"Little Junior Brother, this is what happened."

  Song Yuanqiao's face was serious, and he said first: "Because of your business, many people want to worship in the door these days, so I decided to temporarily stop recruiting disciples and discuss it when you come back."

  "There are many famous people in the arena among those people. We really can't drive them away. It was quite embarrassing before. Now that you are back, I want to discuss how to deal with it."

  "Yeah, this matter can't be dragged on."

  Zhang Cuishan also nodded and said, "Little Junior Brother, we can't stop recruiting disciples all the time."

  If a sect wants to develop, it must recruit and accept disciples!

  In addition, the current Wudang sect is the leader of the sects and has never recruited disciples - it will also cause jokes.

  If a sect wants to develop, fresh blood is always essential!

  Chen Changsheng made things clear in his heart and nodded.

  Rubbing his chin for a while, he said solemnly, "Brothers, give me two days."

  As soon as this word comes out.

  The seven people all nodded their heads when they knew that the younger brother was paying attention.

  Chen Changsheng went straight out of Zhenwu Hall and came to the warehouse.

  There are still a lot of jade here, which were specially added by Song Yuanqiao, thinking that they will need to be used one day.

  It's fine now.

  I picked out some jade materials from it, and immediately walked around the various nodes of the Qimen Bagua Array.

  An hour later, Chen Changsheng thoughtfully walked towards the alchemy room.

  Two days later.

  Chen Changsheng typed out the last formation inscription, put the fire away, and suddenly dozens of jade stones that flickered slightly fluorescent appeared in the pill furnace.

  Yuan forces intertwined, these jades were inlaid into the illusion array by Chen Changsheng.

  After carefully observing the Qimen Bagua Array, Chen Changsheng made an attempt to slightly modify the phantom array and add something on the basis of the phantom array.

  With the experience of refining the spirit gathering formation, his formation level has also improved a lot.

  It's very easy for him to change the big formation slightly, and he doesn't even need to use the deduction value.

  And outside.

  The seven Song Yuanqiao, who had been waiting for the younger brother to leave the customs, were already waiting quietly with some disciples.

  Two days have passed, and everyone can't wait to know what the solution is for the younger brother.

  "Those who want to enter my Wudang must pass three tests before they can become disciples."

  At this moment, Chen Changsheng's voice resounded throughout Wudang Mountain like thunder!

  For a time, the main peak of No. [-] Road reverberated at the same time, and it exploded!

  After hearing this voice, the martial arts people gathered outside were stunned for a while, and gathered together in doubt.

  After learning that the voice was Chen Xianchang, a group of people boiled.

  "It's Xianren Chen's voice!"

  "I was fortunate enough to hear Chen Xianchang's voice a few days ago, and I will definitely not admit my mistake. Besides, who can shout and the whole Wudang is echoing? Immortal Chen Changsheng can't do it!"


  Pass three levels!

  From Chen Changsheng's point of view, whether it is martial or immortal.

  Three things must be possessed to qualify.

  The first is perseverance.There is a long way to go, and there is no perseverance to explore!

  The second is courage.Tens of thousands of people are still going, and sooner or later if they have no courage, they will also betray the school!

  The third is talent.Without talent, martial arts can't last long, and without talent, you can never touch the threshold of immortality!

  These three levels are difficult to say, and difficult to say.

  But as long as the three conditions are met, all of them are Junjie.

  Only when such a person joins the door can the true Guangda Wudang faction be achieved!

  The first level is called Enlightenment.

  Those who step into this formation will encounter a stone wall as soon as they enter...

  Nine hundred and ninety-nine swordsmanships are recorded above, and one type of swordsmanship is randomly changed in one assessment. The tester must successfully practice a random swordsmanship to pass.

  The second level is called, Ask the Heart.

  This level will form an illusion, and those who enter it will encounter what they are most afraid of and hide deepest in their hearts.

  It can also be said that it is to face the deepest nature of oneself.

  The third level is called Huafan.

  There will be nine hundred and ninety-nine steps into it, and entering it will become an ordinary one, without any internal force, and can only climb up step by step.

  In addition to testing the willpower, it also tests the tester's heart of seeking the Tao.

  Those who want to achieve great things must first work their muscles and bones, suffer their will, and endure what ordinary people can't bear. Such people are worthy of entering the gate of Wudang!

  As long as there is any level that cannot be passed, it will be automatically popped up by the magic circle.

  won't hurt either.

