Martial Arts World

Chapter 2365: Thinking of the prestige of the past (2)

Lu Zhi felt that he had been greatly stimulated, and he could not make a correct judgment for a moment.

The two brave young men in front of them were all second-rate players!

Despite knowing that Lin Sha could not lie to him with such words, Lu Zhi still felt incredible, and his brain suddenly lost his ability to think.

Compared with Cai Yong who didn't know much about the generals, Lu Zhi of Wenwu Quancai didn't have any problems. He naturally understood the weight and strength of second-rate generals!

Don’t look at the prefix as ‘Second Class’, it seems that it’s not very good, but in fact the strength of the second class warriors is quite horrible.

The faces of the two young boys were still childish, and they looked a little shy. How does it look like they have reached a second-class level?

But Lin Sha wouldn't lie to him, Lu Zhi felt quite incredible.

"There is nothing incredible. I have traveled along the way, but I have seen a lot of powerful players. Second-rate is the most basic, and first-class strength is the mainstream!"

Lin Sha burst into shock with a chuckle, and said leisurely: "The court is also true. Don't put so many famous players everywhere. Don't you just have a lot of good players in the forbidden army and border troops?"

Lu Zhi and Cai Yong are silent. At this time, only the strong generation is eligible to participate in the competition. The rest of the people have to stand by regardless of their ability or force.

"Don't talk about it, let's talk about your experience along the way!"

Shaking his head and driving away his distractions, Lu Zhi smiled.

"That is, although the articles you have seen and heard along the way are sharp, they are not as comprehensive as you and the person who experienced them!"

Cai Yong's eyes lit up and said enthusiastically: "You know, your travels and miscellaneous articles have caused a lot of sensation in Luoyang's literary world, and many celebrities have followed suit!"

Lin Sha smiled, his face unabashedly proud.

It is said that he traveled the world and stirred up the wind and rain in the thirteen states of Dahan. He made a series of incidents that called the local local forces uncomfortable. At the same time, he did not forget the name of the idea that he finally earned.

Every time he went, he would write down what he saw, and then spread it to Luoyang through the post system, and spread it through the hands of Cai Yong and Lu Zhi, causing a little sensation.

Now that Lin Sha is determined to take the realist line, there will naturally be no reports of articles like Huanxueyueyue, which are basically the basic situation in various places and the various sufferings facing him.

He is not a literary literary who only knows how to stir up the flames and does not know the ending. However, he will list one or several solutions to the problems pointed out in the article, just like the previous rhythm. The literary style is direct, but it refers directly to the problems and solutions in various places.

These articles of his are really unpleasant. At least after reading a few articles by the current emperor, I have never read the following again.

The main reason is that it is too practical and exposes the problems in various places to the extreme, which makes the authorities in power uncomfortable. Everyone likes the peace and prosperity of the world, and everyone likes the compliment of others. Like Lin Sha's article, he pointed to the posture of being in power and scolding his nose.

But what he wrote was quite valuable in the eyes of some literati, and even in the eyes of the court.

Not to mention, through the articles written by Lin Sha, the introduction to the places visited by the readers can give readers a general idea of ​​the local situation.

This is quite remarkable!

The traffic situation in various parts of the Eastern Han Dynasty can only be described as bad. The roads between the localities are not in good condition, which severely limits the speed of communication between localities and Luoyang's understanding and control of localities.

Without the existence of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Luoyang's imperial court's control of the place was very weak, especially in the southern part of the south of the Yangtze River, which is almost a semi-independent kingdom.

If it were not for the court to firmly control the appointment and removal of officials and fiscal and taxation rights in these places, as well as the military garrison right, I am afraid that the entire Eastern Han Dynasty had completely fallen apart.

That's it. The county guards and state ministers everywhere, as well as the local ancestors, are the general existence of the local emperors. It is illegal and illegal to practise authority and blessing in the local area, but the Luoyang court knows nothing about it.

Even if I knew it later, the news I got was seriously lagging behind, and what kind of rescue measures I want to do, or punish some brave people, have been delayed for too long in time.

Besides, the officialdom always pays attention to concealment and concealment. The local forces in various regions have guarded their own sites to cover up. How much real situation can the Luoyang court get?

Although an article written by Lin Sha is scattered, most of them are aimed at the problems encountered during the journey. It seems that there is no slight sense of beauty and there is suspicion of blocking, but I have to say that as long as I carefully analyze and explore carefully, I can still feel bad mood. In the pleasant article, get an overview of the local situation.

This is already pretty good. Many things are not explored in person, and I really don’t know what the real situation is. Lin Sha sent a documentary article to Luoyang at a fixed time, which is a channel for some people to understand the situation of some remote areas. one.

"I'm afraid there are many literati who want to scold people!"

