Martial Arts World

Chapter 2569: Let the monks Tu hold their eyes

The cloud of sorrow and cloud of mist!

Paiyun palm row of mountains and sea!

Zhou Chun hurried to the forest clearing outside the city, just to see his brother Li Ning sulking his body full of energy, the whole body was surrounded by dark clouds and fog could not see the details, a secret palm palm quietly slammed into the white-browed monk wrapped in clouds.


Just listening to the thud, Li Ning's tall and muscular body rolled back, his legs stomped against a tree tree hugged by two people, and he was like a palm of electricity and his heart was full of energy, and the waves of mountains and seas Vigorously roared out, rolled up the sky and clouded towards the white-browed monk.

The white-browed monk only laughed and stood still, and suddenly a golden shield appeared around him, and Li Ning was hit by a row of mountains and seas. The golden shield was rippling layer by layer, but it was extremely strong and showed no signs of breaking.

"Not bad, with your skill you have barely touched the threshold of entry!"

Monk Bai Mei was a high-ranking monk and smiled: "I think you have good qualifications, otherwise you will follow me to practice, saying that there will be no time for long life!"

Zhou Chun, who was originally thinking of helping out, was somewhat at a loss when he heard Yan Yan. The co-authored brother Yi was also fancy by the monk?

"White eyebrow monk, I have made it very clear to you, no matter how deep you are, I will not worship under your door!"

Li Ning rolled backwards, as if swallows swept the two steady, and his face was somber and cold.

He was so depressed in his heart that there was a urge to kill.

I really didn't expect that the brother Yi Yi had just been chased by Yun-Sou and Bai Guyi was under the door of the door. The monk Bai Mei looked for him to accept him.

What a joke?

Not to mention that he has no good feelings towards spiritual practice, and then, in his capacity at this time, if he dared to join spiritual practice, he would simply find himself dead.

I just didn't want to. The monk Bai Mei saw that he wouldn't agree, and within a few days he invited him directly to talk outside the city.

Li Ning also wanted to make it clear that it was absolutely impossible for him to apprentice to the teacher. It just happened to be that Bai Mei monk extinguished such thoughts.

Unexpectedly, the white-browed monk didn't say a few words, Li Ning got angry and fought directly.

The strength of the monk Bai Mei is indeed extraordinary, although Li Ning did not use the means of pressing the bottom of the box, but his Paiyun palm effort has reached a congenital peak, that is, the monk of Zhitong Temple Zhitong did not dare to carry it directly. It's down, and it's as easy as a casual person.

Obviously, his cultivation practice is much better than that of Zhitong monk!

But what about that?

"Why is this?"

The white-browed monk's eyes were bright, and he looked puzzled at Li Ning's eyes.

Li Ning sneered: "Master, do you think I just worship you as a teacher, will the court let me go?"

Monk Bai Mei laughed out loud, not thinking: "It is not the turn of the court to intervene in the practice, you don't have to worry about this!"


Li Ning couldn't help but sneer and disdain: "With this ability, you can go to Beijing to talk to your majesty, monk Bai Mei, anyway, I will not take off my official skin and worship you as a teacher!"

"Are you just worried about the blame of the court?"

Monk Bai Mei was so well-maintained that he was not angry when he was so rejected, and only asked with a smile: "If I move the emperor today, you must worship me as a teacher!"

"First get your majesty's decree, let's talk about it, some things are not as simple as the monk's massage you want!"

Li Ning smiled faintly, his eyes suddenly became deep and unpredictable, and he shook his head and said, "I'll say goodbye first!"

Turning back, it was not surprising to see Zhou Chun. He waved and told him to leave with him, leaving only the white brow and Shang Jing standing calm and calm.

Emperor Xinming?

The white-browed monk who had already reached Sixiudi Xianxiu murmured to himself, and suddenly a brow furrowed and he felt a trace of fear in his heart, as if the nagging name had infinite power.

This is a sense of heaven and man!

The white-browed monk raised his head silently, looking up at the blue sky, and his heart was up and down for a long time.

Obviously, at that moment, Heavenly Dao warned that the person he was talking about was not an ordinary person, etc., enough to pose a serious threat to his life!

This caused his heart to pick up, and the idea of ​​going straight to Beijing suddenly dissipated.

When Xiuwei has reached his level, can't Heaven's warning show the problem?

There are few masters in this world who can threaten his life.

Even the venerable Master Zen, who respected him very much, and Master Tianmeng did not have such strength, but a mortal founding emperor, just chanting his name, but let him have the illusion of fear!

Obviously, this new emperor of the founding country is not as simple as he thought!

He still has to go to the capital. As for whether he can get the imperial edict from the Emperor Xinming, he has no hope.

The monk Bai Mei was just curious. In the end, Emperor Xinming was sacred. It made him feel terrified. Was it a reincarnation of a great **** in the sky?

As for the fact that Li Ning is a disciple, it is no problem to let go.

