
The network technology of the real world closely links the whole world together, and any wind and grass will cause a wave of concern, not to mention the huge changes in the [Second World] Zhongnan Mountain Holy Land.

You know, now with the passage of time, the practice of the martial arts has gradually deepened,

Even for people in other areas, because of a series of problems such as culture, the progress of cultivation is very slow, but it has gradually revealed amazing magic.

The health, strength, agility and other physical abilities of life are getting stronger and stronger, and this feeling of continuous evolution is even more obsessed with the whole world!

More and more people are already convinced that the true God who left behind the divine revelation is the embodiment of Allah, that is, Him!

And those who already believe in themselves, the faith in their hearts is also more and more reverent, praying day and night, hoping that Allah can cast a concerned eye.

Even more, the place that is favored by the true God is considered a sacred place, and countless people yearn for it!

Now there is a change in this sacred place, which naturally caused an uproar!

After all, in their view, the Holy Land already belonged to the realm of the gods, and anything that happened was about the gods, about the Allah!

On the outside network, it has already been a boiling trend!

Like a group of Shenzhou netizens, they are particularly concerned about the development of things, and now when the truth comes out, it is also a shock and amazement.

Like the sand sculpture netizens in Shenzhou, it is also like envy and jealousy and hatred like a lemon!

“Allah divine power is great! Everything in the world is a toy manipulated by the Lord, even the mountains, the sea, and the sky!

Look at that! The mountains rise and fall in your hands, and the tower that shines high on the earth is the guiding place for you to land on earth! I will offer my soul and my faith, willing to follow your light and shadow. ”

“Lord! Why do you love the land over there so much, is it because our faith does not dare to be religious? Why, why don’t you look at us…”

“Oh my God! They were bathed in the power of the Lord and received divine revelation! It’s enviable! This is the third time… Is the Lord really going to forsake us…”

“Stop!! Allah will is divine and merciful! Why should you little people with impure minds question! ”

“Ahem! These selfish little people only pay attention to the Lord’s gifts, but never think that the Lord’s glory has already shone on the earth!

All corners of the world are guided by the Lord, and the divine revelation, the key to the evolution of life, is the supreme gift! ”

Of course, some people have already considered how to get to the location of the sacred tower, or in the “second world”, and step into the land of Kyushu.

After all, with the preaching under the crown of Wu Zu, the imperial court forces such as the Great Song, Mongolia, and Liaoxiajin on the land of the Second World Divine State,

They all invariably locked the news in the Divine State, not wanting the Immortal Martial Arts to spread to the outside world.

It is extremely strict with the forces of the outside world, and it has been even more stringent in this regard before when it comes to the matter of knives and soldiers.

So in the second world, the players of the outside world, the players who can really run to the Divine State, are definitely very few, and with the passage of time, the difficulty is getting higher and higher.

“Oh! Oh my God! The Divine Tower is located above the Divine State, and unfortunately, I am still wandering outside and have not been able to set foot on this sacred land! ”

“Go slowly, you can always pass!”

“Nothing can stop the pious me from moving towards the holy place of the Lord!”


These discussions from the outside world are naturally known to a large number of netizens, but they have also expressed many views.

“Ah this… Although sometimes they are not used to it, they are really good at talking, and they have fought in order to have a relationship with the crown. ”

“Cough, every time I look at them like this, I get some goosebumps, but I can understand, I just watch, laugh and don’t say anything.”

“In other words, the practices of the imperial court forces of the Great Song Dynasty and the Liaoxia Jin Dynasty [Second World] seem to be unnecessary.

Even if they wanted to stop the spread of the martial arts, it was estimated that they had already been spread out by players outside the Divine State…”

“Where is it useless, it is not just to see the martial arts method, if it were not for them to stop it, a bunch of people would have run over and not left, and they would have played a fart.”

“Why do you all have time to care about this?” Don’t you go to the Terminal South Mountain Boundary and wait? ”

“Upstairs, you are a sand sculpture, and after several bloody lessons, the pigs have learned well.”

Now speaking, there is a count, which is not already in the place, just to pass the boring time.

But what you said is also true, except for the inevitable, I still slipped away, this period of time in the second world, a bow ~ ”

“??? Isn’t it normal to be present first and then speak? Does anyone else know this? ”

“Gan! A bunch of dog guys, don’t say it, slip away! ”


The world of martial arts, the ultimate southern mountain boundary.

A tower stands between heaven and earth, emitting a radiant glow, not bright, but with the rhythm of the Tao.

Nowadays, countless people have gathered here, both people from the martial arts world and people from the real world.

They were all looking at the divine pagoda in the center!

But now if you want to get closer, there is always an inexplicable force that makes it impossible to approach, and it does not dare to come randomly, but can only wait quietly and look forward to it.

Located above the Floating Immortal Mountain, a figure slightly opened its eyes, and Fang Qin glanced at the pagoda.

At this point, most of the trialists inside the pagoda could only pass the first level of trials, only a few passed the second level, and as for the after, there were very few.

Most of them were some people who were already at the top level of martial arts themselves, and who were also preaching by Fang Qin and taking advantage of the situation.

Fang Qin didn’t care much about this, but there were many acquaintances among them, which made him miss it a lot.

Of course, this time to let this group of people participate in the trial, it is not just as simple as sending welfare.

The most important thing is to test whether the functions of the pagoda and the [trial] need to be improved, and there are some places that need to be considered.

For example, whether the [storage] function is turned on,

Another example is whether the real world and the martial arts world are synchronized with the [game] template,

The former itself has a game template directly added on the line, if the latter is added to the template, it is always increased, or only added at the time of trial, or the template is canceled and directly carried by the [pagoda].

There was also the question of whether the difficulty of the trial needed to be adjusted slightly, and so on, which required Fang Qin’s attention a little attention.

“Hmm… Almost. ”

Fang Qin’s mind moved, and he made some slight adjustments to some of the rules before summoning the system.

“[Trial] function is fully open! The [Redemption] function is open, but add a few hidden conditions….”

(ps: ask for self-ordering, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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