Martial Arts World

Chapter 2519: Xu Shu's Ambition

I have to say that the peace of the world is a suppression of a group of great talents who were astonishing and talented during the period of the Three Kingdoms!

Ying Chuan Xu Shu, who gave up Wu Congwen, is one of them!

Xu Shu in his youth was a ranger, so-called gangster. Later, because a friend committed something, he was arrested and went to jail to successfully escape from prison.

That is, he ran fast, and after General Lin Sha fully mastered Yuzhou, he imposed strict discipline on the law and discipline, like him, it was absolutely inevitable for ten years of hard work.

Xu Shu was really shrewd, and when he ran to Jingzhou, he gave up Wu Congwen's mentality, and then went to study under Pang De Gong, and he was really read by him.

Originally using his ability to work under the command of the general, he was able to exert all his talents.

It is a pity that he has stains on his body. Although it is something that the general has not completely controlled before Yuzhou committed, the general is serious about the law and discipline.

Xu Shu apparently did not have that kind of energy, thinking of finding a prince to join the famous hall.

But at this time, the situation in the world was stable, and the princes of each place were doing their own thing, but they didn't mean to go all out.

The situation is not chaotic, how can he show his strategy?

Without war, how can he show his military talent?

In short, unlike Zhengshi, Xu Shu didn't have much choice after leaving the school. The best way is to join the state herd to serve Liu Biao.

He did not look down on the old Liu Jingzhou. The most important thing was that Jingzhou's military and political affairs were controlled by the powerful people of the clan. It is basically impossible for his humiliating children like him to come forward.

Therefore, he actually has a good impression of the general. At least under the rule of the general, it is not difficult for a civilian child like him to be talented and want to come forward.

Liu Bei, a small county seat in Xinye, is surrounded by generals with extraordinary strength and tens of thousands of soldiers, and has entered Xu Shu’s eyes.

He personally went to Xinye to observe carefully for a while, and found that Liu Bei and his generals were too peaceful for a long time, and they no longer had the ambitions when they first started.

This is nothing. He only needs a little means to rekindle the ambition in Liu Bei's heart.

After observation, Xu Shu was quite satisfied with Liu Bei.

He has a good temperament and a gentle personality from the bottom. It is quite rare to be placed among the princes of the world.

With the ambition of Kuang to protect the Han Room, the strength at hand is not bad. Being in a small county like Xinye still accumulates a lot of money and grain reserves.

This is already pretty good. At least Liu Bei has the power to rise. As long as the opportunity is right, it is a matter of occupying a county or even a state.

Most importantly, there is no real resourceful man around Liu Bei.

Jian Yong and Sun Qian are wise, but they are capable of doing things well.

As for the miscellaneous custody of the family on Liu Bei. The management ability is excellent, but the strategy is much worse. Once Xu Shu joins the Liu Bei camp, he can instantly become his chief counsel.

After observation and consideration, Xu Shu finally decided to choose Liu Bei to gamble, not to mention how to be infinitely beautiful, at least have to leave his name on the world stage.

Xu Shu was just treated as a guest by Liu Bei, and after some talks, he was shocked by his profound knowledge and vision. He was respectful and not attentive.

Even tyrants such as Tai Shici and Wu Anguo were also deterred by Xu Shu's talents in the military strategy, as well as his weak military command talents.

Xu Shu used his talent to persuade Liu Bei and his generals, as well as a literary minister, which only took less than half a month.

When he agreed to join the Liu Bei Group, as expected, he became the chief counsellor in one leap, and he also took into account government affairs and military strategy, a veritable number one brother!

The joining of Xu Shu quickly brought different changes to Liu Bei and his generals, as well as 30,000 soldiers.

First, imitating the military system of the general, adjusted the organizational sequence of 30,000 soldiers according to Liu Bei's actual situation, and re-planned a series of procedures from training to war.

The trouble was a little troublesome, and there were almost contradictions. However, after the recent military system was determined, Liu Beijun's strength also increased at a visible speed. This made Xu Shu completely seat the military division and also convinced Liu Bei's generals.

After that, it was aimed at the governance of Xinye. It also imitated the management regulations under the rule of the general, and reorganized the government agency in combination with Liu Bei's own situation. It also achieved immediate results.

Not only that, he also set up a military academy that imitated the public school system in the military barracks through the cover of the 30,000 army, specializing in recruiting orphans for training, not limited to men and women.

After Xu Shu's rectification, Liu Beijun's combat strength and cohesion have been greatly improved, and the government affairs have also changed from the previous chaos and become methodical and clear.

In just one month, Liu Bei’s predominantly Xinye County had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xu Shu's ability has also been thoroughly recognized by Liu Bei and his followers, becoming a veritable No. 2 character.

The change in the strength at hand made Liu Bei feel a lot, and then regained his ambition.

It's just that, like today's Taiping, Liu Bei didn't realize there was a place where he and his men could use it. He had to find Xu Shu and his generals to discuss the matter in secret.

He didn't hide, he made it very clear that Xinye Xiaoxian was not a place where he had lived for a long time. He wanted to develop something, but unfortunately he couldn't figure it out.

