Martial Arts World

Chapter 2650: Huju Longpan Jingshi City

How is this going?

At this moment, Qi Jinchan was completely embarrassed, and the sudden drop in strength was like a pot of cold water in his head, and he was filled with panic and fear.

Feeling anxious and uneasy for a while, I didn't even have time to watch the bustling city scene of Beijing.

It was only after spending several days in the small courtyard rented by Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen, being taken care of by the two women, and by Zhou Qingyun's sarcasm that Qi Jinchan gradually returned to normal from panic.

That kind of repressive atmosphere still exists. It is an indisputable fact that one's own strength has been pushed down by one level. After Qi Jinchan gradually adapted to this point, it feels no big problem.

It is that he can't fly freely, and his strength is getting bigger and bigger than Wu Wenqi's three women noticed, and it feels a little ugly in the face. It has been like this for a long time, and it hasn't made him uncomfortable for long.

He was originally a optimist. After he recovered his spirit, he was quickly attracted by the prosperity of the capital. After visiting the market once under the guidance of the three girls, he was attracted by the prosperous market and all kinds of fun and delicious food. And various entertainment methods to attract.

Beijing's martial arts are flourishing, and there are places and games related to martial arts everywhere. Qi Jinchan has a congenital and late strength. It is naturally worth noting to put it in the eyes of a real master, but it is definitely a leader among the young martial arts of the same age. I indulged in a variety of entertainment games that relied on the flourishing martial arts all day long.

But it was Qi Jinchan who was depressed, or a bit shameful, obviously his realm was much stronger than the new acquaintances of the same age, but when it came to the end of the game, he was often beaten to find the north. he.

This result is really sullen, especially in the fierce martial arts atmosphere of Beijing, which makes him feel particularly uncomfortable, and he does not understand what is going on.

"What's going on?"

Zhou Qingyun, who was rented to the hospital one day, listened to his distress and confusion, rolled his eyes angrily, and laughed lightly; "Sword repair is the way of flying sword, there is not much means for melee attack, This is why Brother Jin Chan has been defeated so often!"

Qi Jinchan suddenly realized that this was really the case.

When playing and playing, the means of the peers of the same age are ever-changing, or they are tough or feminine, or fierce or domineering. Only his means are back and forth, and there are only a few ways, and they still use the flying sword to attack remotely. Sharp methods are inadequately used in close combat.

However, how to improve the powerful melee combat?

"Brother Jin Chan may wish to visit the nearby martial arts hall!"

Zhu Wen couldn’t help seeing Qi Jinchan’s distress, and couldn’t help but find a chance to remind him secretly; “The martial arts moves of your companions were also learned from the martial arts hall!”

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Qi Jinchan hurriedly thanked Xie, then Fartian Futian took a lot of money and formally entered a nearby martial arts hall to learn close combat skills.

With his ingenuity and wisdom, he quickly learned all the methods of the master of the martial arts master, and then learned so easily that he suppressed the new friends who had repeatedly defeated him before.


I don't know if it was influenced by the atmosphere of the heaviest martial arts. Qi Jinchan's originally escaped character became more and more lively. After repeatedly winning the martial arts game, he pinched his waist and laughed wildly, showing a posture of villain.

Fortunately, this is the capital city. Elder Elmei did not follow into the city for protection. Otherwise, if you see the arrogant look of Qi Jinchan now, you still have to be angry.

This kid is almost like a wild horse off the rein, playing with a group of children of the same age who are practicing martial arts throughout the day. If they are not fighting with the children in the neighborhood, or they are running between various novel rides. .

The little girl who made Zhu Wen was a little bit angry. Qi Jinchan, a kid who had a cross-browed eyebrow, couldn't help but think about it. When he got mad, he immediately threw these things away, regardless of just playing.

For a young boy like Qi Jinchan, the prosperous and noisy Beijing city with many fun entertainment facilities is more interesting than the Huangshan Jiuhuashan, but in a short time it has become a king of children.

Wu Wenqi's three daughters were helpless when they saw this. They didn't persuade them, and they had no effect.

Without the indoctrination of his mother, Miao Yi, Qi Jinchan was still tossing about it. As for the main purpose of coming to Beijing, she had long been forgotten to the side, and she could make the little girl Zhu Wen angry enough.

The entertainment facilities in Beijing and various entertainment activities are too many and too complicated. Qi Jinchan has to try each of them. When he is fresh, he will switch to another game and entertain.

In particular, all kinds of ball sports, football, handball, polo, ice hockey, etc. Qi Jinchan forgets to be so excited, especially the ice field specially created by the ice symbol, playing in the hot summer weather, it is simply It is a great enjoyment.

Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen had no choice but to ask the boy to come back on time every night. As for Qi Jinchan, she could not tolerate it during the day.

