Martial Arts World

Chapter 2656: Restless

Huangshan Wuyunbu, the main hall.

Xu Feiniang sat on the cloud bed, and Xiumei wrinkled a sad look.

Just now she received an order from Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty, asking her to go to Hengshan to deal with the five traitors Yue Qinbin!

This is not a good job. If she can, she really doesn't want to go against Wutai disciples. Although the other party has completely left Wutai, she is not very willing to go against it.

It's not a fight, but a pure psychological problem.

As the sister and wife of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, Xu Feiniang was influenced by Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, and at least there are some similarities in the protection of shorts.

Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch is definitely a great figure. Even if he has been dead for decades now, his name is still loud in the side door.

Being able to establish the Wutai School with one's own strength, and developing the Wutai School into a first-class sect in the spiritual world during his lifetime, even threatened the status of Emei. Such patience truly admired people.

It is said that the strength of the Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch is not top, but the strongest is only the situation of the peak of the infant, and even the robbing of the land immortal is not the same as Xu Feiniang.

But it is such a strength, but it has suddenly pulled up a first-class martial art, and the whole side door world is focused on achievements. The ability of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch can be imagined.

Not to mention how he used such strength to compete with the big factions such as Emei, and he did not fall out of the way. His extremely short-sighted character not only achieved the Wutai faction, but also finally harmed the Wutai faction.

Precisely because the Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was extremely short-sighted, no matter what happened to the Wutai doormen, he took the doormen's interests first, and with his special personality charm, he firmly united the five stations up and down, forming a sensation. A powerful combat capability that cannot be ignored.

But the unreasonable short-term protection of the Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch and the excessive tolerance of the Wutai disciples have kept the Wutai School in a state of unevenness.

In the gate, there are disciples such as Xu Fei-niang and Fa Yuan who concentrate on cultivating or not provoking right and wrong, as well as disciples with improper mental skills, of which Yue Qinbin is a typical representative.

This kind of arrogance is cruel, he does whatever he can to achieve his goals, and he still cultivates the magical powers. He often does some detrimental things that harm others, which is really unpleasant.

Before the Wutai faction was sharp, this guy relied on the protection of the Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, and he did something that could not be put on the table. It could even be said to be extremely shameful.

As a result, the Taiyi Hundred Yuan Patriarch not only did not punish him, but when outsiders went up the mountain to seek revenge, they also took Liangzi down very politely, which caused a lot of hatred.

After the Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch died of secret calculations and the Wutai School fell apart, Yue Qinbin didn't miss the old sentiment at all, and sentenced him directly to act as an immortal, as if he was afraid of the identity of Wutai disciple. General trouble.

What a ruthless bastard!

Although Xu Feiniang was angry, she hated Emei even more, and she wanted to retaliate Emei, so she naturally didn't care about the villain like Yue Qinbin.

Besides, she was influenced by the Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, and she also has a short-term protection factor in her character. It is the same thing in the same way. As long as she did not commit it, Xu Feiniang would not directly engage with Yue Qinbin.

However, Yue Qinbin is not a good bird. Hearing that Hengshan has been practicing magic skills all over the country, and it has made the whole area terrible. It is definitely an asshole.

The most shameful thing is that this secret practice of magic skills is nothing more, but there is nothing to hide, blatantly taking living blood and soul to practice sword, it is simply heartbroken.

This world has merits and demerits. Yue Qinbin is so cruel to do school, he just doesn't want to be good.

For that karma alone, Xiu Wei should not expect any improvement. Unless he has the opportunity to go directly to the door of Ashura’s path, or simply fall into the magic path, otherwise there will be no day for promotion in the future.

This, no, Yue Qinbin's mate, aroused the court's attention, ready to start targeting.

Originally, this had nothing to do with Xu Feiniang, but the request of Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty made her feel very embarrassed. She can't look down on Yue Qinbin, but she really doesn't want to match up with this man.

When some of the Sanxiu who had heard the name, or met, suddenly came to visit, and stated that they were coming under the orders of the court, Xu Feiniang suddenly understood that she could not be delayed.

Since it can't be delayed, let's do it according to the orders of the court. Anyway, through the notification given by the court, Yue Qinbin's servant is almost unforgivable, and he will clean it up as a cleaning portal.

In fact, she had accumulated a lot of anger towards Yue Qinbin in her heart.

Before going to the world and making friends with all parties, Xu Feiniang found Yue Qinbin more than once and asked him to come forward to fight against Emei, but this man had never accepted it and shrank his head like a turtle.

Huh, the merciless white-eyed wolf, thanks to Brother Hengyuan's original efforts to maintain!


Hengshan, lock the cloud cave.

