Martial Cultivator

Chapter 573: Uncle, nephew, father and son

Listening to the conversation between Chen Chao and the clay figurine stall owner, Xie Nandu remained silent. Standing in front of the stall, she seemed to be an ordinary woman who only cared about the clay figurine in front of her.

Chen Chao stretched out his hand and pulled a piece of yellow mud from the stall owner's hand. He watched Xie Nandu start to squeeze it, "Have you never thought about Song Yingxu's fate? Do you not care at all about his past mistakes?"

Long before, Song Yingxu had come to the capital of the gods, but his end was also very tragic, and he died directly at the hands of the guardian.

The stall owner raised his eyebrows, "Although Mr. Song is passionate, he was a little impulsive. The time was not mature enough at the time. Mr. Song insisted on going his own way. It's hard to say that he ended up like this."

Chen Chao sighed with emotion, "You see clearly, aren't you a fellow-traveler? Why are you so understated?"

Chen Chao looked at Xie Nandu, his hands kept moving, but he really didn't have that skill. He held a clay figure in his hand, which was shaped into a weird shape, and he could barely tell that it was a human being.

"How does it look like? Does it look like it?"

Chen Chao looked at Xie Nandu expectantly.

The latter frowned slightly and said mercilessly, "Are you pinching yourself?"

Chen Chao chuckled, "It's you." .đź…†.

The stall owner watched the two young men in front of him flirting in front of him, and didn't think anything was wrong. He just said slowly, "Your Highness, now that the opportunity has come, is Your Highness really unmoved?"

"You're sure that's the case, haven't you thought about being played as a pawn again?"

Chen Chao looked at Xie Nandu with some curiosity, as if he was focused on the clay figurine in his hand.

"Of course it's a game of chess, but it's hard to say whether it's a chess game or a chess piece. Your Highness, you should know that now the emperor has made public outrage. If His Highness stands up at this moment, I don't know how many people in the world will respond. I know that although that person is in power now, there are still many people in the government and the public who care about the good of Prince Yiwen. As the only bloodline of the former Crown Prince, there is no one in the world who is more righteous than you. , this matter has great potential, we are not going to get anything, it is the world that Emperor Lingzong left to the late prince, and it is just taking it back, it is all as it should be. "

The eldest brother of the current emperor, the eldest son of His Majesty Emperor Lingzong, was given the posthumous title of Prince Yiwen after his death. Although the deposed emperor posthumously recognized the prince as emperor, the world today does not regard him as the emperor. orthodox.

The stall owner smiled and said, "We almost have the right time, the right place and the right people, all we need is His Highness's nod."

Chen Chao did not speak immediately, but took some time to take out the clay figurine in his hand and place it on the stall. Chen Chao stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Use some paint."

But as he spoke, he also threw out a few coins.

This amount of money can probably buy an entire stall.

"Your Highness, even if you don't want to

When you do these things, don’t you think about whether the people around you are willing? Will this Miss Xie also want to be a queen? "

The stall owner was very patient and never got angry towards Chen Chao.

Chen Chao ignored him and just smiled and painted the clay figurine. Not long after, a crooked and not pretty clay figurine appeared in his hand. He looked at Xie Nandu and asked, "Which one do you like?"

The one made by the clay figurine stall owner before was very lifelike and could be considered top quality, but the one made by Chen Chao was more like a random one, not good-looking at all, and it was hard to even tell that it was a human being.

The two are so different that you can tell the difference between them at a glance.

Xie Nandu looked at Chen Chao and said nothing.

The owner of the clay figurine stall also looked at Xie Nandu with interest, wondering what this talented girl of the Xie family would choose.

Xie Nandu said, "The way you pinched it is really ugly."

The clay figurine stall owner smiled.

Chen Chao smiled and said, "I'll give you a better-looking one later."

Xie Nandu reached out and took the clay figurine made by Chen Chao, and said calmly, "But I just like ugly people, like you."

Chen Chao had a painful expression on his face, "Why do you say that to me in front of outsiders?"

The clay figurine stall owner sighed. It looked like he was just choosing a clay figurine, but in fact everyone knew that it couldn't be that simple.

Chen Chao turned to look at the clay figurine stall owner and said, "You saw it too, she doesn't like the clay figurine you made."

The clay figurine stall owner remained silent.

Xie Nandu herself can't actually have much influence, but behind her stands the entire Xie family, one of the two largest aristocratic families in the Liang Dynasty.

The Xie family and the Wei family in the divine capital have long been at odds with each other.

Chen Chao asked, "I'll leave first if I have nothing to do. If you have nothing to do, don't come to me. Dealing with you is more tiring than killing demons."

After saying this, Chen Chao was about to take Xie Nandu's hand and leave.

"Your Highness, please wait."

The owner of the clay figurine stall looked at Chen Chao with a serious expression.

Chen Chao asked curiously, "Why, do you want to use force again?"

