Martial Dao: My Cultivation Technique Can Simplify

Chapter 389: The Big House And The Second Household

Hearing the words of the Patriarch of the Second House, the Patriarch of the Dafang was a little surprised.

"I'll go, is this kid so insidious?"

Since the strength of the first three houses has been greatly weakened in a few thousand years, Xue's eldest house and the second house want to annex the power of the third house.

Originally, the two families thought that after the third house lost its pillar, it would definitely have no resistance in the face of the encroachment of the two houses.

But who would have thought that a few thousand years have passed, and the three-bedroom house has not been eaten by the two parties, but there are signs of recovery.

This made the patriarchs of both parties very uncomfortable.

However, because the ancestor of the Xue family said something before.

The two parties did not dare to use tough measures, so they could only suffer unspeakably.

In the Xue clan, the power of the three veins is not fixed.

The ancestors of the Xue family advocated competition within the clan very much.

If the third room fails to live up to expectations and is annexed by the first room and the second room, then no one else is to blame.

However, for such things as competition, if the "680" is a healthy competition, it will be good for everyone.

But there will always be some people who refuse to admit defeat.

Once such people exist, the means will start to become dirty.

It was like this a few thousand years ago, Si Ye's parents were both geniuses.

Not only is he amazingly talented in business, but more importantly, he is heaven-defying in cultivating talent.

At such a young age, Cultivation Base has surpassed many elders of the Xue clan, and both of them have become Heavenly Dao realm powerhouses.

The existence of two Heavenly Dao realm experts is enough to break the internal balance of the three veins.

If there is no way out, with their cultivation base and talents, it will be a matter of time before Mrs. Xue's first wife and second wife belong to the third family.

In the end, some people in the clan couldn't help but attack, and designed to ambush and kill Fourth Master's parents.

The fall of the fourth master's parents directly shocked the elders of Xue's third family.

So a civil war between the third house and the big house and the second house began.

In this battle, besides Fourth Master's parents, the Xue Clan also lost five Heavenly Dao Realm Practitioners.

In the end, if the ancestor of the Xue family did not act, I am afraid that the third house will die together with the first house and the second house.

After this incident, the patriarch of the Xue family established an iron law in the clan, and the competition within the clan can only be limited to business in the future.

Therefore, after Sanfang's strength has been greatly damaged, it still has a chance to breathe.

"That's right, our nephew's talent is definitely not inferior to that of his parents, and he is a little bit weaker in talent cultivation. Otherwise, in time, he will be a Xue Aotian again." The patriarch of the second room looked at Xue Hanyin in the screen and was a little bit nervous. Said fearfully.

Xue Aotian is the name of fourth master's father.

"Then tell me, since he already knows that we have been monitoring him, what is the real purpose of their four brothers getting together?" Dafang Patriarch asked.

Hearing the words of the patriarch of the big house, the patriarch of the second house felt a little helpless: "How do I know, you can't think for yourself, I really don't know why your big house chose you as the patriarch."

The Xue family started with business, and the patriarchs of the three veins have always been Dodge

But the patriarch of this generation is the only idiot.

In the Xue clan, everyone knows that the patriarch of Dafang is a "fat sheep".

But basically there is no one who does not make money when doing business with him.

It's money for big houses.

The patriarch of Dafang raised his own fist: "Because daddy has the biggest fist!"

Patriarch of the second room: ""

Well, you are awesome, and you are right.

Although the patriarch of Dafang has no talent in business, his talent in Martial Dao is astonishing. Although not as good as Xue Aotian back then, he is still top-notch among his peers.

With such a patriarch in Dafang, other people would not dare even if they knew that the patriarch of Dafang was easy to deceive.

Because this vulgar man doesn't reason with you at all.

It is okay to do business in partnership with the patriarch of the Dafang.

Basically, the patriarch of the Dafang will not reject anyone.

But there are a few prerequisites.

First, the business must make money.

Second, because the house must occupy the sky.

Third, if the business loses, the partners must make up for the loss of the big house.

If any of the above three points are not met, the patriarch of Dafang has only one way to deal with it.

That's beating!

Not to mention, it's really a trick that is eaten all over the world.

Even if the patriarch of Dafang behaves like this, there are still countless people who will take the initiative to find him.

Cultivation Base is high, that is, you can do whatever you want.

But there is no profit-making business in any business that the big house participates in.

The difference is just how much.

"Hey, didn't you put an eyeliner around Xue Hanyin, just ask him to inquire about it." Dafang Patriarch suddenly suggested.

Hearing this, the Tufang patriarch was stunned for a moment: "How do you know that I planted eyeliner on him?"

Suspicious Dafang Patriarch

Could it be that this idiot has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

The Patriarch of the Second House has suspected this in his heart for a long time, but it is a pity that he has not been verified.

Either it is an illusion, or this idiot is too scheming and covers it up too well...

"Nonsense, who in the whole family doesn't know that you are an old silver coin, and even daddy is surrounded by eyeliners. "Chairman, you know how to act?" Dafang patriarch said grinningly.

At this moment, the patriarch of the second room's face darkened.

"You're really fucking pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!" Erfang patriarch exclaimed.

"Eat your sister, hahaha, let me tell you a secret, daddy has broken through, hahaha, you are stupid, you sand coins!"

With a slap, the patriarch of the first room slapped the patriarch of the second room on the shoulder.

Hearing this at this time, the Patriarch of the Second Household was really stupid.

Heavenly Dao!

This product actually broke through to Heavenly Dao.

What is the reason!

Cultivation Base can perceive the thoughts of people below Innate even in Celestial Realm.

Heavenly Dao Practitioner is naturally even more exaggerated.

"Where are my people?" Erfang Patriarch took a deep breath and asked.

"One hundred thousand Origin Stones." Dafang Patriarch said.

The patriarch of the second room bites: "Okay!"

This idiot is now a Heavenly Dao Practitioner, offending him is definitely not worth the candle.

"What daddy said is one hundred thousand." The patriarch Yinfang said again.

"Where the hell are you robbing?" The patriarch of the second room finally couldn't help it.

The eyeliner he arranged was not just one or two, one hundred thousand, that would kill him.

"Daddy is robbing!" Dafang patriarch also roared: "You will tear up the ticket if you don't give it to daddy, and you will tear it up in front of the whole clan, then daddy will see how you explain to your second room.

Good guy, 3.6 kills people!

If he really did this, what face would he have to come out to see people after the second room.

It doesn't matter if you put eyeliner, but if you can't protect the people under you, you will lose their hearts.

At that time, some origin stones will not be able to make up for it.

After deliberating again, the patriarch of the second room finally lowered his head.

When he met such a bastard, he had no choice but to admit it.

"Hahaha, second child, you are happy!" Yinfang patriarch smiled happily.

Your mother is the second child, and your whole family is the second child!

The patriarch of the second room cursed inwardly.

"Sanfang, you should worry more about it. Use all your eyeliner. You can't have babies if you leave the eyeliner on. Don't forget, remember to tell me if you have any information."

After speaking, the patriarch of Dafang walked out of the room.

The patriarch of the second room looked at his back, and after a while, he spit on the ground.


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