Martial Arts World

Chapter 2333: Suddenly a night of spring breeze

Of course, there are some guys who can't look at Lin Sha's articles and have a bad voice. Naturally, some people think that Lin Sha's articles are good, which is in line with their temperament.

"I think the article written by Lin Longting is not bad. It seems that I have a detailed understanding of the situation of the people in Luoyang. I wonder if the solution he proposed to solve the problem is effective?"

"I don't want Lin Longting to see it so deeply. The living conditions of Luoyang people are indeed worrying. If Lin Longting's proposal really works, that would be great!"

"Lin Longting is still somewhat tolerant, focusing his attention on ordinary people, not praising merits, nor blindly contemplating family affairs, it is rare!"


The so-called same nature, Lu Zhi also has friends, OK?

Celebrities who have a good relationship with Lu Zhi are basically the kind of more practical guys. They have their own understanding of practice, and they are not at all exclusive.

Lu Zhi's relationship is there. They already appreciated Lin Sha's article, so there is no burden to speak good words.

This group of guys still have a certain momentum, and together they even started to make a lot of powder for Lin Salad, not like studying here in Hongdumen, at first they were basically all bad reviews.

Several of Lin Sha’s articles are in full swing in Luoyang literati circles, but whether it is praise or depreciation, at least everyone knows such a person, Longting Hou Linsha is a relatively different literati!

This situation made him very happy, the initial goal has been achieved!

At least, now that there are gatherings of literati circles, Lin Sha has already started to receive invitations, although the literati level of the gathering is not high, but is this a good start?

Lin Sha’s comers were not afraid, they didn’t put Long Tinghou’s shelf at all, and of course they didn’t lose their share to surrender, everything seemed natural, he thought it would be fine.

Just writing a few highly controversial articles, Lin Sha didn't think he was more extraordinary. In the future, if you want to gain fame in the literati circle, you have to rely on the continuous weighty works!

Mix your face first, then let's talk about it.

As for the maintenance and expansion of fame, there is no hurry at all, and it can only be accumulated slowly. When the time is accumulated, everyone will be surprised.

Moreover, he also hopes that his appearance will guide some of the more pragmatic literati to embrace the realist schools, so that he can also taste the wonderful taste of the first generation of the school.

However, he had no idea to toss about the Great East Classic, but he did not expect to become a famous figure in Luoyang literati circle again because of a major event.

Sili Xiaowei Yamen produced thousands of simple textile spinning machines, which were first distributed to families in the city who lived in hardship.

And these lucky people's families use linens made from textile spinning machines. As the cost of buying these institutions, everything looks so fresh and interesting.

The most interesting thing is that the families of these people who have been selected for delivery to textile spinning machines have a very difficult life. They belong to the middle and lower levels of Luoyang City.

But now with an organization that can spin and spin quickly, their income has suddenly increased, and their quality of life and life have improved rapidly, causing a lot of sensation.

This is good governance. Sili School's Wei Yangqiu was praised by the people for a while, and his reputation was very loud among the people, just like the God of Wealth.

Such a thing happened to be heard by Hongdumen students who had previously conducted social surveys. They had not responded at first. When the powerful families in Luoyang City wanted to **** these textile spinning machines, they created various contradictions between officials and citizens. These students suddenly reacted when they had trouble with Sili Xiaoweifu.

The textile spinning machine produced by Sili Xiaoweifu also has the means of freeing up and then recovering the cost, as well as improving the living standard and quality of the people, and producing a large amount of burlap of good quality. Is part of the content moderate in?

That's the thing about Lin Yi in Lin Sha's article!

It is said in the article that many people cannot afford cloth because the quantity of cloth is too small and the price is too high!

The raw material for making cloth, raw hemp, is actually not a scarce material. It can be found in the field outside. The key is to turn the raw hemp into cloth.

As long as the working efficiency of the textile and spinning machines can be improved and the number of cloths in circulation on the market increases, the price of cloths will naturally come down, and ordinary people can enjoy it.

Not only that, Lin Sha also proposed several other solutions, which all seem to be operational, but unfortunately not for the students in the district.

It is the simplest improvement institution among them, the money required, and the number of workers in the organization are not what the students can do.

Not to mention their own, even if the family behind them comes forward, they may not be able to bear it!

The point is, no one knows how to improve the textile organization, and in what areas should it be improved, is there any effect after the improvement, etc., such a very risky matter, unless the government comes out to organize, otherwise the general family will not be alone Contribute money to take risks.

