Martial Arts World

Chapter 2599: Temptation

When did the rumor that Emei said that "three heroes and two clouds" will be able to thrive?

Li Jingxu just thought for a moment, and remembered that this was what happened to the long-browed real.

Are there any plans for Emei here?

At that time, they were already quite strong. All the apprentices under Changmei were all well-known masters in the spiritual world, as well as a group of powerful allies.

The eyebrows are so good that they can still be "Daxing"!

It's very bluffing to say this. It may be used as a joke at first, but it has been spoken for a long time, and it has slowly been recognized by Zhengxie and the monks.

Li Jingxu is also one of them. Since he recognized Emei's words that "Three Heroes and Two Clouds" will make a big difference, his perception of Emei has gradually changed.

Consciously unnaturally regarded Emei as the world's largest faction. At the same time, due to his own needs and future prospects, he had to slowly move closer.

Obviously, there are not many monks who have the same ideas as him.

Since the saying of'Three Heroes and Two Clouds' came out, Emei's voice seemed to be more powerful, during which a Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch challenged Emei's status. In the end, he was beaten to death. Get a positive comment.

Now I want to come, this should be the game that long eyebrows have been set early!

Of course, the "Three Heroes and Two Clouds" have indeed been born, and the calculation technique of the real eyebrow is also quite powerful. After hundreds of years, it can be inferred that the current generation of the lucky people!

As long as there are thoughtful practitioners, such as the Huangshan Banxia family, they will find a way to accept Zhou Qingyun in the "Three Heroes and Two Clouds" as an apprentice.

As everyone knows, when they accepted the'Three Heroes and Two Clouds' of Emei Daxing's opportunity, they naturally had a close relationship with Emei.

Li Jingxu hadn't thought about this kind of thing before, but now Lin Sha reminded him that he would have to fight against Emei in the future, so he realized that the problem was wrong.

Emei passed the so-called'Three Heroes and Two Clouds' silently and has formed an intimate alliance with several major forces in the realm of practice, and the power has reached a very amazing level.

Sure enough,'Three Heroes and Two Clouds' is an opportunity for Emei to thrive!

The eyebrows at the moment are already a behemoth behemoth. The eyebrows and many righteous schools have become close allies. The existence of "Three Heroes and Two Clouds" is actually irrelevant.

"Long eyebrows are a great way!"

Li Jingxu really admires the real eyebrows. Nima and he have soared, and helped Emei to get enough benefits. Don’t worry if you have trouble in the future.

You don’t have to worry about it. You don’t need Emei to do many things. The forces forming an ally will take the initiative to clear the trouble for Emei!

Li Jingxu didn't believe that Emei didn't notice it. Obviously, Emei's general situation at this time was basically completed.

"The matter is here, why?"

After all, he still missed his eyebrows, at least in the long run of the calculation.

"It's okay, since Emei Daxing is'Three Heroes and Two Clouds', let's start with them!"

Lin Sha waved her hand and said in disapproval; "The three heroes and two clouds are all children of luck. They didn't pop out of the stone. We still want to intervene easily!"

"I'm afraid it's not easy!"

Li Jingxu smiled and said: "It's a matter of Emei's great prosperity, I'm afraid that Sanying and Eryun will be followed by good hands to guard!"

Lin Sha smiled quietly, how about having a master guard, can it still block the opportunity of father and daughter meeting?


Li Ning has now left Shuchuan and returned to the station to continue as his general.

It was just that his daughter didn't have any news, which made him very worried.

Fortunately, despite his busy business, he accidentally heard rumors of'Three Heroes and Two Clouds'. Among them, his daughter Li Yingqiong is one of the'Three Heroes'. He believes that the safety of his daughter's life is still guaranteed.

On that day, he suddenly heard the news that his daughter appeared in the wild mountains on the other side of Shuchuan.

While Li Ning was happy for her daughter's good luck, she was also very worried about her daughter's safety.

Although the daughter's condition is good in the news, it seems that she has had some adventures, but she is always worried about what she hasn't seen.

He took the initiative to ask for leave from the barracks boss, and soon obtained approval, so he packed up and went straight to the border of Shuchuan.

Revisiting the old place naturally has a lot of complex emotions lingering in my heart.

Especially when he was in Shuchuan last time, he was devoted to temporary work. He was very unhappy with Emei and a monk. He didn't even think about anything else, and even his daughter's affairs were left behind.

Thinking that his daughter might enter under Emei's door, he became anxious when he saw his daughter, fearing that his daughter would be punished by being late.

After mixing in the officialdom for a long time, it is natural to know that top cultivators like Emei are not that simple, and the situation inside is just too complicated.

If, for his own sake, the daughter suffered after worshipping Emei, he tried to completely turn his face with Emei and also took his daughter home.