  Everyone can only have three chances, and if they enter again, they will be ejected by the formation that remembers the origin.


  How could the people outside the mountain gate know the secrets of the three gates set up by Chen Changsheng.

  One by one, eager to try!

  But no one dares to underestimate it. Although it is only three levels, how can the formation that can be set up by immortals be so easy? !

  And Yu Lianzhou and the others also thought about it, and then shook their heads regretfully.

  I am naturally curious about these three levels and want to try them out.

  But they can remember the last time they were trapped in the gossip map, and in the public eye, if they didn't pass it, it wouldn't be embarrassing!

  Song Yuanqiao is not afraid of those who don't know, and asked curiously, "Little Junior Brother, how do you pass these three levels?"

  Yu Lianzhou and the others also looked over curiously when they heard the words.

  Chen Changsheng immediately explained to them in detail the three levels of asking the heart, transforming the mortal, and enlightening the Dao.

  This is not something worth hiding.

  "Enlighten the Dao, ask the heart, transform the mortal, be good!"

  Song Yuanqiao slapped the table in admiration, and laughed loudly: "These three gates are ingeniously set up, those with ulterior motives, the mediocre people will not enter my Wudang, and the province will ruin the name of my Wudang in the future!"

  Yu Lianzhou and the other six also nodded in appreciation.

  "Not only that, I'm also going to let all Wudang disciples get involved."

  Chen Changsheng looked serious and said with a serious face, "Also, I think it's time for Wudang to reform."

  reform? !

  When the seven people heard this word, their expressions suddenly changed.

  The seven looked at each other, Yu Lianzhou wanted to say something, but after looking at the other senior brothers, they closed their mouths.

  In the end, Song Yuanqiao said, "Junior brother, how are you going to reform?"

  With a serious face, Song Yuanqiao's words were also somewhat cautious. He was the senior brother of the Wudang faction, and he still had to decide many things.

  In addition, the younger brother has created so many miracles, so naturally I want to hear good opinions at this moment.

  It's just that at this moment, just after his words fell, the other six couldn't sit still.

  "Little Junior Brother, Master has gone down the mountain, he is not in the system and cannot be easily changed!"

  Yin Liting is impatient, and there is no need to shy away from fellow brothers and sisters. He immediately said bluntly:

  "The sect system was created after years of experience, and an easy change will have a great impact on the sect!"

  "Yes, Junior Brother, think carefully!"

  Zhang Songxi also persuaded.

  Song Yuanqiao suddenly looked embarrassed. The current Wudang faction system is really good. If it changes, there will be big trouble.

  "What to do with your head and tail, Changsheng, tell your thoughts. I want to hear your opinions."

  At this moment, Master Zhang Sanfeng walked in.

  Chen Changsheng and the other seven quickly got up to pay their respects.

  Zhang Sanfeng nodded one by one, then came to Chen Changsheng's side, smiled and said, "Go on, your brothers don't have the courage, but they are fearless."

  Chen Changsheng smiled and nodded.

  The worries of the brothers were also expected by him.

  Reform anywhere is not that simple, nor can it be accomplished in one sentence, otherwise there would not be many failed reforms.

  It's just that he doesn't care. Although he is a close disciple of Master Zhang Sanfeng, he has long been the uncrowned leader of Wudang.

  If he must change, no one can stop him.

  Even if all the Seven Heroes of Wudang were against it, it would not work.

  It's just that he didn't want to use this method.

  Moreover, the reforms he was going to talk about were more beneficial to Wudang. Now that the master is here, he will explain it himself later.

  Immediately, Chen Changsheng said: "As the sect expands, according to the existing sect rules, there are many drawbacks. There are many disciples in the sect who practice martial arts, but not many cultivators of Taoism, and as the number of new disciples increases, people's hearts fluctuate. Inevitably there will be. But we can't shut out new disciples either."

  "So, my idea is that all Wudang disciples will participate in the three stages, and the best of them will become the inner sect, and they will be my true disciples of Wudang, so as to avoid work and rest, and only need to concentrate on cultivation."

  "The fallen disciples don't need to be expelled from the mountain gate, and they don't need to worship the brothers. The brothers take turns to teach in the main hall, and at the same time undertake guards, chores, etc., and at the same time use medicinal herbs, obtain animal blood and other things to earn points, which can be exchanged for. Medicine pills, herbs and secrets."

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