of no use to me, as for the one behind this…”

“Turn on [Game] feature.”


This is a template derived from the Key to the World, and the host can be changed at will.

“As it turns out, this is a game system template that real-world players have, and I can now make adjustments and changes with this…”

Fang Qin was amazed to see this, and felt that things had become more and more interesting.

Looking at the dark god that was emitting brilliance in the center, he knew in his heart that this thing had probably become an illusion, and the real god inside, the key to the world, had been collected by his own system.

But even so, such things that can carry the “key to the world” still contain amazing wonders.

But these, Fang Qin did not care.

“Go back and do some research.”

Since the purpose of coming here was solved, and it was greatly unexpected by him, Fang Qin was also quite interested in studying this newly opened [game] template.

Maybe there are unexpected benefits.

As soon as the mind moves, it disappears.

Only the dark creatures that gradually changed back to their original appearance were quietly protected by many technologies here.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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