Fortunately, the place in the capital is quite safe. Although monks below Jindan are seen from time to time, it is rare to be a monk above Jindan. Although I don’t know the reason, this is a good thing for the three women, at least Qi Jinchan’s Don't worry too much about safety.

Of course, they couldn’t ignore Jin Chan’s ‘plaything mourning’, and a flying sword was sent out to explain the situation here clearly, so that they would not be blamed for returning to the mountain.

This time, Mrs. Gou Lan, the wife of Miao Yi, was so angry that she didn't expect her son to be so uneasy, so he was going to the capital to make a noise.

That is to say, Emei's affairs are complicated at present, and she really can't get away, otherwise she must rush to Beijing as soon as possible to teach her son who is addicted to play.

She couldn't do anything that made her angry with the three little girls. In the end, she could only be depressed and asked the three little girls to help her. As long as there were no accidents, she couldn't care about that much now.

It can only be said that fortunately, Mrs. Gou Lan, the wife of Miaoyi, did not rush to Beijing, otherwise she was definitely not well-intentioned to greet her. It is impossible to break through easily.

She can't hide the detection from the capital. Once the identity is revealed, it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble. The court will never let her into the city easily.

As for the three female disciples under the Taixia master, and the matter of Qi Jinchan, some institutions of the imperial court immediately figured out the situation and reported to the emperor Lin Sha.

"Qi Jinchan?"

Lin Sha didn't pay much attention to this and shook her head: "As long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke right and wrong, let him go!"

But just playing a bad boy, there is not much in the original book, the so-called seven short heads, but it is just a joke.

As the only daughter-in-law of Emei Palm, he was first-rate in the world no matter where he was born or enjoying resources, but his mind was not on cultivation, he just wanted to play tricks, and he was surpassed by a group of Emei disciples, and a generation of descendants The performance among the disciples is average.

Miao Yi's real couple was okay at the time. When Emei was in full swing, a group of elders ascended, and a group of elite peers also followed the ascent. Qi Jinchan's situation was a bit embarrassing.

As for what happened to him later, did he wake up and take advantage of Emei's vigorous momentum to soar smoothly before the end of the final law period, but Lin Sha didn't know and didn't care much.

It’s just that this kid and the smiling monk are definitely two different sizes of Emei. They like to provoke trouble, and they are quite arrogant. They start with a fierce and unrelenting face, and there are a large number of short elders behind them to do backing. For ordinary people In terms of loose repair, it is definitely a headache.

Lin Sha didn't care much, but he wasn't willing to cause Jin Chan to destroy in the city. As long as he had such signs, it would be light to drive him out of the capital.

But for now, this kid is addicted to many entertainment activities in Beijing in a short time, and he doesn't need to worry too much about his destructive power.

"Your Majesty, two elders, Emei, wandering around the capital, are you warning one or two?"

There are large rune arrays to protect the capital, as well as a variety of weird rune appliances to help. Some institutions in the government house are very strict in the care of the capital, and they have not relaxed the surveillance outside the city at all.

In particular, a college student inadvertently created a mana wave detector, which can detect the existence of a monk without knowing it. This very useful rune instrument is the first time Installed inside and outside the capital, as a very critical reconnaissance front for monitoring monks.

Fifty miles away from the capital, also in the area of ​​this reconnaissance front, there are two adult-level monks who are swaying outside the city from time to time. The personnel responsible for reconnaissance inside and outside find the root cause at the first time, and immediately pass in the hidden channel to the emperor. The ear of Lin Sha.

"Do you know the identity of the other party?"

Lin Sha’s look remained the same, and she didn’t feel surprised at all. Just kidding, Qi Jinchan was in the capital. How could Emei not be prepared?

"Elder Emei Drunk Taoist and Master Xiaxiatai!"

The good hands on the court side were also powerful, and without disturbing the two monks, they were able to find out their identities. Of course, these two images are easy to recognize, and there is no intention of concealment, and it is not a strange thing to be detected by the imperial court.

These two, swaying orders placed in the temples and gymnasiums outside the capital, only wandered in the suburbs of Beijing every day, and did not mean to enter the capital. Lin Sha did not necessarily mean to expel them.

As for why these two adult infant monks did not want to enter the capital, it was because the Golden Dragon of the National Games, which occupies the emptiness of the capital, was more powerful, and the suppression of high-end monks was quite amazing.

If the monks newly promoted to the realm of infants such as the Drunk Taoist, if they enter the capital, the National Games Golden Dragon can suppress his strength and live in the realm of entry!

And old veteran monks such as Mrs. Xia Xia will be firmly suppressed in the early stage of Jindan when they enter the city.

This taste of suppressed realm is not enjoyed by anyone...

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