
Located on the edge of the island, at the center of the battle, a strip of red ground.

After a few days here, there is still an indescribable sense of coercion.


A faint breeze swept through, and an old man dressed in the style of an English gentleman did not know when to get up, standing on the edge of the crack,

The face is grim and quite intellectual, but the emerald green eyes are as wild as a fierce wolf, and Gu Pan is self-righteous, it is the oldest god killer – [Wolf King] Marquis of Woban.

Looking at this devastated scene, there was no fear, and there could be no such emotions, but it aroused a hint of long-lost excitement.


There are indeed gods who have descended here!

Coming to such a conclusion, the Marquis of Voban was quite happy in his heart, and muttered to himself:

“Hehe, the three are not from the gods…

It should not die silently, but still hide in this island, interesting and interesting, I really look forward to it. ”

Even for god killers, it is not so easy to meet gods.

Although the unique physique of the god killer can sense the approach of the gods and enter the battle state at the first time, it is clear that the gods do not leave the ‘myth’ at will and turn into insubordination.

Besides, even if there is a god who does not follow, the chance of being able to meet and fight and kill is not high.

Otherwise, the Marquis of Woban would not have to go to great lengths to recruit the Oman Witch to summon the gods of disobedience.

The situation of the one-time three-pillar not following the gods, even the Marquis of Woban has not seen it, and he is naturally very happy.

Originally, the duel with the gods should be cautious, but the proud Marquis of Woban never considered this, just knowing that there might be hidden gods here,

As for whether there is a possibility of defeat, this idea cannot appear in the thinking of the domineering and wild Marquis of Woban.

The god killers themselves are such a group of [fools], and when they fight, they never consider the gap between the two.

Even when they are mortals, they still dare to raise their butcher knives to the gods, not to mention that after the current usurpation of the power of the gods, the unparalleled power also makes them more relaxed when facing the gods,

The gap between one more god and one less god is far less difficult than when he was a mortal in the past.

Therefore, the Marquis of Woban was confident that as long as he could learn the location of the three disobedient gods, he would be able to kill the gods again and seize the power of the gods again!


The faint sound of footsteps came, and Marquis Voban’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the green light flashed, looking at the comer.

“Oops, oops~ I rushed straight to this side, but I wasn’t the first to arrive!”

A smiling blond young man dressed simply, but on his back, he carried a sword weapon wrapped around a cloth, which seemed to be somewhat extraordinary.

A hanger came over, and when he saw the Marquis of Voban, he seemed to be taken aback and exclaimed:

“Oh? Isn’t this a marquis, long time no see! ”

Marquis Voban raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and his face was slightly gloomy.


The surging spell surged and the whole sky seemed to darken a little, and he sneered: “Boy, it’s you again!” ”

“Haha, does the Marquis want to fight? I’m going to accompany you! ”

The blond young man looked unconcerned, ignoring the coercion that was enough to make the most powerful Grand Knight or Great Magician in the Mystic Realm shocked, and said with a grin.

But at the end, there seemed to be a surging battle intent flashing in his eyes, and he seemed to be eager to try!

“Hmph! After I kill those three pillars, I will deal with the grudge between you and me!” ”


The heavy coercion gradually dissipated, and the Marquis of Woban sneered, then ignored it, turned around and slowly left.

“Haha~ feel free to accompany you! But…… Those three-pillar gods, I will not let go easily. ”

The blond youth, or [King of Swords] Tony, responded without hesitation,

Saying that, he glanced at the scene everywhere, and he was also full of fighting intent, but now the god who does not follow does not know where to hide, but there is no need to worry.

After exploring for a while, he walked leisurely towards his foothold.


The arrival of two god-killers who had always had a grudge completely turned the entire island into the most dangerous place, and also made everyone who paid attention to this matter gasp.

The local magic association was completely tense, whether it was the local King of Swords, Tony, or the Marquis of Warban, they were all unbearable existences.

The former needless to say, their own magic association belongs to the other party’s alliance, although the latter is not, but in the face of the oldest god killer, who dares to snub the slightest?

At the same time, more magicians were sent to explore places where the gods might exist.