However, while Shushan is about to thrive, it is said that Li Ning is also among the three heroes and two clouds. The most outstanding father of Li Qiongying has a good luck. As long as he is properly trained, his achievements will not be bad. It's not impossible.

It's just for now, Li Ning's red light on behalf of the mansion is dazzling. Even if he has any ideas, he can't succeed without Li Ning's cooperation.

Once forced to ferry, it will form a cause and effect with the court.

I didn't take it seriously before. In his status, did the emperor dare to stab?

But now, he has this spirit. The Emperor Xinming is obviously not a simple generation. He just wants to make a difference, and he must first touch the details of the Emperor Ming.

If inexplicable tricks provoke cause and effect, it would be a headache.

At the same time, at the Imperial Palace in Beijing, Lin Shameng raised his head and glanced toward the southwest, with a strange smile on his face.

Just now I felt something in my heart. Is anyone talking about him?

And it's also a powerful person who can spur the world's friendship, that is, whether it is an enemy or a friend?

Lin Sha didn't worry about his own safety at all. If he hadn't completely figured out how deep the Shushan world water is, I was afraid that at this time the imperial court had surrounded Shushan.

Looking at a piece of thunderbolt faint in the hand, the purple light lingering rune paper, felt the mighty thunder power inside, his mouth could not help showing a smile.

On the other side, a gleaming Fangtian painted halberd was placed on the table case, Lin Sha reached out and fetched it, carefully and carefully tapped the thunderbolt around the faint rune paper of purple light, and directly fell into the steel gun of Fangtian painted halberd Among.

The fu paper and gun barrel completely merged into one, with a strange smile on his face.

There are words in my mouth, and if you listen carefully, you can hear the three words ‘Lightning Electrode’ continually circulating, like some kind of mysterious spell.

"Come here!"

After half an hour, Lin Sha sipped in the temple.

"What does your majesty tell you?"

"Let the King of the Imperial Guards come over and I have something to find him!"

Shortly afterwards, the commander-in-chief of the sturdy body of the imperial guard King came hurriedly and stood in the temple after saluting to hold his breath and not dare to move a little.

"Let your good hands send this Fangtian Huaji to the governor of Shuchuan, and say that you must bring it when something happens!"

Wang Tong led a fog, honestly took the steel, and the heavy and shining Fang Tian painted halberd. From time to time, there was a sense of numbness in the palm of the road. The confidant was so instructed to pass the package and send it out.

After Lin Sha waited for the imperial guard commander to leave, Lin Sha's face with a weird smile, he pulled out a few shining flying knives from the table case, picked up the special carving tool next to him, and carefully carved a knife on the knife surface. Weird runes.

I was bored recently, and he suddenly got up in his heart, intending to give the indigenous monks of this world a good moment to let them know what the real magic weapon is like.

Just two eyebrows with long eyebrows blow to the ground and there is nothing in the sky. That's why the local sorrow monks have never seen good things. He is just playing with disposable consumables, which is stronger than many so-called magic magic weapons in this world!


When the Fangtian Huaji was sent from the Imperial Palace to the governor's gate of Shuchuan, everyone including the governor was dumbfounded and looked at Fang Tianhua's halberd in the long box.

They didn't even know, what does your majesty mean?

A Fangtian painted halberd, even if it is all made of stainless steel and the surface is densely covered with various beautiful patterns, it is just like a fine art. Is there still a military general who will make this thing impossible?

Now the generals are playing either guns or knives. How can they play Fangtian Huaji like in the Three Kingdoms era?

Fortunately, in addition to the beautifully made Fangtian painted halberd, there is a piece of paper, according to the imperial court guards who sent things, this is how to use it.

The governor and several top martial arts masters glanced over, suddenly dumbfounded.

I saw a note saying: When using it, shout ‘Lightning Electrode’ while holding the gun!

Is this the end?

Think about the scene when using this gadget, too shame, too second, is there something?

But, the guardian messenger who sent things to spread the word that this Fangtian painted halberd contains infinite power and can defeat the enemy at a critical moment!

Upon hearing this, the governor and several martial arts masters looked calm, such good things came in a timely manner, and the situation in Furong City is getting more and more tense at this time, when such good things are needed!

However, this thing is still good for others to use. These martial arts masters have no face to play such a second trick.

So, somehow, this beautifully made Fang Tian painting with a heavy and gleaming light finally fell into Li Ning's hands, and the direction of use was also reported.

Li Ning also looked dumbfounded, feeling that the whole person was bad, as if the whole world was full of malice towards him.

He also felt very ashamed, okay, but unfortunately he gave a death order. In case of trouble in the future, he must bring this Fangtian painted halberd with him. This is a good thing made by the emperor himself, and he must use it!

Go to it, will the emperor His Majesty play such a nonsensical trick, don’t be a guy who learns runes, and play it once in the name of the emperor?

Holding the heavy Fang Tian painting halberd, Li Ning feels like crying without tears...

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