early morning.

Lu Qi and his party are ready to go, and start a new round of hunting.

In the territory of the Brightness Realm, the deeper you go, the stronger the strength of the beasts will be. It is almost unnecessary to search for them deliberately. Every once in a while, a beast will come to your door by itself.

It saves a lot of effort.

After all, people like Lu Qi and the others who have the ability to go deep into the hinterland of ferocious beasts are a minority.

So from today onwards they seldom see other people.

After traveling all the way for about a hundred miles, the team stopped.

"Senior Brother Lu, Senior Sister Xue, a corpse was found ahead."

A disciple of the Canglan Sect, who was walking in the front, said suddenly.

For this kind of thing, everyone has long been familiar with it.

In the past two days, especially after entering the Brightness Realm territory, more and more people were under the claws of ferocious beasts.

"Bury him right there."

Xue Wuxi ordered.

This is basically the norm.

Those who participate in Naibi are either the children of the royal family or those invited by the children of the royal family.

As long as there is not too much hatred, as a royal princess, she can't let her die in the wilderness due to emotion and reason.

Bury on the spot first to prevent the corpse from being destroyed by fierce beasts.

After Nebi is over, someone will naturally take back his bones.

But at this time the disciple in front continued to say: "Senior Sister Xue, this corpse seems to have been killed."

Hearing this, Xue Wuxi became curious.

Although there are many casualties in Naibi every year, most of them are killed by the murderous monks.

Although there are some who are killed by their own people, there are not many.

When I found one at this time, I naturally wanted to go up and check it out.

Handing the Little Sister in her arms to a junior sister next to her, Xue Wuxi stepped forward to check.

Little Sister has the problem of staying in bed, and she hasn't woken up yet.

Even with a different embrace, she still slept soundly.

But she shrugged her head in her sleep, frowning slightly, as if she was a little uncomfortable.

Lu Qi followed.

When they came to the front of the team, they found that there was an unrecognizable corpse at the foot of the junior brother.

The body was in dilapidated condition, with only one hand and one foot, and the abdomen had been thrown away.

Looking at the bite marks on the wound, it was obvious that he had been patronized by a ferocious beast not long ago.

But maybe the ferocious beast wasn't very hungry, so it just took a couple of bites and tried something new.

But the most eye-catching thing is the position of his heart.

There is a void.

Obviously the chest was directly penetrated by something.

This is absolutely impossible for a beast to do.

They can't do such delicate work.

Unfortunately, because his face had been trampled by fierce beasts, several people could not recognize his identity.

Xue Wuxi sighed, and directed the disciplines to bury the body first.

However, just because they couldn't recognize who the corpse was, didn't mean others couldn't recognize it.

At this time the outside world.

"Qiu'er, my Qiu'er!"

Chen Wang cried out heart-piercingly.

The moment he saw the corpse, he was sure it was his youngest son.

"Second brother, do you think that corpse is Qiu'er?"

Hearing King Chen's cry, Dijun also had a thoughtful expression on his face.

Prince Chen's son is the Cultivation Base of Tongming Preceding Entry Stage.

Logically speaking, even if he loses to the ferocious beast in the secret realm, he still cannot die.

But now the son of King Chen not only died, but also died in the hands of a fierce beast.

That's a big problem.

Because the Xuanguang technique had no sense before.

According to the setting of Xuanguang Technique, as long as the vitality of heaven and earth in the secret realm explodes to a certain extent, it will automatically capture the picture.

Don't say it's a transparent state.

Even the battle of the Practitioners in the Divine Stage Realm is enough to attract the investigation of the Mysterious Light Technique.

But now, the son of King Chen died for no apparent reason, which made the emperor think a little more.

At this time, although Chen Wang was experiencing the pain of losing his son, he was not dazzled by anger.

He also thought of many things.

"Please ask the emperor to be the master for my younger brother. The death of my younger brother's son is definitely strange." King Chen immediately asked the emperor for help.

The emperor is also a decisive person, not to mention discovering doubts, even if there are no doubts, he should give his brother a face, right?

So he directly ordered the Tianjian Division to conduct a thorough investigation.

This investigation really found the problem.

After a while, the Tianjian Division came up to report.

"I would like to report to the emperor that there are a total of 112,352 people participating in Neibi this time, but from the very beginning, there are 26 people who have never appeared in the Xuanguang technique.

"What!" The emperor was furious: "Who are they?"

"Eleven of them are disciples of Ming Wangzong including Yang Jingshan, and the other fifteen are all descendants of the royal family from some remote branches."

Hearing this, Dijun's expression changed.

He knew the disadvantages of Xuanguang Technique, if there is a treasure that shields the breath, it can avoid the detection of Xuanguang Technique.

...asking for flowers...

Not to mention the monks of Ming Wangzong, Buddhism is also the owner of a great family and business, so it is not surprising that there are treasures that shield the breath.

But there are also royal children from those remote branches, which is a bit strange.

If it's just one or two, it's fine, it can be said to be a personal chance.

But fifteen of them appeared in a row.

This can't help but make people think more.

"Continue to investigate for me, what are the identities of these fifteen people." Dijun ordered without hesitation.

But at this moment, the person from Si Tianjian said again: "I want to report to the emperor, there is one more thing."

"What's the matter?" the emperor asked.

At this time, the Si Tianjian was a little flustered, but he still bit the bullet and said: "Just now, the breath of Luo Linglong, the daughter of the fifteenth prince and Princess Bailing, also disappeared in the mysterious light technique.


"What!" Dijun exclaimed, "Hurry up and send someone to look for it."

He actually is not worried about his own son, but worried about Luo Linglong.

Or worry about Princess Bailing.

Princess Bailing is his imperial sister.

And his temper is not very good. If the only daughter Luo Linglong had an accident when he was in Naibi, Princess Bailing would definitely find him desperately.

Inside the secret realm, in front of the stone pile altar.

Ge Sheng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looking at the three figures fleeing in the distance, his eyes were full of anger.

He was careless just now, he did not expect that a mere middle stage sword cultivator would comprehend the Great Completion Sword intent.

That shocking sword, if not for the secret treasure of protection on his body, it would definitely not be as simple as a slight injury.

"Your Highness, are we still chasing him?"

The two women beside him were also covered in injuries at this time.

"No need, it's just a bereaved dog. It's almost noon now, so it's not easy to cause trouble, so hurry up and complete the plan."

Although unwilling to let go of the three who escaped.

But compared to the lives of the three, his purpose is the most important, so Ge ​​Sheng has no plan to pursue him.

As long as the plan is completed, he will have plenty of time to hunt down these people slowly.

Then Ge Sheng came to the middle of the stone pile, separated his palms, and wrote some symbols on the ground with blood that ordinary people could not understand at all.

At the same time, in the other twelve places within the secret realm, people were also writing strange symbols on the ground with blood.

If anyone can recognize these symbols, they will be surprised to call out their names.

Ancient text inch!.

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