Tai Shici, Wu Anguo, Guan Hai and Han Dang and other core generals also have the same idea. They have also discussed it in private before, but they don't know what to do.

Also, the Xinye where they are located is a county under Nanyang County. If the General’s House is not to blame, they are afraid that they will not be able to stay.

Liu Bei felt Liu Biao's fear, but there was no good way.

The Jingzhou clan didn't bird him at all, and Liu Bei was helpless.

If you want to expand your strength, you have to expand the site. Don’t expect Nanyang County. Even Liu Biao dare not stretch out his hand. Otherwise, Nanyang County will be more prosperous than Xiangyang, and it has already attracted evil wolves.

As for Jingzhou County, he did not have any idea, but it is a slow progress.

"I have a good relationship with Grand Prince, and I want to get the position of Junshu through Grand Prince, I don't know what Yuan Zhi thinks?"

"It's not good. The eldest son can't protect himself. Where else can he care for the hero?"

"No, Yuan Zhi couldn't hear what happened. The eldest son is Liu Jingzhou's parent after all!"

"Unfortunately, Liu Jingzhou has a shallow foundation, and Jingzhou's administration is fully supported by the strong family. The election of heirs is no exception. The eldest son has long been excluded!"

"This is how to say, Liu Jingzhou has to leave a way for the eldest son!"

"I'm afraid that Liu Jingzhou wants to leave a way for the eldest son. The forces behind the second son are not happy!"

"Then, according to Yuan Zhi, can't rely on the eldest son to seek a county?"

"It's not impossible, first of all, I have to ask the eldest son to take the initiative to withdraw and show the attitude of not wanting to compete for the state animal husbandry. Liu Jing has guilt in his heart, so it is easy to make arrangements!"

"This matter is not difficult, when I tell the eldest son clearly, want to come to the eldest son will understand how to choose!"

As soon as he communicated, Liu Bei's heart was suddenly bright, and it was much easier to manage with a clear goal.

He has a really good relationship with Liu Biao’s eldest son Liu Qi. Liu Bei needs Liu Qi to help clear the upper-class relationship in Jingzhou. Liu Qi also needs Liu Bei’s strong aid to consolidate his position.

It is a pity that Liu Bei has always been suspected by Liu Biao and cannot be promoted to the top level of Jingzhou. Otherwise, with his long-sleeved and good dance methods, it may be said that it is really possible to form a line and help Liu Qi successfully board the throne of the state animal husbandry.

As Liu Biao's body is aging, the battle for heirs in Jingzhou is becoming fiercer, but Liu Qi is in a comprehensive weak position.

At this time, Liu Bei came to the door, and I didn't know what he and Liu Qi said. Anyway, since then, Liu Qi had been in a trance for a few days and suddenly changed his attitude, showing that he did not compete for the position of state animal husbandry.

His statement really made Liu Biaoxin feel guilty. How can I say that he is the eldest son of his son, but because of the external environment, he can not inherit such a large foundation in Jingzhou. If Liu Biaoxin has no guilt in his heart, how could it be?

Even the state's wife Mrs. Cai and the family behind her, as well as the Jingzhou clan who helped with the Cai family, alleviated the persecution of the eldest son all at once.

Everyone took the initiative to quit If they still hold on, they can't explain it, really, Liu Biao is dead.

I really felt the pressure on my body, and Liu Qidun, who was still somewhat reluctant, had a cold heart and immediately extinguished the last thought in his heart. Just as Uncle Xuande said, he continued to stay in Xiangyang only to die.

When he tells Liu Bei what he has in mind, Liu Bei happily returns to Xinye, convenes a meeting of the core members again, and can't wait to say the situation: "Yuanzhi, how should we arrange it later?"

"Let the eldest son think of a way, sit in Jingnan, presumably Liu Jingzhou and the Xiangyang first clan will not stop, then let the eldest son invite us to sit together, just in case of Jiangdong princes!"

Xu Shu said with a chest: "There are four counties in the Jingnan foot, enough for us to develop well, and don't worry about not having enough sites for at least ten years!"


Liu Bei frowned, and there was something unwilling in his heart.

At this time, Jingnan was still a severely underdeveloped area, and it was not a hot spot for later generations of "Huguang and Guangshuzu". Besides, Jingnan’s four counties are indeed vast, but honestly, they are more comfortable than Xinye. The conditions there are too difficult. Too.

Not to mention that Xinye is only a county town in every district, but it is located in a key area, and it can also partly cut back on the business tax. It can easily feed 30,000 troops, which shows how moist the days are.

The situation is different when it arrives in Jingnan, where not only the harsh natural environment but also the local Tu barbarians, but also to guard against the Jiangdong princes from the south, is it not a good place to build a foundation?

"Yuanzhi, is Jingnan too remote?"

Liu Bei was not hypocritical, and directly expressed his doubts.

"Princess, Jingnan is just a springboard, and the real goal I wait for is Yizhou!"

Xu Shu's eyes flashed with ambition, and he laughed aloud...

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