Martial Cultivator

Chapter 610: The world has been the same since ancient times

The old abbot looked at Chen Chao with a smile and said, "It is rare to see a good-tempered person like the donor. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart."

Chen Chao also joked, "This is the first time I have seen such a thick-skinned monk like Master."

The old abbot was not annoyed at all, he just bowed and saluted, "It's easy for you, donor. See you again when we have the opportunity."

Chen Chao nodded with a smile and left the temple.

After Chen Chao disappeared from sight, the old abbot slowly turned around and returned to the temple. The middle-aged monk named Huisi came out from somewhere and said worriedly, "Master, you have said so many things. How many secrets are revealed, how many years of life will be shortened.”

If Chen Chao knew that he had used that little money to almost make the old monk in front of him lose several years of his life in order to reveal the secret, I don't know what he would think.

The old abbot didn't care. He patted his disciple on the head and said with a smile, "What are you doing living for so long? If you don't save people, what's the use of studying Buddhism all your life?"

The middle-aged monk raised his eyebrows and argued, "But Master, you can't reveal secrets to others. Now that you have donated some money, do you think he is a good person?!"

"So you say you don't practice enough. The benefactor is someone who can bring about changes in the world at a glance. He can't be described as a good person."

The old abbot smiled and said, "If this life span can help him untie his knot, I think it will also benefit the people of Li."

The middle-aged monk asked in confusion, "Master, when did you master the ability to be able to tell the identity of someone at a glance?"

The old abbot said seriously, "This is all practice."

After saying this, the old abbot sighed and walked towards the distant Zen room.

The middle-aged monk felt a little ashamed, but soon he saw a scroll falling from the master in front of him. He picked it up and took a look.

Isn't the person in the portrait the young man who went into the temple to take shelter from the rain?

There is also a line of small words below the portrait.

The middle-aged monk twitched his lips and said, "Master's ability to tell lies like Gujing Wubo's is really something I can't learn from."

After Chen Chao left Wu'en Temple, he walked along the official road. As he walked, he thought about the old monk's words. He always felt that this old monk should be a qualified monk from an ancient temple. He didn't know why he was in such an ancient temple. Just stay in a small temple.

But then I thought about it, maybe not necessarily. Who said that these masters have to come from the big sects? The big sects have children from good aristocratic families, but the small sects, including the poor ones, can't have a noble son?

The bottom of the sky

There is no way to say accurately what happened next.

However, after dealing with the old monk, Chen Chao was not very interested in going to Luming Temple. Although Luming Temple must have many eminent monks, it is really hard to find an old monk like this old monk. Interesting characters.

We've just walked all the way here, so we wouldn't give up halfway. We might as well go and see the place where the black-clothed national master practiced.

Unknowingly, when we came to the official road, there were more and more pedestrians.

Most of them are groups of accomplished monks, and there are both young and old in the team.

Almost all of these people were traveling with him, but they all seemed to be in a hurry and a little anxious, so no one paid attention to this young man in black shirt with a knife.

However, as there were more and more people, some people looked at him a few more times. She was a young woman dressed in snow-white, with a sword hanging from her waist. She was probably the kind of mountain monk who yearned for the grace of a sword fairy, but she had no talent for swordsmanship. , so even though the sword is hanging, there is no sword energy leaking out of his body.

After seeing Chen Chao walking alone, the woman rolled her eyes without concealing her disgust.

Chen Chao was startled. He really couldn't figure out how he provoked the other party and earned such a blank stare?

It was fine if he was alone. In the next half hour, Chen Chao walked slowly on the official road, but he received countless rolls of eyes.

Initially, Chen Chao felt that he was holding his sword, presumably because of his status as a martial artist. However, as he traveled a few miles, he saw many martial arts warriors, but those people did not receive blank looks for no reason.

Chen Chao was confused, but had no one to ask, so he had no choice but to continue moving forward in confusion.

Later, we approached a county town and there was a tea shop next to the official road. Many monks rested here. When Chen Chao came over, there was only one empty table left.

He asked the tea shop owner for a pot of tea and a plate of snacks. After Chen Chao sat down, he was met with a blank look from a decent-looking female monk at the table nearby. Chen Chao sighed and was about to ask. The woman was also the same. Several people at the table gave him unkind looks, so Chen Chao had no choice but to give up.

However, Chen Chao was naturally timid and fearful in the eyes of those people, so there was a touch of contempt in the woman's eyes.

Chen Chao poured a bowl of tea by himself, and just took a sip when a young man burst into the tea shop. After looking around, he came straight to Chen Chao and said with a smile, "Brother, if you don't mind, can you please come with me?" seats, real

I can't find the place now. "

Chen Chao nodded and smiled slightly, "Please help yourself."

The young man smiled gratefully, then also ordered a pot of tea and a plate of snacks, and sat opposite Chen Chao. While waiting for tea, the young man couldn't help but ask, "Brother, are you going to Shenshui Villa to join in the fun too?"

