Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1010: Kill the heaven again

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Chapter 10 Killing the Heavens Again

The giant bird condensed by the sword soared, and the gray and black flames burned above the wings.

Like a black flamingo, full of unmatched power.

The horrifying flames spread and the entire sky glowed.

It was snowing with goose feathers, but it turned out to be pouring rain due to the increase in temperature.

Bang ~~~

The sword-light giant bird cut through the sky and smashed on the towering mountain peak.

When the mighty force surged, the entire void collapsed, and a huge black hole appeared.

At the same time, the body of the sword-light giant bird suddenly exploded, turning into a stream of black sword-light, which were radiated on the towering mountain peaks.

The towering mountain peak cut out a long and narrow knife mark in an instant.

Wait for countless knife marks to form a line, 嘭 ~~~

The entire towering mountain peak exploded, shattered into a mass of divine power, and splashed to the four sides.

The whole Shilipo Mountain was shaken and rocks were flying.

That huge lake set off a huge wave, and the lake water leaked out, flooding hundreds of miles!

"Not good, the scroll of Wu Xun's Lord Wu Xuan was actually chopped up by that flame youth!"

"Hurry up, let's send a message to the vice-minister Wei Mingxuan and the vice-minister Li Kuhai, and let them come to help immediately."

"Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!"

Dozens of miles away, the faces of the 13 Jade Face Masters changed dramatically.

During the hissing roar, news was sent one after another to help Cun Long Aotian return to the Civilization Hall of Yumiantang.

After sending the news, the thirteen people fled to the distance without exception.

In the sky, the elderly in black escaped faster.

At the moment when the sword-light giant bird chopped the towering mountain peak, without any hesitation, he started to run away.

It was just that, before he escaped too far, another giant sword-killer appeared.

Fanned his wings and pursued him.

The speed of the sword-light giant bird is super fast, and in a blink of an eye, it has caught up with the old man in black.

Wait until the giant bird swoops down, alas ...

The sky's sword light shot from the sword light giant bird, and the old man in black was drowned instantly!

"Oh my god, the Lord Hei Xuan is drowned by a huge amount of sword light."

"Every one of them is enough to kill the master of the Broken Realm. At this moment, there are at least a few thousand blades of light, and they are split on the body of Hei Xuan.

"In this case, Hei Xuan, the deputy church owner ..."

In the runaway, the 13 Jade Face Masters were as pale as ever.

One after another felt that the elderly in black could not escape in such a dense slash of lights.

Among them, even Cheng Feng thought so.

But just then.


A scream of scream suddenly came out of Daoguang.

At the next moment, an old man covered with wounds and stab wounds suddenly radiated from the knife light.

Cheng Feng looked up and found that it was the old man in black.

"Did not die?" Cheng Feng was rather surprised.

Under the second type of beslash of the Emperor Cang Sword, the old man in black didn't die, it was incredible.

At the same time, it also shows that the life of the ascendant is really hard.

However, although the old man in black is not dead, he is not far from death.

Because the old man in black, not only was covered with stab wounds all over his body, but even his hands and arms were cut off by the knife, leaving only half of his body.

At this moment, the old man in black glanced at Cheng Feng with a vicious look, and then planned to continue his escape.

"It's all this, let's die!"

Seeing the gaze of the old man in black, Cheng Feng's eyes flashed.

Immediately chopped a knife, went straight to the half-disabled old man in black.

"Do not!!"

The old man in black fled, but couldn't escape at all.

I'll be overtaken by that knife, oh ~~~

The whole person was directly chopped into powder, and even the gods could not escape!

"Dead? Is Hei Xuan's deputy chief dead in the hands of the flame youth?"

"Escape, run away!"

"After the flame youth kills the deputy master of Hei Xuan, he will definitely kill us."

"If you can't escape in time, you will die!"

Seventy to eighty miles away, thirteen Jade Face Masters were frightened.

They used the spirit to make a brief communication, and fled in thirteen directions.

In the sky, after Cheng Feng beheaded the old man in black, a bright smile appeared on his face.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes turned and he looked at the thirteen Jade-faced masters who fled.

"I used to be chased and killed by these people before, like a mouse hiding in Tibet."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Now, it's time for you to taste the pursuit of being killed!"

As soon as the voice fell, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng casts the fifth floor of the Shadow Method, and the whole person disappears.


at the same time.

Yumiantang headquarters, soul lamp storage room.

A soul lamp caretaker is closing his eyes.

Suddenly, one of the first soul lamps in the soul lamp storage room went out suddenly.

Huh! At the moment when the soul lamp went out, the eyes of the soul lamp watcher opened.

"Hei Xuan's soul lamp ... turned out to be out?"

When the guardian of the soul lamp saw the extinguished soul lamp, he was shocked to sit up suddenly, and the cold sweat on his face came down instantly.

"I heard that Hei Xuan, the deputy chief, together with Wei Mingxuan and Li Kuhai, went to Shilipo to catch a single dragon."

Soul Lamp caretaker thought: "Does it mean that the single dragon that has been left alone has the same family?"

"If that's the case, then I'm in trouble!"

Thinking about this, the caretaker of the soul lamp did not dare to delay, and immediately reported that the old soul lamp of Hei Xuan went out to the top of Yumiantang.


"Break of Hell!"

With Cheng Feng performing the Emperor's Cang Sword Technique, the old man in black was killed.

Three thousand miles of Yucang River, the eyes of blood hand protection method narrowed.

"Brother Blood, do you feel the smell of Hell?"

The blood hand guarded the side of the body, and Yu Tuoduo asked, "Where is the smell of **** black inflammation now?"

"It's too far away, I can't determine the exact location."

The **** hand protects the law: "It can only be determined that this breath is at least three thousand miles away in the West."

"Three thousand miles away in the west? That's out of the Yucang River Basin."

Yu Tuo rudder said: "A rough estimate is the" Shilipo ", the birthplace of the Yucang River!"

"Not long ago, there was a strong man who ascended the heavens, posing as a black-faced disciple, sneaking into the wind and rain here."

The blood-hand protector whispered: "On that person, there seems to be a hellish black flame."

"Yutuo, do you think that **** melanoma on that person and the **** melanoma three thousand miles away come from the same person?"

"Same person? This is impossible!"

Yu Tuoduo said: "The man killed the Green Robe Rudder and Xiao Yun only a few hours ago."

"In just a few hours, he could never escape the tightly fortified Yucang River Basin."

"Unless ... we have holes in our defense!"

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