This kind of situation makes a dedicated student quite depressed, but they can't help but think about it in their hearts. It's okay to ask them to do it themselves, but it's still difficult to get a lot of money.

But no one expected that Si Li, the captain of the school, did it quietly, and put it into action, and achieved quite good results!

Had it not been for the interests of some powerful families in Luoyang City, who wanted to intervene in it and ended up having trouble with Sili Xiaowei Mansion, the wind and rain in Luoyang City might not have attracted the attention of students for a while.

But now, since some students from Hongdu School and Tai Xue School noticed it, they went to the homes of those lucky people to check it out and made a detailed investigation. The results made them shocked and excited.

With the detailed information obtained by the investigation, once the shock of the mountain tsunami was triggered in two schools, Linsha was swept up by the wind and waves.

The students of the two highest schools shook, and soon the whole Luoyang Wenlin shook with it.

If Lin Sha’s previous articles have only triggered academic discussions and speculated whether this is the case, there is a possibility of 6897 postponement.

Then, the fierce conflict that broke out in Luoyang City and caused by the improvement of textile organs made all scholars clearly aware that this is not some kind of inference in Lin Sha’s article?

Now the inference is true, and the effect is obviously good. At least with the output of a large amount of fine linen, the number of linen on the market has surged, and the price of the cloth has really been reduced a lot. This fact is a shock to the literati. .

Lin Sha’s suggestion is actually feasible, and the effect is so amazing?

For a time, Lin Sha's reputation suddenly exploded. It seemed that she suddenly became a so-called celebrity, and she was also a new member of the celebrity circle!

Regardless of whether he has written a gorgeous rhetoric or not, after reading it, it makes people feel depressed and disliked. But now the actions of Sili Xiaoweifu have proved that Lin Sha's solution is effective, which is the most important.

There have been too many criticisms of the eunuch's chaos. Almost all ministers and celebrities in the wild know that as long as the **** **** is killed, the world will immediately get better.

But in fact, all ministers with certain abilities know in their hearts that this is impossible.

It's just that for their own or family interests, they have to follow suit. Over time, they hypnotized themselves, as if the facts were so general.

It can be imagined that Lin Sha likes that there are very few articles that can solve the problem by asking questions!

Sili Xiaoweifu and Yangqiu helped Lin Sha a lot this time, so that his reputation reached a new height at once, and he became a member of the so-called celebrities!

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the literary atmosphere was relatively good. At least it was not as unrealistic and impractical as in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Really capable talents would soon become famous.

Although there are also many so-called celebrities who say that Yang Yang and Lin Sha are together.

But what about that?

I would like to ask which celebrity is not a powerful force to promote fame. Although Yangqiu is a Lieutenant of the Siri, it is not as weak as a star compared to those rich and powerful people who have monopolized some cultural knowledge.

Moreover, what others have done is just to verify some of the content in Lin Sha’s article. It is still good governance for the benefit of the country and the people. It should not be desperately and blamed.

In short, Lin Sha was suddenly inexplicable, and became a member of the so-called celebrity, and it is still the kind of limelight.

"Huh, this is really quite unexpected. Someone feels inexplicable!"

When meeting privately with Lu Zhi and Cai Yong, they heard ridicule from the two gentlemen, and Lin Sha didn't hypocritically and confessed: "Someone is still preparing to accumulate thick and thin hair!"

" degree is too humble!"

Lu Zhi said with a smile: "We all admire the work done by Sili Xiaowei Mansion very much. This is good governance for the benefit of the country and the people. There is nothing so humble!"

"Hey, I just hope to help Yang Fangzheng. The pressure on his side is not small, and he has faced several powerful families at once. His recent mood is very upset!"

Lin Sha shook his head with a smile, his eyes flashing with dissatisfaction; "I don't know how these few companies thought, did they really lose their money?"

"Humph, a bunch of **** who have forgotten the benefits!"

Lu Zhi coldly said: "Don't worry about the different degrees, the matter has already reached this point, and you, the new celebrity, are involved in it. If you want to come to those companies, if you are not confused, you will definitely not continue to toss!"

What he said was very decisive, and it is indeed true. The behavior of Sili Xiaoweifu was originally good governance, and it coincided with some of the content in Lin Sha’s article, which caused the attention of most of the literati circles in Luoyang City. Only a fool would still commit crimes at this time. Really thought that the literary slobber would not drown them...

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