Yue Qinbin's mood is inexplicably upset recently, as if something happened, and it's still a very bad thing.

He had always trusted his instincts, and the sudden anxiety that made him very uncomfortable and a little anxious.

It’s really a bit confusing. He asked himself very honestly in recent years, and he didn’t make much noise, that is, the living human flesh and spirit needed for refining the sword, and the soul are all sneaky, instead of swinging directly like before. Go down the mountain to capture.

In recent years, the towns under the mountains have changed a lot.

The people who lived on Hengshan Mountain gradually moved out, the towns under the mountain changed greatly, and there was even an annoying official attitude that prevented him from entering the city easily.

Whenever wandering on the edge of the town, there is always a kind of uneasiness in my heart, as if there are very powerful gadgets in these towns, which can even threaten his life!

It's really weird. When did the human government have such a deterrent?

Had he not always acted with caution and reluctance to risk temptation, otherwise he would really like to go into the city and find out, what exactly is there that makes him feel uneasy?

The original continuous source of living energy, flesh and blood resources has become scarcer in recent years, and Yue Qinbin is quite uncomfortable. Sometimes the sword refining is too urgent, and there is not enough sacrifice for blood and soul refining. He took the lock directly to the cloud cave. The servants join together.

As soon as the mouth opened, it was not only difficult to withdraw, but also the servants of ordinary people who had locked in Yundong escaped, making him uncomfortable and angry.

Now that he has become a veritable solitary widow, every time he has to collect enough living people for sacrifices, he has to spend a lot of thought and energy to secretly arrest people in the countryside outside the nearby towns.

People in Hengshan had long known that there were evil repairs in the mountains. As the number of people lost from time to time in the villages around the country increased, the people in the vicinity of the neighborhood were extremely panicked.

The local government is not without effort, often dispatching a small number of martial arts Jindan masters, with a team of martial arts masters, and recently suddenly increased the number of runes around the inspection, trying to capture the evil repairs of the people in secret, and the result But it has little effect.

It was not that they had not bumped into Yue Qinbin, but Yue Qinbin Xiu had already reached the stage of becoming a baby, and was insidious and cunning. It was difficult to deal with when he was in conflict. Once he set foot on the flying sword and quickly moved away, even if he had to fight against the master of martial arts. It is also a high-altitude flying sword attack, which can be said to be extremely mean and very careful.

Although the realm of the martial arts masters that he is facing is all inferior to him, but this man is unwilling to face up to the right, it is good to be able to sneak attack and pick up the cheap, if not, just go away with the sword, absolutely not to be entangled.

The martial arts masters' melee ability is quite horrible, but they can't fly independently without reaching the state of Jindan. Even if the martial arts Jindan strongman who can fly briefly can't keep up with the speed of Yue Qinbin flying.

In fact, Yue Qinbin was also quite shocked by the strength of the martial arts masters of Guanfu. With his skill of flying swords and the secret attack method, it was difficult to make the master of martial arts hit by one sword.

And the violent energy of these martial arts masters seems to have some suppression of the magic skills he has Every time you try hard, the mana mark on the flying sword has a faint sign of looseness. He was quite amazed, and after careful consideration, he understood what was going on, and there was a deep fear in his heart.

Because of the existence of martial arts masters, Yue Qinbin acted more and more carefully.

He is ruthless and unscrupulous, and he becomes more and more cautious in acting naturally. Once an accident occurs, he does not need to count on the support of his allies.

If you think about it, you will know that the court is so powerful. In the towns at the foot of Hengshan, there are several martial arts Jindan strongmen sitting in towns. How many martial arts masters exist in the capital of Hunan Province?

To deal with less than ten masters of martial arts, Yue Qinbin thinks that he is at ease, but after ten, the number is very tricky. If he encounters dozens of masters of martial arts Jindan, he can only escape.

Yue Qinbin is quite cunning. In fact, the master of martial arts Jindan in the town at the foot of Hengshan, he is fully capable of killing all of them, but he is not willing to make too much movement, causing the court to pay attention and send more and stronger experts to encircle and suppress. Dafa.

In the past few years, although he felt that the environment outside was getting stranger, his speed of cultivation was affected, and he wanted to take more living people. However, there was not much worry in his mind. How to meet his expectations, but also passable.

But recently, he has been restless and feels that something bad will happen.

He didn't quietly go out to search for news, but he was basically a lonely person who wanted to take the initiative to inquire about the outside news, but he was too weak to catch up with it. It was inevitable that there was some anxiety in his heart. I don't know who was counting him?

Anxious thoughts started in his heart. He recently practiced the magic skills, and the death sword became more active...

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