
Li Hua felt a tingling in his scalp, and seriously looked back and forth several times before finally determining that he was not dazzled.

Such descriptions, even for the gods… It’s definitely a top-notch existence…’

Staring at the gray ‘mist’ with a dull face, he muttered in his mouth:

“Breath of the Divine Dragon… How could even such a fetish be exchanged!? ”

In my mind, there is a description of the dragon of the candle and an introduction to the breath of the dragon,

Li Hua was breathing rapidly, his forehead was a little violent, his body was full of real qi, his eyes were blazing, and he clenched his fists:

“If I obtain this wisp of divine breath, won’t I be directly immortal!

And the most important thing is that its own foundation will definitely receive supreme blessings!

At that time, the sixth major realm of martial arts, the Divine Power Secret Realm, is not an unattainable luxury!! ”

His face turned red and excited, but his eyes swept to the exchange spirit points at the bottom of the image,

Suddenly, his face froze, and he was discouraged, and a sense of loss that he had never felt before filled his heart.

“A whole hundred thousand spirit points…”

Li Hua smiled bitterly, even if he guessed that the trial reward after the tenth layer should change, but in the face of such a huge amount, he could not generate any confidence to obtain such spirit points.

Li Hua, who was poured with cold water by the huge amount of spirit points, returned to his senses slightly, and his body actually felt a little uncomfortable, thinking of Fang Cai, and suddenly some cold sweat broke out.

‘Fang Cai, I almost fell into a magic barrier…’

Li Hua’s face was a little ashen, covering his face, feeling a little embarrassed.

It’s not that I’m ashamed to face such a fetish, my heart is agitated and I fall into a magic barrier.

In such a situation, he thinks that it is normal, in the face of such a shocking god [Breath of the Divine Dragon], it is estimated that no one can maintain calm, and he is not a saint without desire, and naturally he is not spared.

Shame is another reason.

‘Made! Is this my own poverty sobering me up? ’

Li Hua secretly cursed and was speechless in his heart, directly in the room, running the internal strength, slowly calming down some of the agitated and irrepressible true qi, and it took a while to be considered over.


Li Hua took a deep breath, his eyes once again fell on the image of the gray mist, his eyes twitched slightly, and he felt that he still couldn’t help but reverie,

The mouse slid down, and suddenly I saw a small image of a branch.

[Branch of the Divine Tree]: …


Li Hua’s face was stiff, red and white, swallowed the slight sweetness of his throat with difficulty, sat down cross-legged again with an expressionless face, ran his inner breath, and slowly reconciled…

There is only one thought in my mind:

‘I shouldn’t be ashamed of that…

Forget it, don’t say it, as long as no one knows, it’s not embarrassing…’


In the outside world, on the Internet, after Li Sheng released all the [Treasure] guides, it suddenly seemed to fall into silence.

No one spoke, and even if they commented, it was just some non-nutritious panacea comment, which belonged to something that had not yet reacted.

The whole network is like dead silence!


The appearance of the first comment …


There are no words, only a series of exclamation marks and question marks, which prove that the heart is not calm!

This comment is like a Mars, directly igniting the entire accumulated powder keg!

Countless wordless comments full of question marks and exclamation marks directly slaughtered the entire forum post.

The shocked and moving emotions of many netizens can be seen!

This went on for a while, refreshing countless pages before handwriting comments began to appear.

“Groove!!! What is this Nima!?? What is this TM??? ”

“Dragon of the Candle! Breath of the Dragon! Made, I don’t know what to say, I always feel that I want to say something, but I can’t say anything!

It’s amazing! Is this the legendary deity!? If it is really mighty as hell, and grace like the sea!

Just a wisp of breath has such a terrifying divine effect! Get one’s dander up!! ”

“Breath for wind and rain, suck for frost! Open your eyes for day, close your eyes for night!! To be honest, seeing this description, my whole person is stupid! A thousand words have come together in one sentence – awesome!! ”

“Shocked!!! The introduction and description of the Candle Dragon is very similar to the description of the [Candle Dragon] in the [Classic of Mountains and Seas]! Even the title is highly similar, is there any! ”

“yes! I noticed it too! Thinking about the fine level of fear, is there really such a mythical and legendary god in our world? ”

“That branch of the divine tree behind is also terrifying! Fix the Pole Four Directions Six Realms Realm! The source of life! Source of Reiki! ”

“As long as these two divine objects are obtained, it is unimaginable, and it can be said that the future achievements are basically stable.


A whole hundred thousand and three hundred thousand spirit points, alas~ can only look at it and can’t get it, it’s too uncomfortable. ”

“Upstairs, although I also think that it is impossible to obtain these two divine objects,

But I feel that 100,000 or 300,000 spirit points can obtain this level of divine objects, which is simply like giving benefits, and the true value is probably even more amazing. ”

“Isn’t this nonsense, even the spirit points are given to us by the reward of His Majesty, and they are too expensive!”

(ps: ask for self-order, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation~)


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