Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1008: Elder Hei Xuan

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Chapter 108 The Elderly Black Xuan

"Ascend the heaven, the comer is definitely a great ascend to heaven!"

In an instant, the old man in black had a judgment in his heart.

Immediately in the face of madness, he suddenly evoked the rolling divine power, and a half-meter-thick divine power shield condensed in front of himself.

The power of the old man in black is the power of demigods, as dark as ink.

The condensed divine cover, like a black iron forged iron ball, protects the elderly in black.

At the same time, the old man in black raised his hands, the middle fingers of both hands were close to the forefingers, and shot continuously towards Cheng Feng.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Suddenly, there was a burst of black and strong fingers, and shot through Cheng Feng's whole body through the divine shield.

The black man's finger for destruction was extremely powerful, full of a strong force for destruction.

Cheng Feng's repair is that although he was promoted to the top of the sky by Hell's Heiyan, his physical defense is still half a step into the real dragon class.

Once hit by these fingers, or even rubbed, I am afraid they will be hit hard.

Therefore, Cheng Feng cut the sword to the old man in black, temporarily changed direction, and waved quickly in front of him.


The Devil Sword wielded at a high speed, forming a cover composed of blades.

Because the speed is too fast, even if you spray water on Cheng Feng with a nozzle, that water cannot fall into the blade cover.

Reached the point where the water couldn't spill!

铿铿 铿铿 ~~~

Therefore, the black fingers of the old man's shattered fingers, without exception, were all blocked by this blade cover.

"Good blade, so fast!"

Seeing this, the old man in black turned pale.

There is no doubt in my heart, knowing that the strength of the coming person has definitely reached the highest priority.

"damn it!"

The old man in black scolded: "Where did this ascendant from the sky come from?"

"According to the search of the souls of the two dragons, only Cheng Feng and Miscellaneous Dragon know this tunnel."

"I originally thought that once I blocked the entrance of the tunnel, I would wait for Cheng Feng's little mess."

The old man in black had a black face: "I never thought that I was waiting for a master who reached the heavens."

"Does this mean that this person is the rescuer that Cheng Feng's little beast moved in?"

At the time when the old man in black had a disordered mind, hey ~~~

Cheng Feng stepped forward one step, and the slashing demon sword in his hand had already cut at him again.

Cheng Feng's knife carries a terrifying black knife light.

That knife light cut into the rock wall on the top of the tunnel, and instantly cut a huge gap in the rock wall.


The mountain was shaking, and the blade approached the old man in black.

"Leave, you must leave immediately!"

Seeing such a domineering blade of light, the old man in black took a sigh of relief: "No matter who this person is, I am far from an opponent."

"Forcibly stay and fight with him. There is only one ending, and that is death!"

Whispering, the old man in black raised his hands and shot dozens of shattered fingers at the black knife light.

The next moment, stepped on both feet in the tunnel, hum ~~~

The whole person turned into a large humanoid arrow and plunged into the top of the underground tunnel.

The old man in black was a half-step ascendant to the heavens, and he bumped into it.

The wall formation formed by squeezing a large number of hard rocks is like paper.

Peng Peng ...

Layer after layer was crushed and collapsed.

After a second, the rock wall, which was thousands of meters thick, was struck by the old man in black.

A grotto of more than ten meters appeared quite scary.

But even more scary is still behind.

Just when the old man in black ran through the tunnel and flew away.

Om ~~~

A black blade of light came after him.

He was chopped on the old man in black, and flew off the old man in a sudden.

While the man was flying horizontally, the divine shield covering his body suddenly turned into a halt and turned into flying ash!

As for the old man in black, it was a practice of refining martial arts that just barely blocked the slash of the remaining knife.

But even so, it also caused his blood to roll and he couldn't help spitting up a spit of blood!

"what's the situation?"

"Why did the underground tunnel suddenly collapse?"

At the same time, at the exit of the tunnel, the faces of the 13 masters of Jade Face Church changed greatly.

Because they all felt an overwhelming divine power wave that instantly collapsed the underground tunnel.

At the same time, the entire lake caused a huge wave, and even the people who repaired them could not help shaking.

"Master, there must be a master in the underground tunnel."

"Its repair is that the weakest has reached half-step ascent!"

"Go out, let's all go out and see."

A master in the Broken Realm wearing a jade robe said: "Anyway, this underground tunnel has been destroyed and there is no value to continue defending!"

During the talk, the jade robe warrior triggered a dragon force, penetrated the turbulent lake, and flew into the void instantly.

Behind him, so were the other twelve.

But when they flew out of the lake, their faces changed dramatically.

Because they just saw the picture of the old man in black being chopped by the black sword.


"Deputy Hei Xuan was beaten up by someone? And he vomited blood?"

At this moment, the thirteen masters of Jade Face Hall were all shocked.

However, wait for them to be shocked, oh ~~~

A long and narrow knife mark suddenly burst out of the collapsed underground tunnel and extended straight to the side of the old man in black flying.

"Knife mark? When did that knife mark appear?"

Seeing this, the thirteen masters of Jade Noodle Hall froze.

When they waited, they followed the knife mark and looked at the side of the old man in black, but they saw a young man holding a knife with a burning flame.

At this moment, blood was dripping from the long black knife in the young man's hand.


The master of Yumiantang's breathing was stagnant, and said in horror, "Is that the knife mark that traverses the void from the hand of this person?"

"And the long knife point on this man's hand is dripping blood. Is the blood coming from the deputy master of Hei Xuan ..."

The speculation of the master of Yumiantang just came out, and in the sky, a terrified growl suddenly came.


"My legs, my legs!"

After hearing the roar, the thirteen people present looked up.

Immediately I saw that the old man in black, whose legs were suddenly flying, had his legs broken off with his knees.

The fracture was smooth and flat, and it was clearly cut open.

Eighty-nine out of ten is the young man with the sword.

"My God, the deputy master of Hei Xuan was actually the young man who had the black knife in his hand, and his legs were cut off with a knife!"

"Who the **** is that? Actually so powerful?"

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and fear grew like wild grass.

Let the thirteen Jade Face Masters beating like hearts!

At the same time, in the sky.

The old man in black who had his legs cut off did not pause for a moment.

I saw him in a swift flight, picking up two broken legs, and flying wildly away from the young man holding the knife.

On one side, press the two legs on the broken part respectively.

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