On the other side,

【Bronze Black Cross】Headquarters.

General Marshal Paul. Brondri showed a rare look of exhaustion and self-reproach, frowning at what had happened recently.

‘I knew it would be like this, so I wouldn’t let Erica pass…’


A slight sound came, and Paul pinched his eyebrows, sighed, and connected the communication.


“Uncle ~ it’s me!”


Paul stood up with a sigh, his face turned sad into joy, and said excitedly: “Erica! Are you all right? ”

“Hehe~ Uncle, you calm down first, I have more critical matters now, I want to discuss with you, it is very important.”

Paul heard the caution in his niece’s tone, and there was a faint conjecture in his heart, his face was stunned, and he said in a deep voice:

“Is there news about disobedience to the gods? You said! ”


Erica considered the language, outlined what she had seen and heard, and finally concluded:

“That god, let me collect all the books about the mysteries and the fetish things about the gods, uncle, you see?”

“…… Wait a minute, I’ll sort it out. ”

Paul’s face was surprised and surprised, and what Erica said was really beyond his phenomenon.

Silent thought for a while, and then said:

“Since it is a task of the gods, Erica, we naturally need to be satisfied as well.

But… Recently, Salvatore and Marquis Voban are both looking for the god of disobedience, what do you think we should do? ”

As one of the [Seven Sisters], the [Bronze Black Cross] is in principle subordinate to the [King of Swords].

In such cases, whether to tell the Sword King directly about the matter, or to skip it and treat it as if nothing had happened.


There was a long silence on the other side of the communication, and it took a while before Erica’s crisp voice was heard.

“That God’s Highness… I don’t know how to describe it, but he is a god who gets along with him, and it seems, it seems to be different from the rumored god of disobedience…”

When Paul heard this, he muttered and nodded:

“I know! The books in the family can be taken out and copied first, and I will deal with the [Bronze Black Cross] side. ”

“Hmm…. Thank you uncle, I’m a little wayward. ”

Knowing that his niece was safe and sound, Paul swept away the previous haze and smiled: “I trust your judgment.” ”


Feeling the desire to speak on the other side of the communication, Paul frowned slightly and asked suspiciously:

“What’s wrong? What else is important? ”

“Uncle, I think we can include the [Seven Sisters] to collect more…”

Paul narrowed his smile and said with an unprecedented serious face:

“Erica, if it’s just [Bronze Black Cross], I have the confidence to suppress the matter and not leak any important information,

But if other magical associations are involved, you should know what to expect, right? And even then, you want to do it? ”


“Can you tell me why? Without a good reason, I would never have agreed. ”

Even if he doted on his niece, but it was a matter of life and death for the entire family and the magic association, Paul did not dare to make a decision at will, and asked in a low tone.

“Hmm… His Highness said that as long as I complete the task well, I will give some rewards…”

Erica was also a little hesitant, she also knew that it was too risky to do so,

Once the information about the gods is leaked, it can be expected that someone will go to give credit to the god killer, and at that time, the [Bronze Black Cross] that is concealed may usher in the wrath of the king.

And even if no one leaks information, collecting all the books on the occult, surely not everyone will agree,

It can be expected that there will be many resistances, and it is easy to offend other magic associations, anyway, a bad is the end of overturning, and the danger is too great.

But Erica really didn’t want to rush things up, but wanted to do her best to complete it.

Moreover, she is not without belly cases.


Paul’s face changed a little, as long as it was about the gods, it would not be simple, although I don’t know what the reward was, but if the gods were really willing to give some kind of gift, it would be extraordinary.


“Erica! Do you really think this is feasible? Do you really think… Is it worth it?

Although in the personification of a god should disdain to lie to mortals, but what if… Have you thought about it? ”

“……. Well. ”

Hearing the response that was still unsure, Paul’s face changed again and again, and he was silent for a long time before he slowly said:

“Erica, you come back first, I’ll talk to you in detail.”

The matter is so big that he can’t really decide to let the entire magic association accompany his niece as a willful bet without saying a word.


In this regard, Erica had no choice but to quickly agree.

(ps: ask for self-order, ask for full order, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation~)


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