
  Unexpectedly, when Chen Changsheng said this, Chang Yuchun was instantly excited.

  He raised his head and looked at Chen Changsheng pleadingly.

  "Engong, I, I would like to be a servant by your side, in front of and behind the horse."

  But in Chen Changsheng's eyes, he could only see indifference.

  Chang Yuchun suddenly shuddered.

  The person in front of him seems to be no longer the benefactor who spoke kindly before, but an immortal who stands tall in the world, without a trace of human emotion in his eyes.

  He was suddenly a little scared.

  Just listening to Chen Changsheng's voice seemed to come from above the nine heavens.

  "I know what you think, but be clear, this road is far more difficult than you think. Without a sincere heart, how can you ask the immortals to ask?"

  "Besides, you have to remember."

  "Tao, no, yes, light, pass!"

  In the last sentence, Chen Changsheng read out every word, and every word hit Chang Yuchun's heart.

  "Tao cannot be passed on lightly?" Chang Yuchun whispered these words in his mouth, his heart trembled, knowing that Chen Changsheng had seen through his mind.

  He was indeed looking forward to seeing Chen Changsheng's immortal-like power in front of Yuan Bing.

  Of course, there are not many people who are not shocked and moved after seeing such power.

  In the secular world, whether it is princes and generals, gold and silver treasures, people can take them back at any time.

  If you have the power of Chen Changsheng, what can you get?


  Chen Changsheng sat alone under the moon, his skin was crystal clear in the moonlight, like frost, his eyes were like ancient wilderness, deep and deep.

  "If you want to embark on the road of cultivation, in addition to the heart of the Tao, you also need chance."

  "If Taoism could be easily taught, the world would have been in chaos long ago."

  Hearing this, Chang Yuchun gritted his teeth, knelt down suddenly, and kowtowed to Chen Changsheng:

  "Emperor, I can endure all kinds of hardships, I just ask you to teach me a trick and a half."

  "Get up." Chen Changsheng looked at Chang Yuchun who was kneeling on the ground, and intriguing colors flashed in his deep eyes.

  "I won't teach you anything until the fate between you and me has arrived. But if you can meet me again within ten years, it will prove that you and I are destined. It may not be impossible to teach you one and a half tricks."

  Chang Yuchun immediately knelt on the ground. Although slightly disappointed, he quickly became firm and said, "Yes... Benefactor."

  "Well. You and I have run out of fate, so just leave."

  Chen Changsheng closed his eyes and said lightly.

  Chang Yuchun's face was slightly gloomy, and he knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

  With reluctance and determination, he disappeared in the white moonlight.

  And not long after he left.

  A voice suddenly sounded in Chen Changsheng's mind. .

Chapter 21

  "Ding! Congratulations on changing the luck of Changyu Spring and getting 800 points of deduction value"


  Chen Changsheng was not surprised.

  Because Chang Yuchun was under his control from beginning to end.

  The reason for this is because Chang Yuchun was the founding general of the Ming Dynasty in the later period...

  It contains the great luck of the Ming Dynasty.

  Even though what Chen Changsheng has changed at the moment is Chang Yuchun, who is at a very low level.

  But the system also gave him a full 800 deduction value.

  Preaching is a pretext. If we meet Chang Yuchun again in the future, it will definitely be used by him according to the character of the other party.

  At that time, Wu Mu's suicide note of the Dragon Saber would also be useful.

  At the same time, this also lays a nail for the future.

  Isn't Zhu Yuanzhang able to become a powerful force with these talents, but when all these talents are in Chen Changsheng's hands.

  This emperor's surname is Zhong, Liu, and Zhao are not at his disposal.

  In this way, it can not only ensure that the world is used by him, but also ensure that a large amount of deduction value will not be lost in the future.

  Of course, this can't be said that Chen Changsheng often encounters spring.

  The so-called one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

  At that time, Chen Changsheng would teach one trick and a half at will, and Chang Yuchun would also enjoy it endlessly.

  This time, Chen Changsheng was only calculating by chance, and more of it was changed according to the trend of the world.

  The so-called general situation does not change, and the small situation is reversible. Today, it is calculated in the small situation.

  But this is the future after all.

  After Chen Changsheng arranged it casually, he didn't pay attention to it.

  He has to travel back to Wudang Mountain these days to give his master his birthday wishes.

  The moonlight was bright and bright, Chen Changsheng glanced at the full moon like a jade plate.

  Heart Road:

  "Walking toward the North Sea at dusk, the green snake was timid in the rain. Qian was drunk and the people of Yueyang didn't know it, so she left and flew over Dongting Lake.

  When one day I go to the middle of the month to see if there is a fairy or a rabbit, that is what my generation of immortals should look like.When you go back, you have to be prepared for cultivation. "

  Chen Changsheng let out a breath of foul breath.

  Immediately, he closed his eyes and began to rest.


  Wudang faction.

  Today is the [-]th birthday of Zhang Sanfeng.

  Originally, Zhenren Zhang used to like to keep a low profile, and spent his [-]th and [-]th birthdays with his apprentices.

  It's just that the Wudang faction is now well-known.

  The Wudang sect was full of birthday guests, and it was very lively from top to bottom.

  And because the Dragon Saber was taken away by Chen Changsheng, the second senior brother Yu Daiyan returned to Wudang Mountain smoothly after chasing down the bandits.

  It can be regarded as changing the tragic fate.

  However, because the place was full of friends, the guests were like clouds.

  He and the other six warriors were not stopping for a moment, busy going around.

  Some of the guests, who only heard about their names, scratched their heads in curiosity.

  At this time, some of the guests from the door Qing will introduce them to them.

  "This is Song Yuanqiao, and his cultivation base is approaching the innate realm. That young man is Zhang Cuishan, the disaster relief worker, known as chivalrous..."

  "Wait, isn't it rumored that there is a reincarnated Taoist priest?"

  Hearing that he only introduced seven people, someone quickly asked.

  "What immortal reincarnation? It's just a trick released by Wudang. I'm here today to debunk Wudang's trick!"

  The immortals of Wudang are well-known, and some people are very dissatisfied with this rumor.

  "Hmph! Trick? You're really blind. I was on the Han River that day, and I witnessed the immortal flying across the sky on a yellow crane. That's something you can only look up to in your life." Someone retorted .

  "Who can't pretend to be a ghost? My Iron Palm gang once had a patriarch, Iron Palm, who floated on the water, so it's considered an immortal."

  "Do you even dare to call yourself an immortal?"


  There are too many people and there are many verbal disputes.

  Some people have a tendency to act when they disagree.

  Fortunately, under the suppression of the Wudang Seven Heroes, there was no fight.

  "Master, the master has left the customs. I want you to come over."

  Suddenly, a little Taoist boy walked over to Song Yuanqiao and whispered in his ear.

  "Master is out?"

  Song Yuanqiao's eyes suddenly lit up.

  He quickly instructed the other six junior brothers to control the scene, and hurriedly walked towards the Ziwei Palace.

  "The disciple congratulates the master on leaving the customs!"

  Song Yuanqiao respectfully bowed and saluted an old man with a clear face and a hale and hearty face.

  Zhang Sanfeng was quite happy after not seeing his disciple for a long time.

  You can simply listen to it with your ears, but find that the event of your [-]th birthday has been widely publicized, and there are many guests.

  Seeing the eldest disciple coming, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help frowning, "Yuanqiao, what's the matter, didn't the teacher tell you that everything should be kept simple for your birthday?"

  Hearing this, Song Yuanqiao felt a little aggrieved.

  He immediately explained it to Zhang Sanfeng.

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