Lin Sha laughed at herself, and with his knowledge and experience, he naturally knew the articles he had written, and it was difficult to get approval from mainstream literati circles.

"Good, at least the articles you write are worth paying attention to, and many scholars have been affected. Recently, they have traveled around the world!"

Lu Zhi said with a smile: "I believe that as long as I look more, the situation in various places will gradually surface!"

"I hope so!"

Lin Sha was undecided, thinking that the Eastern Han Dynasty was about to end. The imperial court and the current emperor did not quickly stabilize the situation, and then reserve forces to deal with the change. The Eastern Han Dynasty had no hope of seeing it.

"Why, is the local situation very bad?"

Lu Zhi was so keen, he saw Lin Sha's absent-mindedness at a glance, only a little deep thought to understand what was going on, Shen Shen asked. ,

"It's pretty bad. The land mergers are serious everywhere. The power of the local giants has expanded too fast. If the imperial court doesn't take action to rectify it, there will be a big mess!"

Lin Sha didn't hide it, and told him bluntly: "These things are too sensitive, and I can't write directly in the article. I can only say that the problems are very serious everywhere!"

"It's so bad?"

Cai Yong asked with some doubt: "Why didn't Luoyang hear the wind here?"

"Official circles are used to cheating and concealing things. Some things are covered up by the local government and tyrants. It is impossible to reach Luoyang Chaotang!"

Lin Sha sneered, disdainful: "Some emperors and ministers should also understand in their hearts that it's just that the situation in the court is turbulent and it's related to their family interests. It's impossible to stand on the side of the court!"

Lu Zhi Shen Sheng asked: "Is the situation really so bad?"

"Only worse!"

Lin Shazheng focused on his head and said helplessly: "Those things that are powerful in those places can be put aside first. As long as the court and His Majesty really make up their minds, they can alleviate some of the contradictions, but now there is a force in the entire Han Dynasty who is just about to move. Opportunity for the imperial adjustment!"

"What force?"

Cai Yong and Lu Zhiqi asked in unison, their faces were very dignified and ugly.

Based on their consistent understanding of Lin Sha, they knew that this Longting Hou was not a rhetoric, and his vision and ability were not bad, but there was no foundation to do things for the court.

Later, because of the conflict of interests, he was forced to leave Luoyang to travel the world.

Although Cai Yong and Lu Zhi have put most of their energy on Chaotang these years, they have also paid more attention to Lin Sha.

Lin Sha didn't disappoint them either, not only had the articles written on her way traveled, but she also made some noise from time to time to let them know.

What traitors punish evil, help the weak and small chivalry came from time to time, to the satisfaction of the two great Confucians, but unfortunately such talents can not be used by the court.

Not only that, Lin Sha traveled all over the mountains and rivers of Han Dynasty. There were no fewer than dozens of bandits and bandits cleaned up along the way. However, he helped the local government to remove many scourges and also reduced the threat of strong people for the local people.

All these pieces made Lin Sha's name flourish among the martial arts.

The two great Confucians knew very well that Lin Sha actually had many things that he didn’t elaborate on, such as the things he did in Biansi, they used to know nothing about it, until Yang Qiu was demoted to Bingzhou and became a thorn in history. Only then did I know what Lin Sha did at the border.

Not to mention, Guan Yuchang, Guan Yuchang, who he recommended to General Duan Ying, has made outstanding achievements in Rongbian for several years, and has become a newcomer to Ryobian. The merit of this recommendation alone is quite good. .

Recommend good talents for the country, these words are good, and they sound good, but now the family tycoons have control of the court and local powers, and basically recommend themselves, as for their ability, it is not easy to say, at least Lin Sand did not forget to contribute too much while traveling.

This made the two great Confucians quite little friend Lin Sha made no mistake.

"Peace Road!"

Lin Sha said in a deep voice: "The power of Taiping Road has reached a certain level. The hinterland of the Central Plains has at least eight states, and they all have their believers, and they also have strong arms. Once the incident occurs, the consequences will be very serious!"

"Peace Road?"

Lu Zhi frowned slightly and smiled bitterly: "In Luoyang City, Taiping Road is also very popular. Many dignitaries and nobles themselves are believers in Taiping Road. It is very difficult to talk about Taiping Road!"

"This is the headache for the court and the emperor today. I just talked before the two gentlemen!"

Lin Sha smiled slightly and didn't care: "The two gentlemen have everything in their hearts. Don't be contaminated by Taiping Road. Once something goes wrong in the future, I'm afraid it's hard to get out!"

Zhang Jiao is definitely a character of Xiao Xiong, but he didn't know how he happened and suddenly hung up. Lin Sha had dealt with Zhang Jiao in front of him, and he couldn't see how this man could be seriously ill and could not live for a few years...

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