Chen Chao was startled, and then he remembered the old monk's words before. He was silent for a moment and asked curiously, "Is this the Shenshui Villa that entrusts the family heirlooms and the young son to a certain sect?"

The young man nodded and said with a smile, "Exactly."

Chen Chao said curiously, "I've heard a little bit about it, but I don't know what it is specifically. That so-called family heirloom..."

The young man took the tea handed over by the tea shop owner, took a big sip, and then smiled and said, "It's a natural fairy spring. It is said that it has been flowing for countless years. It is of great benefit for refining elixirs and watering elixirs. Morning In recent years, Shenshui Villa has had strong men from generation to generation, so the surrounding sects, even if they coveted it, were very honest with their money to buy it, and there was never any robbery. However, the moon waxes and wanes, and sects also rise and fall. Honor and disgrace, Shenshui Villa has been passed down to this generation of owners. There are not many strong people in the village. The old owner Huang Qingshan is an old martial artist in the other side realm. In the early years when he was in the prime of life, he could still control him. However, he has become old and frail over the years, and he had some quarrels with his enemies before. After a fight, he finally suffered a hidden injury. He knew that he was not going to die soon. In addition, he had only an only son in this generation, and his cultivation talent was limited. He knew that after his death I guess that my only son can't control the fairy spring, so he came up with this idea of ​​entrusting an orphan. From my point of view, he is not willing, but he is willing to give up the fairy spring in exchange for a peaceful life for his youngest son. "

The young man was quite talkative, and he explained all the reasons in one breath, "Now, sects from thousands of miles around Bailu Prefecture have sent people here, nominally to recruit disciples, but what does it actually mean? Everyone You can see it all." .🅆.🄲

Chen Chao nodded, "If I accept a disciple now, I will have the final say on how to train him in the future. At worst, I will just raise him as an idler. I will get a mouthful of immortal spring for nothing. It is not a loss-making business, but I can also earn a reputation. "

The young man nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, the reputation of the sect is extremely important. Getting it like this is always much better than taking it by force."

"Although the old manor owner is a martial artist, he has a quick mind. Although he is only entrusting his young son to his care this time, he still wants to hold a fairy spring party. When the guests come to the manor, they will all have several bowls of fairy spring water. Whether they drink it themselves , or keep it for alchemy, it will be of great benefit, doesn’t this attract many monks from Bailu Prefecture to rush here.”

The young man sighed, "

However, although the old manor owner wanted to use this to save some favors for his youngest son, how many of the monks who came now would be sincerely grateful? Will you help the old village owner's young son when he encounters trouble in the future? "

Chen Chao took a sip of tea and said, "When the tea is cold, the truth can be explained in just four words."

The young man laughed loudly, "Brother, you can see clearly."

Afterwards, the two of them were chatting. Chen Chao inadvertently mentioned the past incident where he had been looked down upon. The young man laughed and said, "Brother, isn't he deliberately imitating the martial artist Chen Chao in his outfit?"

Chen Chao was puzzled, "Isn't this person notorious outside the country, and some people are imitating him?"

Seeing that Chen Chao didn't look fake, the young man said, "This person's reputation is indeed not very good, but after reaching the third place on the Hidden Dragon Ranking, he killed a young genius monster in the north. Now he has a good reputation outside the country." It's a little better, and the monks from the big sects will naturally not learn it, but many young warriors have long regarded it as an idol. Now walking around the world, you can see many young warriors dressed like this, with black clothes and swords hanging. , although you can’t see them everywhere, you can still see a few occasionally.”

Chen Chao smiled bitterly and said, "I asked you why I received the glare for no reason. It turns out that this kind of thing still happens."

The young man laughed a few times and said, "Brother, that's interesting, but since we have met, why don't we go to the Shenshui Villa to have a bowl of fairy spring water together?"

Chen Chao thought for a moment, nodded and said, "In that case, we can go and have a look together."

The young man smiled and said, "I am Lin Yin, a casual cultivator. Dare you ask me your name?"

Chen Chao sighed and said, "What a coincidence. He has the same surname as Chen Chao, but his last name is Chen."

"Brother Chen, these supercilious looks are not unjust."

Lin Yin smiled happily.

Chen Chao sighed, as if having the surname Chen was really unfortunate.

Lin Yin patted Chen Chao on the shoulder and was about to say a few words of comfort when he saw a group of monks passing by the tea shop.

Among the monks, there was a beautiful woman, dressed in white, with a pair of captivating eyes, slender legs, and a magnificent chest. With just one glance, you can see all kinds of charm about her.

It's just that although the woman is extremely beautiful, her whole body exudes a sense of desertion that is far away from others. However, instead of making people feel alienated, this makes people want to find out.

Lin Yin clicked his tongue and said, "I didn't expect this person to be here."

Chen Chao took a look and was confused.

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