As for the rest, he couldn't take care of so many things. His previous experience made him not much impressed with Emei. If his daughter is willing to go home with him, then she doesn't have to bother about Emei.

What kind of ‘Three Heroes and Two Clouds’, the little girl who cheated the ignorant is still alive. If you want to cheat him like an experienced adult man, you don’t have to count on it.

All the way nonstop, he took a boat into the Shuchuan realm, still greeted the local government as before, and then plunged into thousands of miles, and there were reckless jungles and rugged peaks everywhere. Find the trace of her daughter as soon as possible.

It's just such a big mountain forest, why is it difficult to find the trail of her daughter Li Yingqiong?

He is not the so-called son of luck. After entering the mountain, he has been ambushed by beasts in the mountains one after another. If he is not very powerful in martial arts, I am afraid that he is really not an opponent of these powerful beasts in the mountains.

It is said that after the previous battle with the monk, it may have been stimulated or accumulated enough. His martial arts cultivation successfully broke through the innate bottleneck and directly entered the realm of Taoism!

At this level of martial arts, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Especially the Paiyun Palm learned from His Majesty the Emperor, once the power is so great that it is as unpredictable and strange as the clouds in the sky.

Fortunately, after he entered the wild forest, the powerful beasts he encountered could not withstand the power of his palm. He almost ran across the road, and the number of beasts killed under his palm was almost one hundred!

After searching for a month in the dense mountain forest, only the powerful beasts that kept on being fearless appeared one after another, and no traces of her daughter were found.

Later, he reacted. Since Emei said "Three Heroes and Two Clouds", it is obvious that his daughter will probably worship under Emei's door in the future.

In this case, he waited directly at the junction of the rash forest and Emei.

Although the result of the waiting may not be very satisfactory, at that time, his daughter may have entered under Emei's door, but now he has no choice but to do so.

What Li Ning didn't expect was that when he just came out of the wild mountains where beasts and spirit beasts appeared, and before he had time to rush to the junction of the wild mountains and Emei, he met his daughter in an unknown village under the mountain.

Um, the girl who worshipped Emei at the same time!

The father and the daughter haven't seen each other for almost a few years, but now they suddenly met in an unknown village outside the wild mountains, and they shed tears of kindness.

But after Li Yingqiong's face was full of joy, he tweeted about his experiences over the years, and Li Ning's face was a bit ugly.

It turned out that Li Yingqiong had been spinning around in the Mang Mang Mountain all the time, which was nothing. She was lucky, and after entering the mountain, her adventures continued, and her life was not too moist.

Even, she also received a Shenjun eagle and a fine orangutan as slaves, and it was truly extraordinary!

These are nothing, but what Li Ning didn't expect is that her own series of adventures with her daughter-in-law not only greatly increased the strength of the spirit beast, but also got the Zhenmei purple sword of the Emei School.

Li Ning just glanced at the eyes, and was stung by the sword of the girl in the hands of the girl, and the tears ran across.

This sword is a relic of the former ancient times. The crown of the dragon is shaped like a dragon. There is a proboscis in front of it, just like a purple electricity. It is not much different from the regular sword. With a slight dance, the sword stands on the sword like a spirit snake, flashing non-stop, and the longest light is more than Zhang Xu.

He sighed repeatedly in his heart, knowing that this girl was locked in by Emei.

"Go home?"

Despite the judgment in his mind, Li Ning tried to ask questions.

"No dad, my daughter has entered the emei sword fairy gate to study the sword, and you don't plan to go home before you succeed!"

Li Yingqiong is quite masculine, and his character is a little carefree. He didn't notice the unusualness of his father's look. He didn't say back when he played Ziying Shenjian.

Hey, it’s really a girl’s stay!

"In this way, you can study art well, don't go out of the mountain if you can't learn at home, the outside world is very chaotic, you can take care of your body when your father is not around!"

Li Ning's thoughts turned, and some words still didn't come out of his mouth. At last, they all became words of concern.

Seeing the maiden's mind was placed on the sword in his hand, Li Ning was inevitably melancholy, but he was also a man, and he could afford to put it down. Since his daughter had an idea, although she did not agree with it, she didn't say much. After spending a few days with the girl, she left Shuchuan and returned to her station.

The news that Li Yingqiong had already entered Emei and spread to Lin Shaer immediately.

"Emei's movement is fast enough, even faster than Li Ning!"

Lin Sha’s face was calm and calm, and he was not surprised by such a result. In fact, even if Li Ning first found Li Yingqiong, he had no way to pull the girl off, but Li Yingqiong was protected by a fairy who cultivated her. .

Not to mention, these two conspiracy schemes were not his original intention. Since the matter is still in accordance with the clean development of the book, let's fight in a fair and honest way...

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