The owner of the clay figurine stall shook his head, glanced at Xie Nandu, and said, "There is something I want to say to His Highness."

Chen Chao did not hesitate, shook his head and said, "She is the same as me."

The owner of the clay figurine stall thought for a while and did not force it. He just said softly, "Your Highness, do you know how His Highness Prince Yiwen died?"

? "

Chen Chao frowned slightly and said nothing.

There are many things that you don’t need to care about or think about, but there are always some things that you must care about and think about.

Just like the revenge of killing one's father, no one can choose to forget it.

Chen Chao looked at the clay figurine stall owner with a calm expression.

The owner of the clay figurine stall said, "What if I tell His Highness that the former Crown Prince died at the hands of that emperor?"

Hearing this, Xie Nandu frowned slightly.

This sentence is actually more useful than all the words I said before. There is nothing in the world that is more useful than this sentence.

"Even if Your Highness has no ambition and doesn't want this world, you can't even want to take revenge for killing your father, right?"

The owner of the clay figurine stall looked at Chen Chao seriously and said softly, "Your Highness, please think again. If Your Highness wants to know the details, I will come to see Your Highness."

After saying this, the clay figurine stall owner smiled slightly, turned around and left without any intention of staying.

Watching this person leave, Xie Nandu said softly, "This is the method."

Between uncle and nephew, many things may have been resolved, but if there is such a thing, then there will definitely be a gap between the two.

Chen Chao said, "It seems that they are really prepared this time."

Xie Nandu asked, "I have a question. I really want to know how you got the position of guardian of Tianqing County in the first place."

Chen Chao glanced at Xie Nandu and said, "You will know soon."



The two came to the academy, walked by the South Lake, and were almost in front of the small courtyard.

Xie Nandu held the clay figurine in his hand and didn't know what he was thinking.

Chen Chao suddenly asked, "Don't think about so many other things. If you really want to do this, what do you think your chances of winning are?"

Xie Nandu raised his eyebrows slightly and said quickly, "It's hard to say, but there is always a chance of winning."

Chen Chao said oh and said no more.

The two of them had arrived at the entrance of the small courtyard.

The maid Liu Ye walked out of the yard, handed over a secret letter, and said softly, "Miss, this is sent from home. It is said to be the handwriting of the ancestors. Only the lady can read it."

Xie Nandu took the secret letter with a serious look on his face.

Chen Chao said, "I guess many people in many places now have heads as big as cows. If there is a storm, there will be no way to stop it."

Xie Nandu opened the secret letter, read it a few times, and then said, "I want to go to the Xie family's ancestral home. What about you? Do you want to enter the palace?"

"I just want to bake a few

Eat them all, but I can leave one for you. "

Chen Chao smiled and said, "Don't spend the night outside."

Xie Nandu didn't say anything, but just walked outside with Liu Ye.



Chen Chao sat in the yard and grilled several dishes, but did not wait to return to Xie Nandu before dark.

Feeling a little tired, he sat under the eaves and fell asleep unconsciously.



After many years, there was another family banquet in the imperial city.

Everyone knows that apart from his deep love for the Empress, the Emperor of Liang has no special feelings for his children. Her Royal Highness Princess will be better, but it is also quite limited. In the past years, although the Empress occasionally These children of his will be summoned to the palace, but His Majesty the Emperor will not attend.

When the Queen passed away, the three princes and one princess were not able to enter the palace to see her for the last time. When the princess passed away, only the three princes were able to enter the palace.

Emperor Liang was not perfect, and he was even more harsh in this regard.

Now that the Queen and the Princess have passed away, Emperor Liang seems to have picked up some nostalgia for his family, so he had such a family banquet.

The three princes who received the decree did not dare to delay and soon arrived in the imperial city.

A table of delicacies from all over the world has been prepared long ago, but a few people were standing on one side, not daring to sit down.

It's really because His Majesty the Emperor hasn't appeared yet.

The eldest prince has never been in good health. He has been taking medicine over the years and would cough a few times from time to time. But at this moment, he kept holding it in and did not dare to make any sound even though his face was red.

The second prince lowered his head calmly, not knowing what he was thinking.

As for the young Third Prince, he seemed more relaxed. He looked around from time to time, but did not dare to speak.

In the royal family, the four words father, son, monarch and minister, most of the time, the monarch and the minister come first, and the father and the son follow. But in this dynasty, it seems that there is no such thing as father and son, only monarch and minister.

Time passed little by little, and the three princes were a little anxious as they waited, but they did not dare to reveal anything.

Li Heng stood not far away, looking at the red wall outside the hall, wondering what he was thinking.

No one knew when His Majesty the Emperor would appear. The eldest prince finally couldn't help coughing.

But after this cough, I couldn't bear it anymore and kept coughing.

Listening to the voice, a flash of disdain flashed in the eyes of the second prince, but he quickly reached out and patted his elder brother's back gently, saying softly, "Since the emperor is sick, why do you have to come?"

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